New Killer Idea - CUJO - THE DOG

Orycteropus_afer Member Posts: 35
edited May 2020 in Creations

Paragraph IV - Cujo

New Killer – The Dog


A once loyal and gentle Saint-Bernard, Cujo became infected with disease after an encounter with a bat. The disease manifested itself in the dog, causing the massive beast to lose his good judgement and become a wild, relentless creature only focused on killing to appease the pain in its head. He then turned loose on his owners and anyone unfortunate enough to get in his way. After killing 4 people, the dog vanished into the woods, following a voice that soothed the burning within its head, never to be seen again.

Appearance / stats:

Cujo is a giant saint Bernard, standing at slightly shorter than survivors’ height (so about hag height) when on all fours. When Cujo is standing up on his hind legs to hook a survivor he is about 7 feet tall.

Cujo’s face is lightly covered in blood and cuts, and his fur is muddy and matted. He has foam at the mouth and red glowing eyes. (entity enhanced)

Height: short

Movement speed: 115%

Terror radius: 32 metres

Cujo’s pattering footsteps can be heard loudly as well as a low growling/rumbling and the clinking of his collar. This is to offset the fact that he has normal movement speed despite being a short killer.

Weapon: Monstrous bite

Instead of a weapon visible onscreen, the camera is set in Cujo’s mouth, similar to the game Natural Selection 2, with his top and bottom jaws being visible (opaquely when not in use) on the borders of the screen. When the player attacks, Cujo chomps down violently with a snap. Successful hits cause Cujo to bark and spit foam from his mouth.


The problem with a character like Cujo is that he would be difficult to animate being a quadruped and low to the ground, however his sheer size overcomes this by keeping his visibility and camera. He therefore plays and animates simply like any other killer, but just walking on all fours.

Vaulting: Cujo sits back on his haunches and leaps through the window

Pallet breaking: Cujo rams his head on the pallet, stumbles back, and rams it again

Damaging generators: Same animation as pallet, alternatively he stands on two legs and bats the gen with his massive paws.

Closing hatch: Cujo stands on his hind legs and brings his weight and front paws down on the hatch

Carrying: Cujo carries survivors in his mouth, with them dangling about a foot off the ground

Hooking: Cujo stands up on his hind legs and simply pushes the survivor onto the hook.

Opening lockers: Cujo Rams his nose into the crack in the door and violently turns his head to open each door. Upon seeing a survivor, he growls, jumps up and bites them on the shoulder, picking them up.


Rabid beast:

Has 2 aspects to it: a passive and power button ability.

Passive: Rabies

- Cujo’s basic attacks apply a stack of Rabies to survivors, up to 7 stacks.

- Lose 2 stacks when hooked or hit with Senseless charge.

- Survivors can cure rabies by interacting with pools of antiseptic saliva, dropped by Cujo as he moves and interacts.

o 1 stack- survivors gain a 1% decrease to all action speeds

o 3 stacks- 3% action penalty and survivors’ blood, scratches and grunts are more noticeable.

o 5 stacks – 5% action penalty and become visible as an aura during senseless charge.

o 7 stacks – 7% action penalty, also gain broken status affect

Power Button (M2): Senseless charge

“As the burning in its rabid brain grows, the mad beast decides to slam its head into anything it can find to help ease the pain.”

- Cujo channels for 1 second before breaking out into a running charge, Similar to hillbilly’s but much slower (picture a speed a bit faster than cloaked wraith). Running into a survivor injures them and stuns Cujo for 3 seconds.

- Takes 4 seconds to slow to a halt when ability is cancelled unless hitting a survivor / object.

- Can leap over vaults or pallets during charge, will end charge after landing (can still damage).


Cujo faces the survivor before barking at them. They attempt to flee before being clamped on the ankle, downed and dragged backwards. Cujo then leaps onto their back, grabbing their neck and shaking it around in his mouth before letting go.


All bark AND bite:

- After hitting a survivor, gain sight of all other survivors for 1/2/3 seconds, however, weapon reload animation slows are 20% longer. (60 second cooldown)

Selective predation:

- The last survivor to finish a generator suffers from the EXPOSED status effect for 3/5/8 seconds. (120 second cooldown)

Olfactory sense:

- Survivors that exit a chase leave a scent trail for 5/10/15 seconds that lingers in the air visibly for the killer when they move in any way. 60 second cool down.



  1. Dirty water bowl – slightly decreases time coming into/out of Senseless charge
  2. Worn Leather collar- slightly increases turning radius of Senseless charge
  3. Rotten carcass – slightly decrease stun time of Senseless charge.
  4. Mouldy dog food – survivors passively gain rabies for spending long amounts of time in his terror radius.


  1. Rusty metal collar – moderately increases turning radius of Senseless charge.
  2. Torn chew toy – Survivors Moderately gain rabies when spending time within his terror radius
  3. Foamy saliva – moderately decreases time into/out of Senseless charge.
  4. Mangled cat – moderately decreases stun of senseless charge
  5. Worn tennis ball – Moderately increases movement speed in Senseless charge.


