Assassinos desequilibrados O.P e Assassinos campistas

Olá amigos, vim falar de como o jogo esta desequilibrado entre vitimas e assassinos, de 10 partidas 2 somente uma pessoa do grupo consegui fugir o resto morre, Rara são as vezes que todos fogem isso porque ou assassino deixa ou quando fica away no mapa, o jogo esta desagradavel eu e meus amigos entramos para se divertir e acaba que ficamos com raiva, sem falar dos assassinos que ficam acampando no gancho.

Todos nós sabemos que essas questões são verdades e acontecem, estou falando porque gostamos muito do jogo.

Amigos gostaria da ajuda de voces para fazer com que essa discussão chegue nos Developers and BEhavior.

Grande abraço amigos 



  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    For the sake of forum rules I'll translate this post. (I'm a Brazilian too but this isn't the place for other languages, tem uma seção só pra outras línguas)

    Title: Broken Killers (O.P) and Camping Killers

    Hello Friends, I've come to tell you how unbalanced the game is between Survivors and Killers, from 10 matches in 2 of them only one person escaped, the others died. Rare are the instances where all Survivors escape (either because the Killer conceded or is AFK) the game is unpleasant, me and my friends join to have fun but instead are met with rage, furthermore the Killers who camp on hook.

    All of us know this questions are true and that it happens, I'm talking about it because we love this game.

    Friends I'd like the help of all to make this discussion be reached to BeHavior and Developers.

    Huge thanks.

    Now for my response, I assume you are kinda new to this game and are placed around rank 10+ where Killers have and advantage by capitalizing on Survivors mistakes, so I just want to tell you it gets better, by improving your gameplay you certainly will have more and more escapes and better matches overall.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    Dear country-mate, why did you type in pt-br and in the end you type an "and"? LOL

    The translation is better writen than the original language. ROFLMAO


    About the topic, if you find a facecamper, go do gens and the hooked one take it for the team.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I assumed this was about camping killers before I saw the translated post. Do gens, stop being overly altruistic.

    Also "from 10 matches in 2 of them only one person escaped, the others died. Rare are the instances where all Survivors escape (either because the Killer conceded or is AFK)" LMAO.

    "...the game is unpleasant, me and my friends join to have fun but instead are met with rage, furthermore the Killers who camp on hook." SWF coming in here and complaining about the game being unpleasant and how they are "met with rage". This is rich.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    It was really hard to write this without laughing the whole time, it hurts to know how biased some people are on this game.

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    Theses are the type of survivors who feed face campers kills resulting in them getting a 4k

  • Kamikazelee
    Kamikazelee Member Posts: 29

    Cara tu não tem comunicação com o time né? por que quando é com comunicação, fica difícil ganhar dos 4 tá tudo equilibrado nem vem dar ideia errada não.

  • Kamikazelee
    Kamikazelee Member Posts: 29

    Melhor maneira de fazer um assassino sair do gancho é fazer um barulho chato sonoro rs