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The game After 50 Days break (killer)

RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

Hey guys, its me again a salty killer main^^

So I took like 50 days break of dbd and thats what my first games were like:

  • IM SO BAD XD I play on ps4 and holy mother of gods, I cant even walk in a straight line ^^ I guess im used to my switch controller now but I would never have thought It would be so bad.
  • Im now Rank 5 and I still only get red rank survivors. I know thats not a huge difference in rank, but i noticed it.
  • Still the same perk meta (DS,/Unbreakable, BT, Dead hard,Srintburst, Adrenaline and thank god self care too)
  • All of the survivors were red ranks, but it is still the same, Some of them are really good, they looped me forever and thats okay atm because of my crippled muscle memory. But some red rank survivors are still SO Bad, I had 15 minute games because I am so bad at chasing atm and I still won because they are only relying on their perks. If you dont fall for their perks you win... they are soooo scared of gens its unbelievable. I really shouldnt win with my current skill but the gap between a rank 1 survivor and a rank 1 survivor is still sooooooooo huge.

Honestly i think many of the "Nerf killer/survivor" discussions would be gone if a propper matchmaking and skill determination would exist.

Of course you think some things are Op when you get matched against every skill level in the game. You can have 10 good games at rank 1 and think youre a pro, but then you get 4 decent survivors and its game over.

You need a propper system to track your skill and then balance for the top 3% because thats peak performance.

I personally think that most meta perks are way too strong.

Deadhard - would be okay if it coulnt be used for distance.

Adrenaline - should have restrictions (for exapmple no speed bonus for 5 seconds if youre exausted or at least no health state when getting off a hook)

DS - you repair a gen/unhook --> DS expires

Unbreakable - fine without DS tbh

NOED - No perk should be this strong. Cleanse 5 totems to counter 1 perk... sure XD I would love to get rid of noed and DS as a trade or something

Keys and moris are Bullsh...eye too

Without this perks Killers AND survivors would sink to their true rank imo

Thats what my thoughts are after 50 days break and my first games after that.

Toxic killer main, who doesnt tunnel, camp, play noed or anything who still gets horrible messages post game, out

:D have a nice day ;)


  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    Sounds good. I also think iron will shouldn't go up to 100 maybe 80.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Yeah I took a long killer break and now I'm rusty as hell, also mostly getting bad luck with survivors (i.e. groups where all of them know how to run tiles properly instead of only one or two, where are these people in my survivor games?) but I'm having fun. Getting into playing demo for some reason.

  • Sydraen
    Sydraen Member Posts: 102

    I feel like getting red rank on survivor is too easy, you can do gens the whole game, heal a few people who find you and do maybe a totem and bam, you're pippin your way to rank 1. Alot of people there dont know how to play against a killer, how to chase I guess and it can give you a false sense of how good you are when playing against these people which I dont like, since it makes facing actually good players then feel like a discredit to the skills you though you had LOL!

    Its a strange and stressful way to try and learn the game, especially if youre lower ranks with the haywire matchmaking system rn.

    I agree with the perks kinda, DH doesnt give too much distance (a lunge can smack em silly half the time) and doesnt work with dedicated servers half the time, so its nice that it can atleast secure a window in some instances.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726
    edited May 2020

    your DH bug would be ok if only latency wasnt crap and half of the time you get exhausted on the ground

    about ranks i can agree with MM being awful BUT current emblem system is pushing survs into red ranks (to the point its hard to depip), so all survs are pushed into red ranks xd emblems for killers are working i would say okish, but survs are just pushed to rank up (remove safetypip for survs when)

    you missed a some of killer perks (but ok you played killer so you didnt noticed them, about surv perks, from listed ones imo you can nerf all i never used them but in exchange i would like to see some killers meta perks nerfed as well like: CD on infectious fright, less time for Pop, slowdown not stacking (i mean thana + dying light or thana + mangled not stacking only higher % slowdown works)

    i know fair killers still get toxic messages in post game chat but same goes for soloQ survs from killers, dude my build: bond, small game, inner str, plunders and its funny how killers tend to hard tunnel when there is no obsession in the game so no DS (so killer is rewarding survivors for not using meta perks via tunneling crap out of them)

    Edit: Both sides are problematic but if someone plays 1 side he can only see 1 side of it, and you still have to remember there is 4x more survs so you have 4x bigger chance you find douchebag

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    Dead hard Is a huge problem IMO.

    Lets compare it to other exaustion perks:

    Head on: can be countered easy. You need setup time for it to work.

    Lithe, and Balanced Landing: You need special places to make the perk work. It is limited to these places.