  1. Spiked collar – Considerably increases turning radius of Senseless charge
  2. Fresh rabbit carcass- Gain an extra stack of Rabies from successful attacks.
  3. Destroyed door – Considerably increases time in/out of Senseless charge.
  4. Muddy footprint – Considerably increases movement speed of Senseless charge.
  5. Regurgitated remains- Considerably decreases antiseptic saliva drops

Very Rare:

1) Dog muzzle – Tremendously increases movement speed of Senseless charge

2) Joe Camber’s corpse - Tremendously decreases stun of Senseless charge

3) Red mucus – Tremendously decreases septic saliva drops

4) Dirt pile – Tremendously decreases time in/out of Senseless charge


  1. Rabid Bat – Survivors Tremendously gain rabies within his terror radius, Survivor’s are now visible for 1 second when reaching each stack. Considerably increases drop of antiseptic saliva.
  2. Splintered handle – Senseless charge now insta-downs any survivor with 3 stacks of rabies, using up all stacks. However rabid auras are no longer shown.



Prestige – Bloody (with mucus on mouth and eyes too)

Unchained – Wrapped in a chain around his body, large metal collar

Muddy – Fur is matted and covered in dark mud.

Post edited by Orycteropus_afer on


  • Orycteropus_afer
    Orycteropus_afer Member Posts: 35

    Please let me know what you guys think and what I can improve.

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003

    Too be honest I don't think they would add CUJO but this could work for a Black Shuck killer

  • Orycteropus_afer
    Orycteropus_afer Member Posts: 35

    I'm not saying they're gonna add Cujo. This is a concept for him as a killer...

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003

    Yeah I know, I was just thinking it could be a back up idea since this is a really good thought up concept. For instance if this forum gets forgotten in time you could just make it into a Black shuck killer. Just a thought since I don't know if lot of people know enough about the movie to get enough hype going and that could be a back up plan.

  • Revzi100
    Revzi100 Member Posts: 529

    survivor idea?

  • Orycteropus_afer
    Orycteropus_afer Member Posts: 35

    I put paragraph IV at the top so he's just a standalone killer because in the book/ film there's not really any survivor worthy, memorable characters.

  • Orycteropus_afer
    Orycteropus_afer Member Posts: 35

    I do see what you mean and that would make a cool original killer. Especially given the black shuck's appearance in Annabelle Comes Home. But I also think the rabies mechanic is too Cujo-specific and liked the idea they had in Anabelle 3 that the black Shuck could materialise out of and control fog.

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003
  • horrorfilmn3rd
    horrorfilmn3rd Member Posts: 4

    At first I was a little skeptical, but the thought that you put into the power and perks really impressed me. Overall, I really like the concept and hope that at least some of your ideas are added to the game in the future.

    About the survivor though, I think the mom who was trapped in the car with her son would be a good candidate. She could have a perk where after exiting a locker, she searches chests (and maybe heals or repairs) faster. Maybe a perk that boosts repair speed the farther she is from the nearest survivor too.

  • Orycteropus_afer
    Orycteropus_afer Member Posts: 35

    Thanks a lot for the compliment! I really love making in depth concepts for fun and it's nice to get responses. In terms of a survivor, I decided Cujo would be better as a standalone, because the way I see it, survivors just as much as killer's deserve to be recognisable iconic characters if they are licensed, otherwise you have a case like Quentin where no one really knew who he was and they're overshadowed by the killer. But that perk sounds really unique and fitting to the character. I could also see other perks fitting into her trope/ style as a 'protective mom'. Maybe even involving a baseball bat like what was used to kill Cujo in the film.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    This was a great movie, but I don't think PETA would take too kindly to smashing wooden pallets over the head of a dog.

  • Orycteropus_afer
    Orycteropus_afer Member Posts: 35

    Demogorgon can equip a pet cat's guts as an addon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • megansnotcreative
    megansnotcreative Member Posts: 23

    okay at first when i saw the idea i wasn’t sure if it was legit or not, but after reading everything out i literally love this concept so much. some kind of animal like cujo would be such a good & different addition to the game, that i think it’s a great idea. i hope they add this into the game someday.

  • Cradmeg
    Cradmeg Member Posts: 22

    The only problem with having a dog killer is ....... how will he hang the survivors on the hooks ??? It makes no sense ! Personally I think someone like Jack The Ripper as a killer and having the map take place in Old England with cobblestone streets and gas burning street lamps and horse and buggys , or Dracula set in an old Transilvania castle with him having the ability to morph into a bat to blend in with the birds , Heres another ... Norman Bates and the map in the Bates Motel . These to me are more realistic ideas for killers , but thats just my 2 cents .

  • Orycteropus_afer
    Orycteropus_afer Member Posts: 35

    I outlined how he does it in the post. He's a giant dog, probably comparable more to a horse than a dog in size. He can hold survivors in his huge mouth and they just hang in it 1-2 feet off the ground, and then he simply stands on his hind legs and dumps them on the hook roughly. Quite simple really.