Would You Like To See Multiple Mori's?

IFeelFantastic Member Posts: 72
edited April 2020 in Polls

Freddy's claw through the chest is getting old, isn't it. Doc's electroshock death therapy has gotten commonplace. Myers MUST have some other moves... right?

Casually implemented here and there, would you like to see different mori's on the same killer?

Would You Like To See Multiple Mori's? 101 votes

Absolutely. Make it happen.
FoggyDownpourYearkSora_HikikomoriRaveanDimekTheRockstarKnightimmortalls96StrancolPrincessPoopFiv55IFeelFantasticmusstang62AntimonDr_Loomisnan1234bandiitCornpopers_EvanbangbisonRedux1Diggly 42 votes
Yes! That would be amazing!
BossSeiko300JetTheWaffleCatGamer00DelsKibaraAetherBytesRevzi100Raven014pichumudkipMattie_MayhemOGfairfieldismsLycidasBloodyHatchetP0PG03Smagicmaster2020LumionestyClarnadsattreyplayx3pizzamess11SadeghDark 20 votes
Yeah, sure, whatever. This doesn't interest me much.
Spartagone45xEaPeeVeePeeGodGreentheNinja[Deleted User]Mang_Anwarnoname11223345Awkward_FiendPrasie_AtuaFrancesco044VeckmanEmperor16 12 votes
Nah, mori's are fine. Not like we see them often anyway.
No! There are more important things to do!
CheersVolantConch1719BunnyTheHuttTaigaSunaIIanuDetailedDetrimentMrsGhostfacePlantCollectorzmassaniSebaOutbreakwussyboi2000DawnMadinbiergebadenPlayer35Cephalon_LebronIamDwightBodukaiSlexossKage_JihiTheMysticLynx 21 votes
Absolutely Not. Terrible idea.
arslaNlunaposaExotic_Nuttersyouarewronglolbubba_is_bubbaSpyonme 6 votes


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426
    No! There are more important things to do!

    I'd love to see moris for many killers, especially the older ones, but I feel like we need other things to be worked on before new mori animations.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited May 2020
    Yes! That would be amazing!

    We know this is something the devs have been thinking about / wanting to do from the polls / surveys that they've sent out.

    I mean think about For Honor, one of the most looked forward to aspects of the game are the super creative and well animated executions there are hundreds of compilations out there, and any For Honor montage is going to be filled with executions which just look ######### dope.

    Another example Mortal Kombat, you already know where I'm going with this, Mortal Kombat's most memorable feature is quite literally the many brutal fatalities, enhanced special attacks, and X-ray attacks (which most look like they would kill) all amplify the absolute brutal nature of the game and people love it.

    Now imagine if Dead By Daylight got a taste of that, Freddy Stabbing a survivor through the back of their skull past their eyes or lifting them up as an invisible force tossing them around like a rag-doll while they sleep and raking a long slash across their bodies (both seen in the 2010 reboot).

    Honestly the two gifs I linked are gruesome enough, I don't feel like adding 10 more I think you guys get the picture.

    EDIT: Unrelated to my actual comment, I just wanted to point out that because there are varying degrees of "yes" and "no" in the poll options to get the most accurate idea of a plain yes vs. no votes you'd add those up rather than just looking at the top voted poll option.

    Currently, adding up "Absolutely / Yes! / Sure, whatever" vs. "Nah / No! priorities! / Absolutely not, terrible idea" the score is looking like 43 to 19 in favor of new mori animations. Just sayin' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Post edited by Seiko300 on
  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Yeah, sure, whatever. This doesn't interest me much.

    Sure, eventually. It makes sense for them to spice up their own personal kills, but there are more important things to develop at the moment, mostly when talking about balance between perks and killers.

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195
    Absolutely. Make it happen.

    I definitely support this but I also believe that if the devs have other things that take more of a priority it's completely understandable.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    No! There are more important things to do!

    Just reworking the animation of some of them would be fine by me, honestly. I like having 1 mori tied to each Killer, however some of those haven't aged very well, so getting an upgraded version would be ok. Pretty sure the devs can do it, lately we've been getting some gruesome Moris with the last killers.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    No! There are more important things to do!

    I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of chosing moris as a customization option, but I'd rather see older moris just get changed up. Excluding Huntress...leave her mori alone.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550
    Absolutely. Make it happen.

    No, they need to reverse the order of actions in her mori. Start with the chest hacking and end with the head splat, not the other way around

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    No! There are more important things to do!

    Stop giving out Huntress nerfs, she's balanced in every way.

  • IFeelFantastic
    IFeelFantastic Member Posts: 72
    edited May 2020
    Absolutely. Make it happen.

    As a customization option! Brilliant idea. I love it. Why the heck didn't I think of that?

    And what's better... they could SELL that. Selling mori's. It's genius because people would pay BIG for that.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    No! There are more important things to do!

    I feel alternative moris should be earned through the archives. After finishing the story and unlocking the cutscene for a killer, you would get an alternative mori. The same could be done with survivors, but instead, they would unlock special gestures/emotes.

  • IFeelFantastic
    IFeelFantastic Member Posts: 72
    edited May 2020
    Absolutely. Make it happen.

    Mori's, gestures, emotes... they could incorporate that all and still have room to throw them out as rewards. I like your idea. Especially emotes for survivors. People would throw big money at this game.

