Literally what does this even mean??? I was just patrolling gens because I couldn't find anyone and they were basically all in one area hello?



  • ratsmacker
    ratsmacker Member Posts: 44

    It actually wasn't a 3 gen but all of the gens were relatively close except for one

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Gen camping what is that? If one gen was a bit far away from the others they could have eventually got one done. Off all the things I've thrown killers' way...gen camping has never been one of them.

  • CrazySkorp
    CrazySkorp Member Posts: 5

    Haha, i was titled the exact same thing. And yeah, it was 3-gen ^^

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah i saw someone call patroling gens camping once. The survivors had created a three gen all on their own. I was playing clown, for a daily i think was the reason i was playing him. Like i was playing nice, since i recall someone killing themselves on hook or dcing during that match near the start. Going easy. Than at the end, yep i was toxic for camping the gens. It was the most confusing moment of my life when playing killer. Since is not one of the killers objectives, is to stop survivors from doing gens?

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I had someone yell at me for "camping the exit gate"

    Its like they get so mad they have a stroke

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Obviously they don't play killer and are entitled to having the killer cater to their every need.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    in the end game collapse a survivor lasted the 2 minutes and then died by the entity. He said it was impossible and unfair because I was "camping the gates".... Yes this comment came from a red rank

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited May 2020

    Sometimes I use diversion to throw the killer off and do mind games. If they do leave I head straight to that generator 😀. Sometimes it doesn’t work well and I’m caught.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    They probably wanted to work on gens together to get them done faster rather than have one person on each and at least get it done.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Ah Survivors Handbook for Killers in a nutshell. Don't mind them, they are just delusional potatoes.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited May 2020
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Gen camping... Will never get tired of laughing at that idea as a whole. xD

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    Hahahaha I got this once. Was Myers on red forest and the last gen was nearly done in main. I only needed to do a challenge of tiering up and knew they were all there. Got called a gen camper... Never laughed so hard

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    If it was me I’d would have given them a love tap head start for running 😂.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited May 2020

    I was wraith once and In egc this Claudette Yelled at me for giving her a love tap running head start 😂. In egc she Told me I gave her a heart attack when I appeared next to her And said never scare a Claudette or I’ll report you.

  • domai36
    domai36 Member Posts: 89

    I think they more or less were just complaining about freddy being freddy.

  • JDS1992
    JDS1992 Member Posts: 8

    People to be honest, don't even know what camping means. Camping means "A camper is a video gamer who finds a strategic spot within a level and waits there for players, game-controlled enemies or choice items to appear. This strategy is known as camping."

    Which means patrolling the hook technically isn't camping either, but people still get mad, and call them campers. It's entitled Survivors, who they think Killers are suppose to let them win. It's actually funny how entitled a lot of Survivors are.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    kind of like how some killers Believe they have to 4K in Every game. How some act like it’s a Religion to 4K constantly not all of course. Don’t shame me either I play both sides equally. I can understand both sides and I’ll just add that people will always get mad at either side no matter what people want themselves to believe.

  • JDS1992
    JDS1992 Member Posts: 8

    That's true also. I just play to have fun, most games I'm the only one that says "GG”. I'm not a toxic gamer either. If you want to camp, go ahead if that's their playstyle. I don't main either, I play who ever I'm in the mood to play at the moment. I get 20,000+ Blood Points a game, and normally a PIP that's me winning. Not for getting a 4 Kill, or Surviving. I wish more people would think this also.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    Remember reading about one time survivors got mad they were camping the hook. And gens. At the same time.

  • NotDBD
    NotDBD Member Posts: 182

    Yeah I would just assume that they didn't position their gens effectively.

  • Allivath_Chaos
    Allivath_Chaos Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2020

    This is kind of funny because just yesterday I was told about a friend who got yelled at in a custom game for "gen camping." I laughed the person who told me about it out of the chat. They were a survivor in that particular game. I had to explain to them that if they 3-genned themselves they brought this so called "gen camping" on themselves. I understand getting irritated at hook camping but if a killer can "gen camp" and it be a valid strategy to win, then they brought it on themselves. I'm a survivor main, play a little bit of killer here and there, and I find it ridiculous what other survivors complain about sometimes.

  • icareaboutstories
    icareaboutstories Member Posts: 16
    edited May 2020 Oh no a survivor likes a challenge, they must be a killer main. Remember that? Than you were proven wrong. You whine time and time again about how killers in general are often but promote it being ok for survivors to treat killer players like dirt over and over again. Maybe if you truly care about dealing with the issues of rude players and bad sportsman ship. You would take the high ground for once. Oh wait you can't, you would rather take killer players out back and put down like old yeller. You are no better than any of the killers you complain about. You are part of the problem. For you can't see past the labels of killer and survivor, you treat them as the in group vs out group. For you can't see individuals as individuals. You are just as bad as all the bad killers you come across. For you act no better than them.

