What would unranked matchmaking play like?

Since everyone is constantly complaining about "Why is the killer rank 20 when I'm red" or "Why are a bunch of my red teammates so bad they play like rank 20" etc. Hypothetically speaking how do you guys believe a unranked seperate queue would play out?
It would probably be a bigger shitshow than ranked already is
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I mean considering how bad the matchmaking system appears so be I'd like to see how it'd compare to just RNG of finding the lowest ping players available instead of this mmr system.
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In terms of skill disparity it would be all over the place like ranked is already, i just think you would see a lot more random perk builds and a lot more troll games.
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That's the point I'd like to see some skill disparity at times as it can have benefits, an example being in normal play a low rank survivor will never learn in a good enviroment as they are also playing against low rank killers and with low rank survivors meaning they can easily pick up bad habits and get a poor representation of the game. Games never always had ranked matchmaking and it worked just fine I honestly think the mode might even be less tilting for a lot of players.
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It'd be the same as it currently is, but there wouldn't be a need to rank up. You'd get a lot more farming killers or full try-hards trying out a sweat build.
If you've ever played Rainbow Six: Siege, then basically it's how their Quickplay mode (formerly Casual) goes. I team up with 4 other mates, and we get shoved against 3 Diamonds when most of us are Gold. We're basically a bunch of Greens going against Reds at that point. Not every game, but we can tell pretty quickly when that happens.
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Oh i agree completely. I would love for an unranked mode. I also want a mode where the most picked perks would be disabled.
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Actually a perkless mode does sound appealing even if it turns out to be more gimmicky than anything.
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I suppose if you're worried about people farming as killer then you could slightly reduce the BP from quick matches (or increase the BP from ranked) as for try-hards well that's simply a part of playing a game, some people simply want to improve in a stress-free environment and it's not like you'll find less try-hards in ranked.
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Oh. I'M not worried about farmers! They're great for me, since I'm now an Archivist. I actually have half a chance to get them done against farming killers.
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We'd probably be just looking at the lobby 😂 It'll be worse than it is now.
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Wouldn't it cut down on queue times since it isn't aiming for closer ranks?