Grinding is killing this game faster than anything.

This game is just not player-friendly.

This game, at it's core value costs £30 on the PS4 store (Forces you to buy the deluxe edition), and on steam it costs £15 (normal), £23 (deluxe). You'd think that considering the pricing and how on some platforms it forces you to purchase the expensive iteration, that you'd get something in return for it. But you don't.

Majority of the survivors are locked behind a paywall, as a matter of fact, out of the current 21 survivors: only 8 are free (As in coming with the game). On killers side, you get 6 free killers out of 19. That means that literally 35% of the playable content is available to the player for purchasing the base-game which can mean spending £30 for 35% of a game - that is disgusting, but it gets worse.

The feature of teachables:

Perks aren't necessarily a necessity, you can probably get far up the ladder without perks but at one point, they are going to be necessary and most 'character builds' whether killer/survivor, aren't actually too sufficient by themselves. Some may argue, that those players will arguably get to a stage where they will have the perks they need. But what does the game actually offer for its price tag? Being able to even have a chance at playing the game? Well, it doesn't matter because now you need to hope that the teachables will even appear in the bloodweb that you want. I mean, it's not like i've gone through 100+ levels on Jane in hopes of seeing borrowed time, whilst every time a new bloodweb starts, i see the same ######### offering for the 80th time (Red Herring, I'm looking at you, buddy).

But my point is, there is going to always be a massive wall between new players and 'matured' players within the community, and due to poor matchmaking, they may be matched together. I mean, I've been playing with some friends that are only just getting into DBD, and i have to remember that they don't have self-care yet or whatever else.

So whilst one is grinding out for teachables, you're also building up a storage of iridescent shards, nice right? except they're only usable for teachables, recolours of skins, or potentially to build characters if you grind out on the points - whilst the rest of the cooler cosmetics is locked behind an in-game currency that you can only get by dishing out MORE money.

Then you're also smacked in the face with the battlepass, that you have to spend even MORE money on for more in-game currency so that you can buy the battle pass. You know what games typically use battlepasses? free games, with free content. Not a game that is on the same price range as something like GTA V.

This game is struck with a paywall, after a paywall after a paywall. Which is so strange considering that the game has a reasonably high pricetag despite having only 35% of the content actually available to a new player.

This is also without considering that more DLCs are going to come out which will decrease the amount from 35%.


  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Personally, I like the game, i like the gameplay and the only reason that I stuck it out was because I had friends that could teach me and let me pick up on things that I otherwise would've never understood or used if it wasnt for them.

    I just think it's disgusting to lock so much content behind paywalls, at least with EA, a lot of the payments are optional with the core game being accessible to the user, whereas this can't even be said for DBD.

  • faytus
    faytus Member Posts: 9

    Then don't play the game?

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Mmm I think you got around to the actual point of so many perks being paywalled. You really don't get much to work with base game especially as most of the initial team of killers in particular have a lot of truly terrible perks and the generics are a very low quantity affair with honestly not much going for many of them either. It took a lot of dlc buying before I could get a happy loadout on killer. If more generic perks were as badass as sloppy butcher things might be better but there are also zero gen slowdown perks base game which is just nightmarish.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    So, whose alt account is this?

    Did you even read the topic and why this is an issue? lmaoo

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    The grind is fine they’ve done enough to accommodate it. If only you were here when we were rewarded less bloodpoints for offerings and only 2 perks showed up at level 50.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Which is why this is a game that is killing itself. I'm quite fortunate to have a bf that got me everything, but not everyone is going to have the money to dish out £15-30 on a game, only to have 35% of the content accessible, where this content isn't even that good in the first place. It's P2W and that is heavily disappointing for the fact that this game is on par with GTA V in price range lol

  • faytus
    faytus Member Posts: 9

    It's not an alt account. Of course there will be things that you have to purchase. I wouldn't consider "cosmetics" to be behind a paywall because, well, you'll spend the money if you want them? Wait for good sales on the content and then purchase. The majority of the characters can be purchased through massive amounts of playtime, as well as cosmetics. The game won't come with killers released later because how is that fair to the people who purchased them as they released them? And then you come along and buy the game in 2020 and deserve every killer/survivor?

