What are things you do that you wish other people would do

popcan115 Member Posts: 15

One of the many things I do is when I'm playing killer if everyone is playing a nice clean match and I end up hitting someone that just got unhooked (trying to down the rescuer) I will carry them to a pallet so there team can rescue them or else if they get free they can stun me for points


  • popcan115
    popcan115 Member Posts: 15

    I fully agree if more people knew how to do that the game would be so much more fun😉

  • KrosseKrabbePizza
    KrosseKrabbePizza Member Posts: 161

    don´t kill theirselves on first hook (this should be punished like ragequitting and ragequitting should be punished with at least 30 minutes).

    This completely ruins the game for all other contestants and those egoistic people can ruin the next round within 5 minutes.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    Same. When we get a much lower ranked killer they get a GG and an apology for the mm, no matter the results

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    When solo I'd love to see all my team mates doing "something" while I'm in a chase or hooked. It can be gens, totems, healing, unhooking, anything besides crouching over there doing diddlysquat. Bond and Kindred tell you so much about what is, or is not, being done.

  • hagling
    hagling Member Posts: 279

    perk roulette. I can't live without spine chill, but lately my other 3 slots are all completely random and it's been really refreshing not to care.

    I wish killers had that luxury.

  • Revzi100
    Revzi100 Member Posts: 529

    No T-Baggin

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    I play both sides and have never camped(I agree chasing someone around a hook isn't camping) and never tunnelled. It isn't ever required. It is a ######### play. I see more complaints by killer mains than survivor mains on this forum.

    Things I wish people would stop doing:

    1. Complaining about SWF having comms.

    2. Complaining about DS - because they can't tunnel.

    3. Complaining about unbreakable - because they can't slug the person they have tunnelled that they worry has DS.

    4. Constantly asking for nerfs(This applies to both sides)

    How about you just spend less time complaining and more time killing/surviving?

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Help people with challenges.

    When the No Mither challenge was active, I often carried No Mither survivors to the exit gate. Or just slugged them and let them pick themselves up. Some of them were REALLY thankful for it.

    Had a Nancy with a "5 Pallet Stun" challenge point at me when it was just two survivors left. I let her run me to each pallet and stun me. When she got 5 in, she pointed to a hook as if to say "Okay Ms. Piggy, thank you. You can hook me now."

    As survivor, this Spirit dropped me off by a hex totem. It was clearly haunted grounds, and that challenge was out so I cleansed it for her, and she downed me again. Then let me go.

    Some of those challenges are rough. Some aren't so bad, but it's nice to see people help each other. Even when they're on opposite sides.

  • raulblideran
    raulblideran Member Posts: 225

    Killer main but when I'm playing survivor I'm always complimenting the killer if they did good or encourage them if they got destroyed. I try to be the survivor I want to play against

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Safe hook rescues

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907
    1. Play both sides.
    2. Don't be toxic.
    3. Don't complain if you are toxic and someone will sandbag/facecamp you for it.
    4. Accept that you can't win every game.
    5. Learn that sometimes it's your own fault. Don't blame the other side for your mistakes.
    6. Close endgamechat and set your profile to private to prevent hatemails.
    7. Be useful as survivor.
    8. It's okay to let teammates die under certain circumstances.

    The most important: Have fun.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Readying up.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    If a survivor jumps into the hatch and a killer isn't around to see it, did it actually happen?

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    Accepting a loss without BM or profile comments.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Whenever somebody doesn't ready up I brace for "this match has been canceled because a player disconnected."

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    I love when one of the players needs to cycle through every single one of his survivors before readying up. Like, what have you been doing the past 3, 5, 10 minutes??

  • Kate_cx
    Kate_cx Member Posts: 181

    One thing I wish the majority of the community would stop doing, especially most killer mains is to stop complaining about how DS is unfair when both sides have advantages that different people view as unfair or unbalanced.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Unhook me/others.

    I find that I almost always go for unhooks and etc, as I am running kindred so I know if it's safe or not (and the fact that I can see what everyone else is doing). What's annoying is that the favour is not returned a lot of the times or i get farmed off hook. If i'm hooked, the survivors get my perk so they have the information that I normally would have, and its annoying seeing 'teammates' crouch walking everywhere even though the killer is on someone else and etc.

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    Do gens when I'm being camped instead of hiding near the hook behind a bush until I die.

