Does anyone know any extremely strong build that basically guarantee you 3-4 kills. Any killer.

Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

If i m going to think that your build is extremely powerful i will share one with you. Talking to killers with over 1000 hours.



  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Doc: Distressing, Monitor & Abuse, Unnerving Presence, plus some perk you are comfortable with, both add-ons that increase terror radius, The Game map offering

    Huntress: Iri Head, don't think I need to say much else

    90% of Killers: The Game/Hawkin's map offering

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Since this question is for Killers over 1k Hours...

    BBQ for Tracking is important. You'll want this to get into chases fast and quickly because you need to always be in chases and always downing people. If you can, try to make it a priority to make sure someone is always on a hook. Never give them time to fully recover and always put a fire under their ass to keep them panicking.

    Save the Best for Last for ending chases faster is something you should consider. Especially with unsafe hook saves. STBFL can essentially give you 2 free downs with full stacks with an unsafe unhook, even better if your obsession dies and you have full stacks. You've essentially already won.

    Pop Goes the Weasel is objectively the best slowdown perk. It also helps demoralize the other team because if they see you have Pop, they tend to get really annoyed (at least some of my friends whenever I play SWF gets REALLY annoyed whenever Pop comes into play, so far as to calling it "Pop Goes the Braincell")

    And Surveillance for keeping tabs on Generators. Combined with Pop you can essentially halt the game and stopping Survivors from EVER feeling safe.

    This build still heavily relies on you as a Killer to be good at chasing and have a strong sense of map awareness as well as game sense. It focuses on you getting into chases quickly, downing people quickly, and as a result of that, regressing generators quickly. And because you're regressing generators, you have free info on when Survivors will come back to work on the generators you kicked and damaged.

    This build works on basically any Killer, doesn't matter who it is. Low Tier, High Tier. Doesn't matter. As long as you know how to play the game as a Killer, you should get consistently 3-4k with this build.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I'm a good bit away from 1k hours, but I'm a rank 1 myself.

    Slowdown Freddy is great (Pop, Thanataphobia, Dying Light and BBQ & Chili with Jump Rope and Swing Chains).

    I also really like my Hillbilly build which can be lethal in the right hands (BBQ & Chili, Hex: Ruin, Enduring and Whispers with any add ons)

  • brubli
    brubli Member Posts: 214

    camping Bubba NOED

  • Kakateve
    Kakateve Member Posts: 287

    Well since you said it has to guarantee 3-4 kills every match. The only build I have and that reliable is Huntress with iri head/infantry + mori if you want. For the perks, anything you want + noed.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    No use of mori though.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    I meant something like " it guarantees you 3-4 kills if you do this or that right".

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Any build should get you 3-4 kills as long as you are playing right and making no mistakes, a specific build won't really change that.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Bubba: PWYF + Nemesis (A MUST FOR BUBBA). Pop to slowdown gens and BBQ. You can remove BBQ if you don't care about points, I'd say use corrupt instead.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Allows me to play more aggressive at loops, aswell as if I do get stunned I'm back in the play instantly.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    'Guarantees' is a bit strong, because there's no guaranteed autowin. However, there are builds that will give you a 4k unless you're beyond help as a killer. I won't mention builds that are map reliant.

    Wraith with Blood Windstorm and Swift Hunt. Sloppy, Nurses and whatever else you like, BBQ and Pop being classics.

    Billy with Insta saw or CrackBilly (the latter requires some proficiency though). Equip BBQ and Infectious, then choose from Ruin, Corrupt, Bamboozle, Enduring+Skill Fury, Discordance, Surveillance, Whispers, even Monitor and Knockout, although KO is meh against SWF.

    Huntress would obviously use Iri Head with Infantry Belt. I'd suggest Corrupt and BBQ as well, but Whispers works very well too.

    Myers with Fragrant and Memorial. Corrupt, Infectious and then anything from Bamboozle, Enduring, Skill Fury, Brutal, Monitor. You can also go Fragrant + Journal and use PWYF + Nemesis, but I think it's weaker.

