Most hated characters?

That one survivor or killer you see in your games that just gets on your nerves- for me, its Meg. Seriously, Megs are so useless. They don't do gens, don't save teammates, they just SB around the map and crouch. Very rare to see a Meg doing something useful in my games. Also not a fan of Neas, they tend to be some of the most toxic players next to Feng.
For survivor I hate the ones that typically try to troll me...Meg and Claudette come to mind
For killer Hag is just painful to go against, especially in Solo.
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I f—-ing hate trapper. One game against him and I’m checking my feet seven games later against a Doctor.
And people are asking for buffs, smh.
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Unpopular opinion but I wholeheartedly agree. It's not exciting or interactive to check my feet wherever I go, then loop him normally where I know he doesn't have a trap. The design is just really boring, even when playing him I can't shake the feeling that a bot could play Trapper just as well as I could.
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Huntresses so many of them tunnel and face camp
Megheads and davids
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On the survivor side its Blendettes and Megs. Blendettes usually do sod all except stealth around the map. Megs are usually potatoes.
On the killer side its Freddy, Doc, and Ghostface. Freddy for obvious reasons. Doc is just super annoying. Ghostface is broken with his reveal mechanic hardly ever working which gives him free downs constantly.
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Survivors obvously Meg. Most of them just run into corners.
The killers is Wraith and Bubba, they're always tunneling.
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None of the survivors bother me.
On the killer side, defintely Hag. By far the most boring killer in the game.
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Claudettes, usually are useless
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Freddy, freddy and freddy
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Claudette and Nea are universally hated by most killer players. Meg is universally hated by her own teammates.
A lot of killers are hated but the main one is Freddy. He gets the most hate. Spirit and Doctor are up there as well
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Most characters I'm fine with.
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Doctor (by new players)
Leatherface (kinda of a split between the community)
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Megs: 98% of them are potatoes. I can deal with "noobs" because they can learn and get better. However some things just can't cure stupidity and that's the primary description of 98% of Megs.
Davids: Most I've encountered are extremely allergic to gens and do nothing but hook swarm often getting my friends and I killed either by farming or forcing the killer to defend their hook
Claudette: Mostly super toxic because of a certain YouTube (the YouTuber is not relevant anymore my their following still lingers) and they are also the survivors to go immersed in a lost game situation
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Freddy since he exemplifies the two worst aspects of the game: Longer M1 gameplay and Bloodlusting
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Aw, Hag is my killer main. Show her some love. :( Love Clown too <3
@Megs, couldn't have said it better myself.
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I hate claudette with passion. She's not just completely invisible when she crouches, she's also chosen by the most toxic players of the community.
As killer probably plague. Just unenjoyable to play and play against for me.
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Who dares to complains my Trapper.
Trapper currently must remove his RNG escaping chance. Giving skill check when attempt escaping, success 2 times in a row give an escape. 3 times with Green stone. This will work perfectly together with his own perk Unnerving presence.
That random 4-60sec is so painful for both side.
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No offense, OP.
But whenever I play Killer, the one Survivor I hate the most is Kate.
Either for being completely clueless about the game or absolutely ruthless in my pursuit of her.
I cannot seem to get a read on Kate mains and that is rather frustrating to me whenever I play Killer.
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For survivor it gots to be Nea, cause she tries to be a huge distraction by making noises and running me a lot trying to 360 me.
For killer i think The Shape, cause they either camp or tunnel.
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Legion - the storyline is just so trash and has always really annoyed me since day 1!
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Ruins all fun you can have.
2 people on a gen for more bloodpoints? Bam, Discordance.
All healed up? Feral Frenzy, long gameplay, boring, dull.
He halts the game for me and I move onto something else, Legion just ruins the game for me.
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I don't go in a game and assume too much from the characters that are there. There are stereotypes that have some truth to them but a good portion of the time it doesn't, in my experience. In my games Claudettes tend to hide more often and anybody with more colorful clothing tend to be more aggressive.