  • Drummerman74
    Drummerman74 Member Posts: 28

    I play both, but when I play Survivor I play solo. I hate it when people are getting chased by the Killer, and come across the entire map and bring them right to the generator me and the other survivors are working on. Get away first and as soon as possible, I'll come heal you trust me.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871
    edited May 2020

    If you're the last 2 survivors, with 3 gens remaining. Don't start to play a big game of Hide and Seek waiting for the other one to get caught, and killed, so you can take hatch. That's effectively taking the game hostage. Just try to do gen's, help each other, and finish the game.

    I honestly really wish dev's would make it so Killer's can surrender to stop this from happening. It's happened way too many times for me, and it just hoenstly shouldn't be possible in the first place. The Hatch was the worst thing to get added to the game.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951
    edited May 2020

    The amount of times im forced to stop chasing because the last 2 ppl run to the far corner of the map to heal is a pain. Theres no win scenario for me here. Let them fully heal or give them free gens...

    Edit: almost forgot to post mine

    Id love it if i didnt get bmed for camping once the gens are done. I go out of my way to try amd make a game.fun but when exit gates are ready and i havent killed anyone cause i played to let people do stuff then i dont see the problem with taking one person. Usually i get hookrushed by everyone, even when i do t i get yelled at for camping. Maybe nexttime i should play tryhard instead of linger more fun match 🤷‍♂️

  • Lymantria_Luna
    Lymantria_Luna Member Posts: 7

    Don't reward killers who facecamp. If I'm on the hook and Bubba's just standing there and staring at me like a dufus, get those gens done and get out. Running over to save me and getting yourself downed too is not a good strategy.

  • kingoftheirish1992
    kingoftheirish1992 Member Posts: 159

    lose with class and just move to the next game. Oh and play without made up rules.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Be happy.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    Complimenting any good plays in chat, responding to toxic comments with humour that can make the other laugh and become friendly, and for people to play both sides.

  • popcan115
    popcan115 Member Posts: 15

    I agree made up rules make the game worse on both sides and then one side blames you for something that is part of the game such as killing last survivor instead of giving hatch

  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

    If I’m getting facecamped (and you’ll know it because I always run Kindred), just do gens instead of crouching somewhere staring at the Killer and I.

    I also wish when I’m playing Killer, if you’re the last one in the match just leave. Don’t wait for me to come to you and hold your hand and walk you out of the trial. I understand if you’re not the last survivor and you want to make sure you can attempt to rescue someone else in case they’re downed. This especially holds true for those survivors that wait for me to come to the exit gates and they leave without me hitting them out. They’re not even letting me get bloodpoints so they’re literally just wasting both of our time.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I wish people wouldn't play this game like their enjoyment is the only enjoyment that matters.

    Regardless of what side I am playing, I play cognitive to the enjoyment of my team members and my opponent(s). If people actually treated others in a match how they would want to be treated in the same situation, this would be a much more fun and enjoyable game for everyone.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I would like people to say gg and move onto the next match.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Stop playing Plague every single time I bring Fixated.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Get off the generator right next to the hooked survivor and actually save them before they hit 2nd hook state.

    Just had a game a little bit ago on Dead Dawg Saloon, where my team mate popped the killer's Haunted Ground's right as another one of my team mates ran the killer right over to me, and I ended up getting hooked in the basement (which was at the saloon this time.) First hook. This Kate is working on the generator just up on the top floor at the saloon, the whole time I'm in my first hook state, and she finishes it as I hit 2nd hook state, and THEN finally comes and runs down and saves me while I'm struggling.

    It's already bad enough team mate 1 popped the instant kill while team mate 2 lead the killer right to me... Why do you now have to screw me over even more by robbing me of a hook state...

    Not the first time I've seen somebody sit on a gen right next to a hooked survivor and just refuse to save them. At that point I don't know if that's trolling/reportable...

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    do bones

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Don't you just love it when you bring Fixated/Inner Strength/Autodidact/We'll Make It/Adrenaline/Second Wind/Solidarity/Aftercare/Botany Knowledge/For the People/Iron Will/Lucky Break/Pharmacy/Off the Record/WGLF/Self Care/A medkit and the killer is the Plague? I know I do

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Because nothing screams “fun” like having an entire mechanic of the game turned completely off.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Pay some attention to what gens get finished, and if possible which gens are being worked on. It's almost like just taking a moment to think "hmm, did both gens done so far happen to be close to eachother? Maybe I should try to work on one of the three in a tight cluster over there..." can Considerably decrease the risk of a 3gen being given away for free 🤔

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Cleanse totems.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Nice question with simple answer:

    Not to be pps in the post game chat.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I try to do that... but sometimes I feel like sending a message would be misinterpreted as toxic or belittling

    I do remember cool moments like a killer who's good (giving how MM is) or trying to improve (either a new player or playing a new killer)