does being rude do any good for anyone?

MrDecisive Member Posts: 61
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

i just had a match and If i didn't save this bill he would've died i saved him and he still died shortly after the killer got stuck in a pallet of course me being kind i helped the killer get free. then after the killer let me go and the game went back to normal. 3 survivors left Jake on a gen (acted like a rank 17) was just working on a gen while i was in struggle and the other was getting killed. in end game chat everyone was angry at me because i "threw the game twice" 1 letting bill die (he was gonna die regardless) and letting the killer free.

These people would rather have the killer be stuck all game so they can win. like really? that's just a walkthrough and no point or fun. whats the point of even being in that match. the game is about 4 survivors and 1 killer not 4 suvivors holding M1 all game

i don't understand why a lot of people are so mean and awful in this game it honestly blows my mind like everyone loses their respect like is it worth being awful to other people over a game? like i know a lot of people don't treat people like that in person, it isn't really different this time they're just behind a screen trying to play a game xD

i know if they were in the killers position they would be mad to be stuck and forced to dc

(i know someone is gonna comment toxic things because they don't "agree" don't bother if you don't think the same)


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Some peoples mentality isn't to have fun, but to win. I disagree with people like this but they do exist.

  • pizzamess11
    pizzamess11 Member Posts: 149

    I would say no being dick does no one any good just let that kind of behavior(pun intended) roll off your back and walk away, they can stay mad.

  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    A lot of people would rather blame someone/something else rather than their own skill, and find it easier to do so. Really the only thing you can do is be kind /happy or non-caring.. People who are just trying to shift blame won't keep it up, and the people who are salty just for the sake of it are just gonna keep it up - Might even make them saltier, which'll just be amusing to watch if you don't let it get to you. Or at least.. thats my take of it

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    People who are rude for no reason and/or hyper-competitive (see every interaction as a win/lose situation, and they need some sort of confirmation that they won, or else it means they lost) are usually deeply insecure. However, they don't realize the root cause of their problems, so they just lash out at everyone else.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    No, it doesn't do them any good, and it does more harm to them in the long run than it does to anyone else, because that kind of thing is character-corrupting, whether people recognise it or not. Some people only care about others to the extent that it impacts them personally - they'll happily treat a stranger horribly, because chances are that they'll never have to face any consequences, and they're more likely to do that online because their chances of avoiding responsibility are higher. It's quite sad, but it's how it is. Nothing some random stranger says or does is likely to change their mind.

  • Creepy_Chloe_lol
    Creepy_Chloe_lol Member Posts: 22

    Dude if I were the killer I would of let you live instead of them, I don't care what people say. You helped the killer from dcing and if those other survivers are mad then they have no skill whatsoever

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    Well I had a match the other day where the killer got stuck on top of a pallet. One survivor was dead and the gates were 99d. I went to see what was happening and these two other survivors just teabagged and pointed the killer.

    So I started vaulting the pallet in hoping the killer would be freed. Well the killer got me downed but didn't get free from the pallet. What happened was that the two other survivors didn't help me up, didn't open the exit and they teabagged me the whole bleedout timer. And when I finally bled out, 30 seconds after they opened the gates and left. I mean, how toxic and childish you have to be to act like that?! Although I wasn't surprised when I opened their PSN profiles and saw their languages. It's truly a wonder how the most toxic ones always have at least one of three certain languages.

    I reported them for griefing but I doubt if that's going to do anything. Next time I won't forget to open the exit fully before trying to help players with ingame bugs.

  • Cradmeg
    Cradmeg Member Posts: 22

    I can admit I sent a few not so nice messages to Trolls and Campers in the past but in the end its not worth it , now I just curse at my tv and realize that these type of players just have NO SKILLS at all and if that makes them feel like they won and are the best killers in the game POWER TO THEM , They can say its a strategy but it just proves my point that they have no skills as a killer , maybe they should go back to playing Fartnite in their moms basement !

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    not really,it makes you look like an ass and doesn't help you with anything welp

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Do unto others as you wish to be done to yourself.

    Also known as if you don't wanna take the heat, don't come at me and cry to the mods because I retaliated. Respect is EARNED, not given. I think that's something a lot of us forget these days.

    Just because I don't know you in real life or even your real name, it doesn't excuse being a terrible person. And now I sound like an old man. Sometimes it scares me how I'm, seemingly more mature than 90% of the people I meet at the age of 23.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    ....D-do you feel any better?

    ....I still feel the same, maybe this doesn't work after all.....damn.

  • Martesa55
    Martesa55 Member Posts: 208

    I learned one think: people that are hate mailing or being toxic are people that are sick with the game. What exactly do you win if you send to the other: Noob tunneled? I just played 2 matches after days and I had 2 tunnelers. I can't play anymore this game of this kind of toxicity. I just want to play the game. I want to relax what's the matter?