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I hate All the broken killers:
Iri head huntress
Spirits that use phase to get back to the hook, or to make it impossible to mind game a loop
Doctors that use shocking to prevent vaulting and pallet drops
Basement hags
Hook camping invisible wraiths
Face camping saw raised Bubbas
Ghost face stalk camping around the corner from a hook
Pig face crouch camping around the corner from a hook
Anyone with insidious camping around the corner from a hook
Billys that just chainsaw sprint away from hooks so they can chainsaw sprint back to them until someone new shows up
Monitor using deathslinger proxy campers
Thats about all that comes to mind. Amazing the amount of cheap tricks this game has for loser players. Everything in my list needs a nerf.
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Megs and Claudettes seem to be the most useless in solo queue, and the number of times I've SWF'd with just one friend (so we're a 2-man but 2 solos) the "MEG #########" and the "CLAUDETTE WHATRE U DOING" seem to be the most prevalant comments.
Killer-wise, I just hate going against a Pig. Too much extra work lmao. Or Hag because people are just so dumb with her, or I think I've crouched soon enough but I was WRONG.
I would say trapper for the number of times I've been brought to the hatch but then hooked and hat it closed in my face, but honeslty that's too hilarious of a trope for me to be mad at.
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Nea- cause when I play survivor she's my main and I know how annoying I can be with her...
Spirits- my looping ability goes down the toilet
Pig- I main mrs piggy and the only thing that oinks me is when I see another player use her and crouch the entire map.
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Never really hated any of the survivors.
If I had to pick a killer to hate, it would
be The Wraith. As I’m approaching my 9th month of playing Dead By Daylight I have gotten really good at surviving matches or at least being the last person killed. I find that when we go against a Wraith, however, I damn near never make it out alive. That cloaking ability is so annoying and when I hear the “ding ding” I know it’s over. I hate that stupid sound at this point but I never quit my matches.
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Jakes, especially with that marauder outfit, tend to be those "i'm gonna distract the killer so he hopefully chases me the whole game"-guys.
Megs, Claudettes, Fengs etc. are so common that i can't really say anything generalizing about them. Had good ones, had bad ones.
For killers, Freddy & Doc
- Freddys are mostly bad at basic M1 Killer gameplay (running tiles etc.) and tend to get carried by their numerous (passive) abilities. Anything that makes survivors hold M1 even longer is boring and they tend to use perks like Tana and Ruin that even increases this
- Doctor is just super annoying with all that screaming, it's hard to not get found by him
Although i like that Red Dead Redemption western scenery, the Deathslinger has this scumbag attitude and an assholish, annoying laughter.
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I'll just correct you with this:
Freddy only has 1 Passive Ability, and it's the passive sleeping mechanic. Which you can easily get out of.
He doesn't have passive slowdown if he doesn't bring the slowdown add-ons (Even though they are basically worthless and useless with how little they delay generator repairs).
His two other abilities, that being Snares/Pallets and Teleportation still requires input from the player to do fairly well with.
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Survivors - I tend to dislike Megs and Neas if for no other reason than they seem to be extremely toxic.
Killers - Ghostface for toxicity reasons, Spirits for my utter lack of understanding on how to counter her, Freddy and Hag are just miserable to play solo against.
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Survivors depend on player attitude/behaviour along with the perks they run. Obviously perks like Object Of Obsession is going to wind me up. Flashlight clicking, teabagging etc is a regular nuisance.
Regarding Killers...I dislike playing against Death Slinger, Doctor and Ghost Face.
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Have You seen devoured Wraith. That things unstoppable
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Any survivor from the Initials, I think they were very associated with beginners who don't know how to play, because they are the initials.
Personally I hate to play against any killer that is much better than me when solo, it's so boooooring. But against Deathslinger and Freddy I just don't play, They are broken for me in a way that drains all my (and my friend's) desire to play the game.
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That's why i put it in brackets, but i count his intermittently invisibility as another passive ability.