    And I wouldn't really call it a battlepass, but I guess it is. Much like others, complete it and you get your auric cells back, I don't see the issue there.

    The game has to make money in order for it to continue to improve and be the better game that you want it to be.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    The grind is not 'fine', because you're not guaranteed to get value out of your grind. Again, I'm on my way to prestiging my Jane for the third time, spending around 5 million on her just for ONE perk - the reason that I am even able to use that amount of bloodpoints is because I have friends that play this and it keeps me in the loop of playing the game, otherwise i probably would've never even prestiged her.

    Again, this is poor for a game of it's pricetag, and we're not in the past, we're in the present and people are STILL discouraged by the grind.

  • faytus
    faytus Member Posts: 9

    I've also learned that if you continue not to buy a perk that's in the bloodweb because you don't want it, it will continue to appear there until you unlock it. I did this many times avoiding no mither on one of my survivors but it showed up for 3-4 levels in a row so I just unlocked it and haven't been bothered by it since.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Except they could release some future survivors/killers for free, games like Overwatch do that and they are around the same pricetag as DBD. Sure, the sales between DBD and Overwatch aren't comparable but literally the fact that 35% is only accessible when purchasing the game is disgusting, especially since a lot of the perks are locked within the DLC characters, a lot of which are META for both sides.

    Cosmetics are optional, yeah, sure, but other games make ways where you can grind for generally 'purchasable' currency, allowing people who generally cant afford to dish out more money having the option to grind and collect until they can buy what they want.

    It is a battlepass, it works the same way as every other battlepass in other games, with the only exception being that other games that generally have battlepasses have them for the fact that they are free to play - not costing £15-30. They'd make more money at a sustainable rate if it wasn't for the fact that everything is an utter grindfest.

  • Qicx
    Qicx Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2020

    In terms of grinding, i think they should let you CHOOSE teachable perks to purchase with shards. Would make it so much easier.

    Most of my friends quit because they didnt see why they had to level up hense purchase the whole survivor AND grind through them just to get ONE single perk they want.

  • faytus
    faytus Member Posts: 9

    I guess I got lucky because I got a lot of the best perks through the shrine without even leveling up other characters or unlocking them. David and Claudette are the only 2 I even have to level 40+. I'm slowly working on the others but with enough time and patience anything is possible. What you say makes sense, but there are also ways around it. Spending the extra money for licensed killers and cosmetic are premiums that DBD had to pay to obtain, therefore it makes sense to pay to access the content.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    As a matured player, the roster is getting kinda big. Would be cool if they lowered the barrier of entry. At the end of the day people just wanna have fun.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    I mean the base game is $20 and nothing forces you to pay the money. People put thousands of hours into the game so that evens out to maybe a few cents per hour over long periods of time.Even if you reach 1000 hours without dropping any extra money that's 2 cents per hour. The devs do need money to do that think they do d e v e l o p a ga m e expessially when they dish out thousands of dollars to bring new licenced content. So $5 per character or $9 for 2 characters from the dlc or just straight up buying them on sale isn't the end of the world.

    Also grinding is a part of the game its hey let me get some bp so I can get some new perks and addons to try new things and playstyles

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    You chose to prestige 3 your Jane when you could’ve used those bloodpoints towards other teachables. I’m not saying what you did was wrong, but don’t come crying on the forums when you put 10,000,000 into prestige 2-3 for a character and complain that the grind is too much. You’re making the grind harder by putting more bloodpoints into just 1 character.

    If you want to earn more bloodpoints, play more killer, because by the sound of it-it seems that you’re not looking on how to lessen the grind from the other side of playing field.