I'm getting Rank 20's in Most of My Games

Currently a rank 2 survivor and as of recently I'm getting teammates/killers (usually multiple in one game) between rank 16-20 in about 50% of my matches, has anyone else been experiencing this lately?
Possibly a rank 1-2 with SWF babies gettin b o o s t e d.
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The only high rank player in the game was me and I was solo queuing. I think the matchmaking got worse all of a sudden(or at least on Xbox).
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dear lordy..... but yeah idk, I feel the last patch ruined matchmaking somehow even more (again).
For me lobby times take forever on both sides currently, I dont get these extreme mismatches though but yeah.
Its weird because a friend tried to snipe me, he is from the EU as well, we both waited and waited and waited and then both got a lobby with in both 3 survivors.....like....what?
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Are you on console or PC?
I see this all the time on PS4.
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Oh you didnt have that screenshot up before, Jesus Christ even the poor killer? Yeah thats some matchmaking at its best yikes!!
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That always happens to me when I play past 22.00 o'clock. Also the Q times are super long at that time. Now if I play around 12.00 the Q times are instant and I get to play with other red ranks.
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I've said before that I truly am starting to think that there's no matchmaking at all.
Last night in particular, I had very fast queues, but they were often extremely high ranked survivor groups. Sometimes I even got matched with the same group more than once. The chances of that would seem incredibly low unless they were just throwing us all into the first available lobby.
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I'm having the same issue as a solo survivor... Also was told I was manipulating the matchmaking by swfing. 🙄 however it's a real issue.
According to my ticket they are well aware and are "working on it"
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Well that’s good to hear, hopefully it gets resolved soon, because I feel like it’s getting worse lol.
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Same. rank 2 survivor and ive been paired with rank 15-20 survivors and killers
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Yeah, that solo que is tough!
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This has been going on from months. I stopped playing about 3-4 months ago because of it, and it is still happening.
"Working on it" as in working on hiding ranks from other people so they don't realize how bad the matchmaking is. Thankfully people aren't dumb enough to fall for this as you can tell when you see a bunch of Claudettes self caring in a corner, or eating bark, or going down immediately every time they're found.