It's maybe easy to get out of, but it's a huge time waste nonetheless. You either run to the other side of the map for the alarm clock, find another survivor which isn't always possible in solo queue or you miss a skill check, which shows him your position and regresses the gen. In addition, the last both will let you fall asleep soon again.
Yeah it needs input but it isn't that hard to use, to be honest. He just has a lot of easy tools which makes him difficult to play against and makes a lot of mediocre players play with him at higher ranks. In the end, i just don't like to play against him.
Don't wanna say he needs a nerf, i play a lot of killer and having valuable killers is good for the game. But although she is getting hated and labeled "easy mode" by a lot of players, i find a good performing Spirit to be more impressive. She can be countered and mindgamed, one wrong guess and you either lost that Iron Will-survivor or you are a 110% M1 Killer getting looped, which costs you a lot of valuable time against red ranks.
Post edited by solidhex on0 -
No, lmao
Going to a pallet and spamming snares till you get a hit can be done by even the newest of players and it won’t matter how good you are as a survivor, you are going to get hit eventually.
explain how the game rewarding poor play is good
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a bot could play the entire game probably better then you could, better then anyone could, depends on how you program them.
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Survivors: nea or a team with at least 3 claudettes
Killers: leatherfaces, because i don't know how to counter a good chainsaw.
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I hate playing with Adams, Megs, Davids, and Fengs they all play bad
For killer its Freddy, Deathslinger, and Bubba. Deathslingers and Bubbas will always have a excuse to facecamp for no reason, and Freddy is just annoying.
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Claudettes. Hate them on both sides.
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I would say: as the survivor Claudette and as the killer Freddy. But I personally hate deathslinger the most.
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In my opinion
Survivor: Probably between Feng and Claudette (Meg's and Nea's don't really bother me)
Killer: Freddy. I've always hated Freddy I even wish I could refund him and hope he gets removed from the game one day. No one can shift my hatred away from Freddy either.
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Whichever is used the most, i dislike.
I like seeing all kinds of Survivors, so when i see a squad of Claudettes, i'm bored.
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Survivor is Claudette. At least a MegHead can eat some aggro, but Clauds are just down right useless. And as killer Blendettes are annoying.
Killer it's Spirit. I completely suck at mindgaming so I always go down too her, its so annoying.
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Survivor - Blendettes
Killer - Spirit. I dislike guessing games so I often find chases against her to be boring. The moment I get injured, I'm pretty much dead if she isn't deaf.
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From what I've read it seems like the most toxic survivors are the most popular ones.
Also personally my least favorite killer is Freddy, his kit is too powerful for how brain dead his gameplay is. It still feels bad when I die to a really good Nurse or Huntress but at least I feel like they deserved to kill me, that they won because of their own skill and not because their character's kit carried them. 90% of the time Freddy players don't understand basic looping or mindgames, but they don't have to due to how easy and good his power is. It's just place a snare, break pallet/collect free hit, and repeat at the next loop. And even if you can outrun him you fall asleep anyway after 60 seconds so you can't outskill him.
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for survivor just blendette. i rlly just dont wanna find them on any map (and they usually suck at chases so theyre boring af to verse)
for killer, freddy, doctor, plague, legion, deathslinger and clown. Freddy cause hes just boring and the rest because of the visual effects on screen, usually get extremely lightheaded when playing against them.
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Meg and Blendette
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I don't think there is a survivor character that I dislike, I'm just not happy with slinkers . Those whose backs are glued to the outside walls in a crouch as I hang.
For killers, it always seems like Wraith mains camp while invisible. I don't like campers and tunnelers.
For those not liking hag, I love playing hag. I'm not very good yet but she is more of a prevent defense killer instead of a chaser. I like the strategy!
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To play as:Jane
Play with this survivor as teammate: David
Killer: play as: clown
Play against: doctor
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Ace - they're cocky pricks.
Wraith - I just don't like going against him.
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God thanks for reminding me why I also hate Ace.
People who play him tend to be the one who is most confident to BM, but also tend to be the least skilled.