    The only obstacle to overcome, though, would be the idea that they don't want us communicating during the game. I think I read that they're changing that, though? Ability to chat during matches, etc.? If that barrier is removed, then no problem.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited May 2020
    Yes! That would be amazing!

    Emotes = big no. DBD is not Fortnite, and emotes generally just do not fit with the given tone and themes of Dead By Daylight.

    If we're talking emotes that actual serve a function to benefit the communicative abilities of solo players that would be fine, gestures such as "the killer is right there" "save X" "heal me" or "repair this generator" but I get the feeling that is not what you were talking about

    Emotes like making a stupid heart with your hands or gleefully waving on the other hand are not practical. They break character for the game and ruin the immersion of a proper horror experience. It would also be a huge disservice to the famous horror icons Dead By Daylight has faithfully recreated which were originally created to terrorize the imaginations of audiences throughout the decades. Not for a rank 1 survivor in an SWF to BM by making hearts at Michael Myers mid-chase behind the safety of a window or pallet.

    And absolutely not. In the past three almost four years, never have the community as a whole asked nor has anyone from the entire developer team ever realistically considered implementing a voice chat into Dead By Daylight. And I do mean NEVER. Sorry, but I'm not looking to hear squeakers earraping their mics, survivors cuss me out while I'm playing killer or killers rage at me while I'm playing survivor. Not a chance in hell. If you want voice chat go play F13, but good luck, since the game is mostly dead anyway. Because that is not Dead By Daylight, never in a million godd*mn years.

  • casonius
    casonius Member Posts: 29
    Absolutely. Make it happen.

    Honestly the need to update so many mori's anyway. "oh haha what if he just hits the survivor a few times?" GROUNDBREAKING STUFF! Seriously, half the reason people watch horror movies is for the crazy kills. Why doesn't trapper shove people's head in a bear trap? Why doesn't pig just blow people's head up on the spot? Why doesn't Clown break a poison bottle over someone's head? Why doesn't legion have a gun?

    Seriously, some mori's, like Doctor, Shape, Nurse, Plague, and Deathslinger feel really inspired and cool and you kinda wanna watch them. But Wraith literally just does his m1 animation 3 times. Every killer should have an mori that fits their power or atleast their gimmick.

  • Veckman
    Veckman Member Posts: 9
    Yeah, sure, whatever. This doesn't interest me much.

    Im ok with the present moris . But it wouldn't be bad if they change a few .

    I think trapper and wraith need new moris more than other killers.

  • IFeelFantastic
    IFeelFantastic Member Posts: 72
    edited May 2020
    Absolutely. Make it happen.

    I think you nailed it. DBD appeals to different people for different reasons, but I think it's safe to say that we're here because we're horror/slasher fans. And how they make their kills is something that interests us. You can come up with new survivors and new killers until you have 100 of each, but that's still not as admirable as investing time into the development and enrichment of each character. Which they ARE doing with the stories and backgrouns and clips, etc., in the archive, but I'm personally looking for something more intense. I don't care--like, at all--about the fact that The Spirit got bullied as a little girl. What am I supposed to do, cry for her? I want to see how many different ways she can take someone's head off. And I'd pay money for unique mori's.

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236
    edited May 2020
    No! There are more important things to do!

    This. Emotes are [also] only just gonna make the community even more toxic and annoying.

  • Pheonwings
    Pheonwings Member Posts: 21
    No! There are more important things to do!

    I think they need to fix a LOT more before they even consider mori's, hair clips through things, the nurse gets stuck on a lot of things, Ive had many killers admit to lag switching and they don't care, Ive been hit and had friends be hit even though the killer was nowhere near us and I have no idea how that happens. They need to really work on punishing the toxic community, working on whats reportable and fixing a lot of just the cosmetic issues with stuff thats already out instead of more moris and 110% instead of selling more cosmetic outfits since most outfits are already clipping and broken lmao

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028
    Yes! That would be amazing!

    The game is fun with or without them, but variation would be nice. Demogorgon's current one is cool, but it'd be interesting to see other techniques.

  • Strancol
    Strancol Member Posts: 158
    Absolutely. Make it happen.

    Yes , yes and yes. That would be amazing. I'm bored seeing the same animation 4 times in a single match

  • IFeelFantastic
    IFeelFantastic Member Posts: 72
    Absolutely. Make it happen.

    That's another thing I didn't consider. Setting up multiple mori's during a match as random, or sequential or--even better--being able to choose which one you want to do either before the match or on the spot, like a skill check. I love all these possibilities.

  • sheltn
    sheltn Member Posts: 8
    Absolutely. Make it happen.

    Extending on your poll. I wish they added many different animations for the same thing and making them random so there is a lot of variation in attacking, breaking pallets, and so forth.

  • IFeelFantastic
    IFeelFantastic Member Posts: 72
    Absolutely. Make it happen.

    More variation means more entertainment. And if they entertain me, I'm more willing to lay down that money $$$ It's a win win.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170
    Yes! That would be amazing!

    I say they should do either something like For Honor, in which you can buy/earn the animation you like most and use that one, or something like Last Year, in which the mori animation changes everytime.

    The key point is having all moris last more or less the same, for obvious reasons.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    Absolutely. Make it happen.

    Yes definitely.

    Some of the early killers' moris have not aged well and look very generic.