    Hag (I would be careful with flashlights in the lobby, though) with Rag and Shackles. Make Your Choice, Corrupt, Monitor and the last is up to you. Devour works well.

    Forever Freddy is a classic, I don't think I need to explain it.

    Forever Plague is also surprisingly strong. In essence, stack slowdown perks. Puke just to infect them, get a pallet out of the way and m1 as a bonus, don't commit early and force a 3 gen. The survivors will kill themselves.

    Any of the above can be used with Noed and an Ebony or a map offering for minimum effort required.

  • BabyClaudette
    BabyClaudette Member Posts: 109

    BBQ, Ruin, Noed, and Dying Light is an easy win

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501

    Ghostface dont even need perks lol. In all seriousness gen protector hillbilly normally gets me kills. Thrilling to know what gens being worked on corrupt to block off at the beggining. Then ruin and surveillance.

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171
    edited May 2020

    No. No build guarantee 4kills. Forget it. And the build are all "personal", i mean, people associate the build with a specific Killer, map and their gamestyle.

    1 of those perks is a MUST:

    • POP or RUIN

    I like variations around that in last matches (Spirit, Legion):

    • BBQ, POP, Surveillance, Discordance
    • POP, RUIN, Surveillance, Discordance
    • BBQ, POP, Surveillance, Save best for last
    • POP, RUIN, Surveillance, Save best for last

    Some matches are really "sweat" but i end most of the times with 3 Kills at least. OFC there are bad matches, i dont hide it, but i dont have so many bad games lately.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    The closest thing to a guaranteed 4K in my opinion is face camping Bubba with Corrupt Intervention, NOED and Bitter Murmur. Try and get your first down before any gens are done (Corrupt helps with this), facecamp them to death, do the same to a second. If the last survivors manage to get all gens done, you use Bitter Murmur to find them and insta down them with NOED. You’ll 4K more often than not with this but it’s extremely boring and requires very little player ability at all.

    There’s also Spirit with yakuyoke amulet, mother daughter ring, Devour Hope and Thrill of the Hunt. If they try to cleanse your totems they die, if they ignore your totems they die. A really bad killer could fail with this one I suppose, but if you can play Spirit to a basic level this will give you tons of easy 4Ks.

  • Exor
    Exor Member Posts: 256

    Since you ask for killers with over 1000 hours (around 2500 hours are killer, rest survivor since I am a 60/40 player)

    IMO Iridescent head + infantry belt huntress with a mori is a very good way to get a 3/4k most of the time, also extremly unfun for both sides imo.

    Just put on corrupt intervention, ruin (or discordance since ruin does clash with corrupt, still its really easy to down people and thus keep them away from gen and regressing them that way with it.), BBQ for the sweet sweet BP and tracking and Iron Maiden for faster reloading. I was a pretty bad huntress and still easily got 4k's in red ranks, now that I played her for a few hundred hours I absolutely decimate people with it, if I ever run it.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    That is what I was thinking. He was the one complaining killers are too strong in a thread a month or so ago...

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It's almost like he opened this thread in bad faith, to try to "expose" the "killer conspiracy".

  • Ravean
    Ravean Member Posts: 98

    On Freddy I play BBQ, Pop goes the Weasel, Thanatophobia and Franklins Demise. With this build I usually have 3k and often 4k plus many BP´s due to BBQ. If I use the red Paintbrush and the Pillbox it´s definately a 4K

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited May 2020

    "Any killer" meaning, a build that works on every killer or that it doesn't matter which killer you have to chose to make the build work?

    Oni with Sloppy, Thana, Coulrophobia, Distressing, Bloody Glove and Splintered Hull. High TR and once you got some people hit, they will most likely never be able to heal up again, giving you a map full of aura reading blood orbs. Monto exchanges (I think) sloppy with Spies. If you are on the right map (best Hawkins for size and many crows) it can be the better choice.

