You guys seriously can't leave Legion like this

dhealy646 Member Posts: 462

Legion has been terrible and will be terrible for a long time

He boring to play, he's weak and boring to play against

This killer has no power. He runs slightly faster and wastes 9 seconds.

That's not a power bhvr you can't have something like that in the game.

Stab wounds study and franks mixtape are 100% useless and it's litteraly offensive that you think it's ok to have things like that in the game.

Legion needs a complete rework. Why don't you try the original idea you had for them as we all know thats not what legions power was supposed to be anyway.

You created the problem that is Legion. Now you need to fix it

And fix it fast because it's disgusting to have something like that in the game for so long and do nothing about it.


    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    They just need to remove this DLC like it didn't happen. šŸ˜‚

  • BabyClaudette
    BabyClaudette Member Posts: 109

    I've always been confused ever since legion got that rework. People were saying he was terrible and I didn't really have an opinion because I didn't play him. But I have been playing legion recently and haven't lost a single game as him. I think he's very strong and he's a really good killer so idk.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    I dont think that Legion is that terrible, I have some good games with them, but on the other side, some games are horrible with them. However, I think that Legion was a failure and should never exist. He is not possible to balance, at least with the current Kit.

    As much as I like to be able to vault Pallets and Windows as Killer, it is something which limits Legion a lot.

    The only good thing about Legion is that they are one of the Killers with the best Cosmetics.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    The biggest thing I can say about Legion is to stop getting hung up on thinking that the power can't down people so it's bad. That's probably the first thing I hear everyone say when talking about Legion.

    The power is great for pressuring survivors, landing easy first hits, finding everyone, and slowing the game down to a crawl. It's actually fairly loaded with utility as far as powers go. It even acts as an occasional counter to SWF because many of them just refuse to ever separate for any reason!

    Of course, getting the second hit is up to you and that's where things can get a little sticky, but if you keep pressure on you'll stop them from progressing anyway.

    The only problem I have is when survivors separate and split pressure, although honestly that's an issue for every killer. There are ways to mitigate that as well, though.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2020

    I think that legion should make a new status called fatal wound.While fatal injured you only can run, vault drop pallets or heal fatal wound to other player.

    Also you can be on Feral frenzy status while you hit a survivor that doesnt have fatal wound no more time limit.

    That would really make his power useful for stalling.

    Add ons for decrease deep wound timer will add a fatal wound timer with 30 secs (purple) 50 secs(green) to find a survivor to heal him before being on dying state.

    Add ons to increase FF duration will change to increase Terror Radius while on FF and reduce it while not in FF.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I think people talking about how Deep Wounds never downs anyone is missing the point.

    Of course it doesn't down them, it's clearly not designed to. It's just one more piece of slowing the survivors down. The part about downing them is just so that the penalty is great enough that they can't just ignore it. It's not meant to be a reliable method of downing someone at all.

    The only thing that I'm sad about is that mending Deep Wounds doesn't trigger Nurse's Calling. That might be too out of control, though.

    But really, it feels like a lot of the complaints about Legion stem from misplaced expectations.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Yeah, reading how deep wounds work, i get they didnt want it to go down during a chase but making RUNNING not lower the bar is kind of dumb.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Yes, but you get BOTH from a single hit in Frenzy. On multiple survivors if they're near one another at all, which starts happening exponentially more as the game progresses, more often than not.

    So you slap one survivor and they're forced to stop and mend. They'll likely choose to heal as well, which may take other survivors off what they're doing as well. If you get two or more people in one use, that's an amazing amount of time just spent doing nothing, and you didn't even have to work that hard for it because winning chases with Frenzy is pretty easy.

    Not to mention it tracked them for you, so even if you didn't know others were nearby you do now.

    Seriously, think of everything you get out of just one good Frenzy. Multiple chases won in seconds, injured states, deep wounds, and pinpoint tracking on nearby survivors. It's not the best power, but it's loaded with value. I suppose in a game where instadowns and such exist it might seem lackluster, but it's not useless by any means. I'm legitimately not sure how to make it better without making it insane.

