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Can everybody seriously chill with the DS changes

Like they changed the perk because killers complained about it and now they are complaining about it again?. No offense but the game needs more important changes than a perk. I guess everybody wants the perk to get the Mettle of Man treatment. So far I have never been hit with DS. If I were to get hit by it, it is so easy to counter it. If they run to a locker, eat it up, they will become more weaker in the end game and you dont have to worry about it. Slug them or use BBQ to find other survivors and patrol gens. I am really sick and tired of people jumping from nerfing this to that and besides I am pretty sure the Perk won’t be touched for a long time.


  • zone_dymo
    zone_dymo Member Posts: 93

    yeah ok, now go for red ranks where everyone runs it along with Adren, BT and DH and you try to play a fun fair manner, aka no tunneling or camping...enjoy

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171

    +1 for your statement. And a meme ... never hurts for tryhard bad killers

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963

    Can everybody seriously chill with the noed changes?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    lol or maybe killers should be more AWARE when there's an obsession.

    Or count to 60.

    It's not hard.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Ya, totally not hard to count to 60 for 4 different survivors and know which one of them have DS, which is supposed to be an "anti-tunneling" perk but has uses far beyond that.


  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    It's clearly designed to be that way. It's activated when somebody gets off a hook for a certain duration. Tell me what other things those conditions are there for (and no I'm not talking about running up to a hook and unhooking right in the killer's face because you have DS active or something like that.)

  • Vampire
    Vampire Member Posts: 90

    Also if you do down them because they played dumb and leave em for 60 seconds get ready for unbreakabllleeee

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It has use outside of tunneling, therefore it is not strictly an anti-tunnel perk nor was it meant to be by design. Simply put, you can not argue design intentions by effect whilst arguing improper effect compared to design intentions!

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    This isn't a discussion about breakdown. I have no idea what that has to do with this. Nice strawman though.

    They don't need to outright explicitly state something for people to put the pieces together. There's a reason they added conditions like they did to it.

    You even quoted yourself "providing a *second chance* at survival for those who successfully use it."

    Hmmm, almost as if, it's meant to get people away from being tunneled.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    But I can argue the intentions, because it seems pretty obvious what they were doing with it, and why they added the conditions they did. It's geared more toward anti tunneling than before, whether you like it or not. Even if they didn't outright say "it's an anti tunneling only perk."

    Either way, the argument is that survivors shouldn't be using it because they feel like they're invulnerable for 60 seconds, which happens often. Perks shouldn't be allowing this sort of play. That's why, for example, when somebody tries to abuse me with BT, I don't let them. Like, if somebody tries to body block me right after being unhooked, and the unhooker is running away, I'm not stupid, and I know the person who just got unhooked has BT, so I'll just wait the 15 seconds and hit them. I do that because it sort of teaches people to use the damn BT perk how it's supposed to be used: to get the person who got unhooked to safety. When they feel like they want to sit in front of me for 15 seconds instead of running, that's when they're not using the perk right.

    DS has unhooking conditions to be met, just like BT. The difference is, DS is practically like a 60 second long BT and you don't exactly know who has it. Survivors shouldn't be attacking the killer and acting immune -- that's not how this game is supposed to be played.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480
    edited May 2020

    It is a strawman because you're not actually addressing any of the points I made about DS. I didn't say "Tell me what other things those conditions are for" for you to name other perks. I was asking you why they would add conditions specifically like getting off the hook and it lasting for 60 seconds. You instead made up a random statement that had nothing to do with what I was saying. By definition ("an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument") it is a strawman. That's why I don't bother even answering it. It's not relevant.

    Once again, you'd rather try to say something completely unrelated to what I say like "so breakdown is an anti tunnel perk?" instead of addressing any of the points I brought up against DS and why I see it as being designed for "anti tunneling."

    Whether you think it is or not is irrelevant. They added conditions that are geared toward not being tunneled, so whether you agree or not, they did design it more toward being anti tunnel now than it was before. Did they want to keep it's core identity? I guess so. That doesn't really change the reality that they did make it more geared toward being defensive.

    Just to nudge you back on the right track, I'll refer back to what I said earlier: you yourself quoted from that post "while retaining the core concept of providing a second chance at survival for those who successfully use it." Second chance, implying they were being targeted before, and the use is to get away. Sounds like it's sort of meant to get away from tunneling if you ask me.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I never said it was "strictly" anti tunnel. I said earlier it was "anti tunneling" (in quotation marks for a reason) because I didn't feel like typing out all of "it's meant to be used defensively but has much more uses outside of that.

    My complaints that I've expressed mostly come from the fact that it's supposed to be relatively defensive, yet survivors will stack it in groups and use it to play like the killer doesn't exist. They do gens in your face, unhook in your face, literally just let themselves get downed, just because they have a timer that says you can't hook them.

    I agree that it doesn't need a ton of changes, but as I said in my first comment on this post, I don't hate the perk myself. I do get annoyed with it sometimes, but my opinion is just that it simply is abused too much. Like you suggested, even deactivating in lockers would help. Or putting the timer to 45 seconds. Anything to make people feel like they can't just run around and be immune practically after they get hooked. As long as it isn't just the go to perk for bullying killers.

    As for the point about the timer, I just simply disagree that it "speaks up the volume that it isn't only mean to be a anti tunnel." Not that you're just outright wrong, but they way I look at it, it's just an overlook in the design. I still feel like it's pushed more toward being defensive, but it almost doesn't matter because 60 seconds is a long time when you think of how fast a game can go by, especially when survivors are bringing items and whatnot.