    Sprintburst: Probably the 2nd strongest exaustion perk. You can use it any time and 99 it after use. But its used at the start of a chase. The killer has two options: chase the survivor who created much distance or just let them go and look for someone else.

    Dead hard: You need to be injured, but if you are you can use it any time. And here is my connection to the "balance for the top 3%":

    Dead hard is poorly used by like 90% of survivors. BUT the actual decent playes know how too loop.

    Lets say you have a small tile with a pallet and a truck. You can run around it like 2 times and then the killer is close enough to hit you.

    With dead hard people run another round with perfect safety. The killer would be just close enough to get you but you use dead hard for distance and get to the pallet even though you made a mistake. The killer cant counter it. And it adds more then enough time to reach the next pallet. Also its not a 1 time use so a killer has to go though this alot of times.

    You have no counterplay as a killer. And you have to follow because you have committed time to the chase already. It is completely different then the other exaustion perks.

    The others --> situational

    Dead hard --> always usable.

    You said a lunge can get them? not if they play the perk to its fullest. The lunge will be canceled as the pallet drops on your head.

  • Sydraen
    Sydraen Member Posts: 102

    Yikes, most people CANT use it because its highly situational, you have to be injured and you have to be 100% sure theres going to be a pallete or even a window there and even then theres plenty of errors to be made when looking behind you and not seeing infront of you, directions on it mess up plenty bc of camera etc; or its broken by the game. You're saying that because someone out there is actually able to successfully pull of the perfect DH scenario where they happen to find the perfect loop, and the pallete is there, the perk needs a nerf?

    Saying its not a one time use is silly, none of the exhaustion perks are, but the fact that a killer is going to chase an injured person 99% of the time after landing the first hit guarantees theyre never coming off the exhaustion once its used until theyre downed, unless you leave them injured, hiding for it to come back or theyre healed to full. Most of the time you can bait the deadhard by leading them into a location where theyre either forced to use it or they just dont have the option and skip on it.

    I dont understand the distance alternative, would you rather DH just make them stand in place, give them an invunerability shield for a split second as you swing and then leave them exposed to another hit as soon as killer miss animation is over because they had no way to get distance?

    Its like someone saving a vault for lithe until theyre injured, and then slamming a pallete on you as you swing, hit missing, and vaulting a window to get a sprint burst off it, with the bus scenario loop I guess, it would be almost exactly the same, except the sprint burst would give them more distance.

    Its all situational and good players will know how to make the most of it?

    I'm gonna leave it here I thinks.

    Use an exhaustion addon, you counter it 100% of the time then.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    I agree that I forgot some killer perks. If survivor perks get a tweak I can see things like pop and infectous frigth being nerfed too.

    BUT i think Thana and Dying light are extremely bad perks and nerfing them would add them to the monstrous shrine cathegory.

    Thana Gives 16% max after injuring everyone and dying light Buffs a survivor. If you get a lot of stacks via dying light you would have won already, but if you struggle to hook people fast it only buffs a survivor as a killer perk. I realy disagree that you should nerf these two.

    I Also played survivor at rank 1 and will be again in a few days when i finished the killer archives. So I know that Moris and noed are a huge problem.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    If you play survivor you will get injured. Thats why its not situational. For a rework suggestion I would make it a stun if time correct.

    Some ideas:

    Killer chases a survivor and right when the lunge is in progress the survivor uses dead hard --> turns around and hits the weapon away. Killer gets stunned for a short time and the survivor has time to create distance.

    So killers could counter that with a good play (last second planned missed attack or come extremely close and not lunging)

    I want it nerfed because a small number of people know how to run it perfectly? YES. Dead hard used by a good person GRANTS you at least 30 more seconds of chase. thats extremely powerful.

    Just because most survivors dont know how to use it it doesnt mean it is an okay perk. Dead hard is comparable to spirit.

    A good spirit player has no counterplay against. Survivors dont get any information where Spirit is phasing and they just have to guess on which side of the window/pallet you can stand. No skill involved.

  • Sydraen
    Sydraen Member Posts: 102

    You are /actually/ physically killing me. The situational aspect isnt getting injured, its having the pallete or window right where you want it.

    You're basically saying people shouldnt be rewarded for using a complex perk correctly, as rare as it is to use it correctly. The counter plays you mentioned to your fantasy DH can be used against the current DH.

    Just dont chase if you know you're in a bad situation, they'll have DH back, sure, but they wont be in the same position unless you let them if it really itches your bumfluff this much.

    P.S. I'm gonna send you my filler bill after the wrinkles you've just given me from furrowing my brows tryna understand your logic.