  • Khallaria
    Khallaria Member Posts: 73

    Please ignore the people screaming for legion to be removed. Legion are my favorite BP farmers and are perfect for that as they exist currently. If anything at least don't do anymore untested 'improvements' to the killer.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Well, before it was Terror Radius. Then they introduced Nemesis and changed Beast of Prey, which would mean that the Bar can go down in a Chase. They simply did not think about that. So they changed how Deep Wound worked.

    Like I said - Legion is a failure.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Unpopular opinion; Legion is in a great spot right now.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I actually find him fun to face and fun to play as. He definitely is one of the weakest killers but I don't think he needs a big change like freddy.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Well, for people who think that 12 seconds of added mend time is useless, I would ask what they think of Thanatophobia as a perk!

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829


  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    legion power is so simple it makes him a really plain and boring killer with no real strategy,yee running around stabbing people with m1..ok

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    I actually really enjoy playing as legion. I enjoy their edgy teen style. And I like that legion is basically an m1 killer that can injure quickly but requires mindgames to get the down.

    Legion is one of a few killers in game that can apply pressure to multiple survivors with relative ease. But Legion is weak overall.

    One thing i feel hurts them a lot is that deep wounds is such a nonthreat and that he gets punished too much for a power that is not that strong.

    He should be faster, first and foremost. Look at Spirit's power which can literally down survivors, has a 15 s cooldown compared to legion's 20 s cooldown, and she moves at 170+% when phasing, while legion only moves at 130% which is pretty pathetic for a nonlethal power. Legion's frenzy should be faster. I don't want it to be spirit fast, cuz there's a good reason she's 110%, but he should be faster.

    A regular m1 shouldn't deplete half of his power meter, or his coowldown shouldn't be as long.

    Missed swings while in FF should take away his power and they should give him a 4 second stun, just like they currently do. Its the punishment for missing. But just cancelling FF shouldn't have such a massive cooldown. 2.5 seconds would be ideal. 3 seconds would be way better already.

    Deep wounds should be more of a threat. Like its insane to think people can just stop and finish a gen if its close enough and then still have time to mend. Its kind of absurd, because there's literally no risk. If it was more risky, say, you need to mend and while you're mending the timer goes down, then it'll be a risk reward thing.

    I think that with these some or all of these small tweaks Legion would be a pretty solid killer. I don't think he needs a full rework.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Part of the problem with legion is that people don't really know how to play as them. They are more about information and quick plays than fast downs. Frenzy can counter BT to a degree, and give good information within a radius. It is up to the player how they use it. Of course perks help, but the fact that his power cannot down people is a big turn off for a lot of people.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm in the same boat. I had my first and only game as Legion yesterday. Had a lot of fun playing him and got a 3K (nearly a 4K, but they just barely escaped me at the gates after I closed hatch). Like you, I don't want to be presumptuous and act like I know more about Legion than people who have played hundreds of hours on him, but sometimes I wonder if those who say he's useless and terrible have fundamentally misunderstood his power in some way.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    He is viable you just need to use him correcly, Otzdarva used him to great effect against a 4 man team in a competition with a yellow and brown addon, You will be going against much less that 4 man teams every game so just play better or try other things if what you do normally doesn't work.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    That's because they were rules that were quite ''bs'' like the one ''can't repair injured'' that's why he picked legion and got succeed cuz he can get injured ppl really easily

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    As someone who uses Legion as my third main I have to say they're extremely underrated. I easily sweep matches with them and my personal perk strategy set with them is absolutely boss.(Killer never reveals their secrets though! ;3)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    But it takes 12 seconds every time, and that's time they're not spending on generators. The purpose of the Deep Wound mechanic is not to down survivors, any more than the purpose of the wiggle mechanic is to allow survivors to escape once downed, or the purpose of the RBTs is to kill survivors. Deep Wound is meant to function primarily as a pressure device to slow down the game, and if used correctly, it succeeds in that. I'm not saying Legion is the best killer in the game, and I'm certainly not pretending to be an expert on him or his power. But if you think Deep Wound has no effect whatsoever, you're doing it wrong.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    He also succeeded because he played the game well so maybe try that.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    You can do well with legion but being constantly stunned with only niche ways to get around it is annoying. At the least every survivor hit in FF should shave some time off your cooldown, rather than equal punishment for using your power well or badly.