    Ruin+Surveillance on Spirit with Prayer Beads or Freddy with Class Photo. The mapwide irritation from the addons gives you a huge amount of information and gen regression. And once they "get used to it" and try to commit on gens, you might even get grabs or free hits. On Freddy I would combine it with BBQ so you know where to teleport after the hooks, with Spirit maybe Mother Daughter Ring and Thrill, to protect the totem. Or just run new maps which have decent totem spots (Badham, Saloon, Lery's). Dead Man's Switch can also be pretty strong for this build, although it blocks the Ruin regression. But it would be a good backup if Ruin gets cleansed, and it may force survivors to commit, to not take the 45sec block. For Spirit: Remember, that a yellow gen or a red gen that was yellow tells you, there is a grab possible, as long as it does not turn white. Sometimes you need to fake some wooshing or hit someone and then phase to the gen, so they feel a bit safer and try to commit.

    I would also add Scratched Mirror Myers to the list. And my favourite map is The Game. For Lerys, since the rework, I think the gens have way better view, grabs and surprise attacks have become a bit harder imo. The game is a little labyrinth with finding the right stairs, but since the map is smaller and 2 levels, you get way more information. You just need to circle the center 4 rooms and have seen the whole map (in maybe 15-20 seconds). I think that is worth a lot. My fav build for that is (EDIT: forgot to add the build ^_^') Sloppy + Thana to keep them healing as long as possible, wasting time and slowing gens and giving you easier surprise downs, Ruin or Pop (I prefer Pop) for gen regression, and then either Devour, NOED, PWYF or Haunted Grounds for some extra spice.

    Adjust to the Doc build. I think MnA is counter productive. I would switch that and the 4th perk with Overcharge and Lullaby. Hawkins is also good for that build. Didn't test on The Game, but I guess it is the same (probably Saloon as well): when standing in the middle of the map, you have mapwide TR while static blast is up. At the beginning of the match, use it once from the middle so you know where everybody is. Then don't use it anymore to keep your TR and difficult skillchecks as big as possible. Once (or 'if') they get gens finished, you can use Blast again if needed, when the remaining gens are close together. Distressing keeps your TR big enough to cover at least 4 close gens, if you protected the right ones.

    @Reborn2020 so what's your strong build then?

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    The totem thing is not a guaranteed 4k in my opinion. Once they touched a totem they will see the Thrill and know what will happen. Then they will start spamming notification sounds, fake the cleanse or just wait for the next wooshing to expire and then start the cleansing. If you waste all your time protecting the totems, you have no time protecting the gens. Needs a bit coordination and awareness from the surivors, but that can easily fail for the killer as well.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    There is no guarantee for 4k. You have to get better and earn it. Not that hard. I get 4k matches regularly just running Trapper with chili, Spies, and 2 random perks. Throw in any bag and some Tar and it's a party.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited May 2020

    To know how many awesome builds you can create. I main only billy. Perks works for killers different way in case you didnt know. Do you really think you can learn how to play game on forums? Like people come here for help? I have yet to hear something here that helped me in any way shape or form.

  • Rie
    Rie Member Posts: 86

    There is. Otz tested it in a stream not so long ago. He facecamped first down with Bubba (he tested other stuff to later too) and then got the others during the rescue attemps or killed them late game with Bitter Murmur + Noed.

    Conclusion was that camping + noed is way to strong, unfair and rewards the killer with kills they got with minimal effort on their part. Meanwhile if the survivors did the right thing: doing gens asap they still got killed in the end due to Noed + Bitter Murmur bc there simply was not enough time to also do all the totems.

    I don't want to promote this playstyle, but for awareness sake I will post this here in case someone missed it. The devs seriously need look into this.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited May 2020

    when someone asks for extremely op builds on forums means that he desperately needs them because his killer games going downhill...

    @Orion, if you struggle as killer now...

    Post edited by Reborn2020 on
  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited May 2020

    Means which killer you have to choose to make it work.

