PC community is so damn kind

OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

So I'm not new to the game, been playing for like 1 1/2 year, I mainly play on PS4 and after the "leak" about cross progression came out, I've been binge playing on pc, been having a terrible MM as well, rainbow ranks BUT compared to PS4 no one so far has been toxic at all, some survivors have asked me stuff like " are you smurfing? Because you are not a rank 16 I can tell" I just answer " I come from console" people have told me in like 10 matches "you are a really great huntress" and damn it feels amazing not having "you tryhard piece of #########" "sweat more", I hope cross progression becomes a thing soon, I'm loving the pc dbd community so far

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