  • perezkarlo37
    perezkarlo37 Member Posts: 55

    How about the 4 friends disperse around the map and the entity only allows one to be conscious, and something like the longer a killer is inactive, the more dangerous it becomes?

    I simply don't know, Legion is in a pretty hard spot. Just think about it. How would you rework it?

    P.D: Frank's mix tape and the stab wounds study is something that really needs to be changed.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241
    edited May 2020

    BHVR tends to create and buffing killers in a very boring and annoying way. Legion, Doctor, Deathslinger, Freddy, Spirit. Freddy is the worst of them. No skill required, spamming snares everywhere and trying to bloodlusting you šŸ˜“, dream pallets šŸ˜“, teleporting to gens, 10 feet lunge, bunch of slowdowns.

    The Legion now, giving borrowed time to survivors. Fun power for both sides.

    Deathslinger, zero mind games, just aiming shots. Boring killer.

    The Spirit, not much to say. BHVR needs to hire some fresh minds with new ideas.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Yea. everytime I choose to play Legion I am like: Yea lets smack some people. And once I'm in the game everyone splits up after they realized that it's the Legion. And everytime Im playing the legion Im also running both of his duration time addons. Because those 2 addons make him slightly less worse ... Everytime I tried running something different I feel like that I can't reach the survivors. I'm not fast enough or I don't have enough time.

    And even when I had enough speed or time the survivors also know that

    first of: throwing pallets fullife doesn't make any sense if legion has his power up or not.

    Second: What's the point of healing? So they just do gens because I don't have any tools to chase them off-frenzy down faster.

    third: It's Legion.. so the best counterplay is to split up and we all know that this is the most efficient way to win as survivor. Splitting up and doing different gens.

    And theres no point of being scared because he's a bad wraith at this point.

    So all the legion does is forcing the survivors to play maximum smart. He's the best tutorial killer for survivors for "how to play good". Seriously you should overthink if you make them part of the survivor tutorial. He's perfect for that.

    And so it becomes very fast very boring playing legion. You can't smack them all and you don't have any chance to get downes. Beside finding rank 21 potatoes in red ranks. And that isn't as satisfying as beating good survivors who knows what pallets are.

    So yea he needs a full rework.

    But! There are so many other big issues in this game: Matchmaking, Shrine, Ranks, good players (bad tutorials and game communication of how to play good as s/k), gamemodes

    Also there are killer like Deathslinger who are heavy unfun to play against because you can't chase him it's just awful. It's like original legion just less cheesy. And overall you can manage to kill survivors with any killer. So even I am for a rework. There are other problems. And in the list of priorities I don't see legion that high up.

  • Kakateve
    Kakateve Member Posts: 287

    Say it to my piss poor wallet that spent money on it as well as for additional cosmetics on them.

  • Creepy_Chloe_lol
    Creepy_Chloe_lol Member Posts: 22

    Personally I like legion, their Backstory is great, cosmetics are in fleek, characters are cool! I get people have a problem with them because of their power but you just need to know how to properly use the power! Legions perks are nice too. The only reason why you it's hard to get a 4k is because they were nerfd to oblivion, they were so overpowered when they first came out.

    The only thing I feel like we got screwed over with is the fact that people wanted a killer that looked like a surviver. They could of done so many things with that! I actually thought of one rn that would of been cool for legion. I'm sure they will get their rework soon but for now we got some progress! We can finally see scratch marks out of our frenzy now!