    I like your Oni build.

    Extremely strongest build i found out is Rancor , Nemesis, Remember me, Whispers(or Infectious Fright) on Hillbilly.You going to need whispers late game especially if they decide to just not open gates and hide somewhere for a bit maybe.

    Heres how you play:

    1.You defend 3 gens. Never commit to long chase.

    2.Gain RM stacks when you can not get instant chainsaw hit . Also use chainsaw trick(use chainsaw to trick survivors into dodging then give them m1 hit and they will lose speed burst and you can get another hit = 2 tokens already).

    3. Eliminate pallets at the gates if possible( it will help later on).

    Basically all you need to do is to kill one survivor before gens done and gain RM tokens(3-4).

    And here s what you can do if there s more like only one gen left after you killed one survivor : find obsession or force one to become then down him and just camp. When survivors finish gens just kill him. Now you have 36 seconds for them to open gates and infectious fright or whispers. 3 kills guaranteed 4 kills almost guaranteed 🙄

    The fun part about this build is Death Roulette . Now (late game) if any survivor stun you you can kill them. You can basically mori 2 people.

    Why it works only on Hillbilly? Because survivors wont stun you unless rev you chainsaw at pallet. They may still not stun you but then you can get your insta down. Win win situation.

    I had 4 man swf pulling head on trick on me ie they were leading me to lockers then i get stunned and they continue doing that. Well it only helped me to gain RM tokens that way and they all died in the end :D

    Post edited by Reborn2020 on
  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Lets see, the build to "guarantee" kills?

    I think the perks to choose for that would be, "Get Good", "Learn to Play", "Strategy" and "Execution".

    That build will get you pretty far, I think. Good luck!

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited May 2020

    Bubba doesnt have any skillful play that will let him down survivor early to camp him out. You need to get really lucky or just catch survivor in bad place so he cant just pallet loop you till all gens done. The thing that streamer pulled it out because there s not much decent players left in this game .

  • cenoflame
    cenoflame Member Posts: 320
    edited May 2020

    Doctor: Distressing, Hex: Ruin, BBQ, Overcharge for when they take out Ruin/NOED/Franklin's Demise.

    Use Static Blast often.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,475

    Bubba: Any charge + any cooldown/speed/acceleration

    BBQ: Tracking always good

    PWYF: Move like a freight train while hitting like one and with bbq can be at their location pretty fast

    Nemesis: Switching obsession is always useful especially if yours always has a bad habit of dying

    Enduring/Moniter/Distressing/Infectious Fright All of these work as a good alternative distressing only because it can disrupt far away survivors as if it were moniter in a chase but all the time which is decent, Infectious can really go off when you have 3 stacks and down someone to then have 2 remaining easily leads to double downs or even team wipes when played well. Enduring is a nice general utility can't go wrong with it especially if you are still learning the timings and taking a lot more stuns than you should. Recent track record with it was around 9 4ks and 1 2k only because I spilled water everywhere.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    I'm going to hate myself for this, but here is my objectively strongest killer build I've ever seen:

    Killer: The Nightmare

    Add-ons: Nancy's Masterpiece (Rare), Red Paint Brush (Ultra rare)


    -Pop Goes The Weasel

    PGTW is just an amazing perk on Freddy because of his teleporting ability. It helps save gens that are close to being done and buys heaps of time over the course of a match.


    Surge seems a bit weird here but it combos well with the next perk, and makes you a lot more effieicnt since you don't need to kick gens. Playing right you can stall gens often, meaning survivors will remain injured to rush faster, letting you get easy free hits.


    Easily my favourite perk on Freddy, the information it gives you is unrivaled and IMHO it's better than BBQ in terms of gen tracking. Plus, it allows you to hear gen repairs easier, letting you start your first chase faster.

    -Hex: No One Escapes Death

    Despite my burning hatred of this perk, I can't deny its power. When playing this build right, survivors will be pressured beyond belief, leaving them no time to cleanse totems and to complete generators. This means that even if it is a death squad rushing gens, when playing right they'll be hit with NOED or you'll have enough time to kill a lot of them off.

    For the most effect, play on Hawkins National Laboratory because most of the pallets there are unsafe.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    If it were any other killer I’d agree with you, but this is playing Spirit with insanely strong add ons (about 200% movement speed for 8.5 seconds). By the time the survivors start wasting time tapping totems in coordination you’ve already won the match. Either they ignore the totems to rush gens, in which case you easily get your Devour to three tokens and start cleaning up, or you get easy grabs/hits/downs while they try to distract you with totem notifications and you just kill them faster than they can pop gens. The point isn’t to protect your totems, it’s to split the survivors’ focus to give you plenty of time to kill them all. I’ve played against this build a few times and it’s honestly pretty gross.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762
    edited May 2020

    No because I used noed in it. I never use noed, ever, and rarely use add ons. The surge/surveillance combo is there in my usual build but then I also end up using STBFL and it I'm feeling adventurous might stick on a cheeky Devour Hope.

    You asked for the strongest killer builds. This, when played correctly, is the strongest build that's the easiest to use.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I know how this build works when it works. It can be nasty. But if they play around it, it is hard to defend totems. Maybe you have not played against a working SWF or some solos that know what they do. Once all 4 know what you are up to, outplaying the totems is not that hard if they work together.

    Also regarding Devour, it is pretty easy to note that you are running it in this case. And I already experienced survivors that just start to go for nearly insta unhooks (especially with BT that can be annoying as killer) just to deny you the Devour stacks. Not saying that this is not a strong build, but when talking about "guaranteed 4k" I would say this build has a too effective counterplay

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    And just as addition to the 200% speed: the outplay is still working to wait for a post phasing. You have 15 seconds recovery before you can phase again. And I played several times against survivors that simply stopped doing gens and completely focussed on cleansing the totems. And if they all are too close to you, you won't get stacks. Then you have to decide if you just want to give up on the build and try to maximise hook actions until the totem is cleansed or see if you can get some slugs to protect totems and get a few hooks.

    As I said, it is a strong build but it can be countered if the survivors don't just give up

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Camping with haunted grounds, corrupt intervention, noed and bitter murmur.

    Slugging with knockout and infectious fright against pubs.

    Stacking massive slowdown either way.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I’ve played against plenty of SWF and competent solos, it’s really not that difficult if you play even a decent baseline Spirit, nevermind with her two strongest add ons.

    I don’t agree with you that survivors have time to bomb unhooks, find and do totems and finish all 5 gens against a sonic Spirit so we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Slowdown perks build are the most efficient for killers. Everyone laughs about dying light being useless, but with thana it's actually very strong. Especially in mid-game. Ruin and surveillance is also very strong build, doctor with this build is the overkill.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803
    • The yakuyoke amulet increases your phase duration but not your recovery time, so you get 8.5 seconds of phasing with the default 15 second recovery. This add on essentially buffs your recovery rate as well.
    • You only have 15 seconds recovery if you use your full power. Shorter bursts will give you less cooldown.
    • Because your movement speed is so high you don’t need to phase for as long.

    All of these factors together mean you can spam your power, cover distances and keep your cooldown short. Unless you’re phasing from one side of a huge map to the other, you won’t need to wait 15 seconds for your power with these add ons.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    He also responded to that. He just wants very strong builds. You still need to know how to handle the builds. Scratched Mirror for example can be pretty strong but many people still chase after the first hit, which is simply a bad idea. On the other side, almost no survivors really know about the safe healing spots on indoor maps, to see Myers coming and being able to escape without a free hit around the corner.

    But some builds are simply stronger and harder to outplay or need good teamplay to be able to escape.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    You Are trying way too hard. If you need to defend a 3 gen, you're pretty much garbage. This game is not some tactical thrilling game. You're the problem with this game.