    Which you know what a three gen is? Oh wait you just came in here to insult people and throw shade, so you can act high and mighty with a big fat smug on your face. Any group of experience survivors would not whine and complain about it. They would know how to handle it and get it done or would have known how to avoid it in the first place. For a three gen is not impossible to overcome. If the survivors whining about a three gen, knew how to play the game. They would of learn from great survivors like Ussylis, which Ussylis brings up the term three gen a fair bit. Using lines like, i hope we don't three gen ourselves, oh did we just three gen ourselves? Ussylis is most well known for playing survivor, is well aware of what a three gen is and try to avoid it if at all possible. Experience survivors know what a three gen is and how to avoid it. Maybe if you were not so quick to insult others, you would notice the point of this thread is, inexperience survivors calling something toxic and camping, when that is what a killer does. Keep the survivors off the gens and survivors can also try and stop a three gen from happening in the first place.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I am a survivor main, and have played over 2 years. I have never heard of Gen Camping. Although clearly someone said this I don't think this is anything regularly thrown around by survivors. And just like gen rush, is impossible, because it is just an objective. Killers should be patrolling gens, so this phrase is just silly.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I read your long rant here. 1st paragraph, ok I will give you that it was a low comment although kind of funny, but crass. But I play with Lalythia a fair amount and they are a red rank survivor so there is no need to explain what a 3 gen is, how to avoid it or the point of this post. It was all very clear and understood. Also the link you are referring to was ridiculous, it is a "survivor" claiming to like being camped and tunneled. I also called bs on that post because it was beyond ludicrous.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594
    edited May 2020

    If you read the first two pages of that thread, which i doubt you did. The op shows a picture of him spending more blood points on his survivors than his killers. While Lalythia called him a killer main, saying there is no way a survivor main would think like that. The op of that thread show proof on the second page that Lalythia was talking out of his rear. Which you clearly ignored. Due to not reading the full thread.

    That and Lalythia just show his bias against killers again. He ignores what a whole thread is about just to go killers are bad. For he can't get it, that killers are people to. That not everyone who plays killer is part of some hive mind.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340
  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I play survivor main and use the bp to blast through my killer blood webs, that does not make me a killer main, even though most of my killers are level 50 with 2 prestiged. And the sentiment that a survivor LIKES camping and tunneling is not true, no matter how you paint it, that guy was at least a liar at most a killer main stirring the pot.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594
    edited May 2020

    Congrats on showing you didn't read the thread at all. You are wrong. The op in that thread jedi, show these pictures, the sames one i am showing you down below. Proving Lal and you are bloody wrong and are bias as heck, who just want to blame all the worlds problems on killers and promote a in group vs out group mind set. For you can't treat people as people and can't possibly think people disagree with you. For if they disagree with you, of course they must be part of that bad bad nasty outgroup. Yeah clearly a killer main will spend more blood points on their survivors, than they would their killers. This is why Lal got called out. For he added nothing to this topic and ignore the main point. Certain people who happen to play Survivors, who are inexperience not knowing what they are talking about and blaming killers for their own lack of skills. Ignoring all of this, just so he can bash on killers again. are wrong.png There was an error displaying this embed. are wrong 2.png There was an error displaying this embed.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650
    edited May 2020

    I already went and looked it up. And the thread had not gotten this far when I had read it, so it was not a matter of not reading the whole thing, this was not even there when I was reading it originally. So I guess bro is just a liar. I have to be honest your points are not the easiest to follow. I assume you are telling me that I hate killers and am looking for an excuse to bash them? You are welcome to read through all my commentary on the forums. I champion fun, fair game play, and that is neither killer or survivor oriented generally. I have rallied behind all perks and offerings both killer and survivor. Stating in many posts that mori's and keys are just fine and why. That NoEd is not a problem and DS is A-ok. You will find that my main issues are the players toxic behavior. Survivors selling out team mates, incessant flashlighting, face camping, 4 man slugs etc etc etc. So I am not "biased as heck" is what I am getting at here.

    To address this other thread. This guy clearly states in his 1st entry that he likes being tunneled and camped and that is just ridiculous crap. No one likes waiting in a 10 minute lobby to be camped out of a game in 2 minutes. I do not care what this guy generally plays , my point about his entire post was that his claiming that getting camped and tunneled was somehow fun for him was complete bs. And anyone who has been a survivor for longer that 1 match would never say such a thing. His post is just troll bait bs, and just emboldens poor sportsmanship.

    Lalythia and I are also high ranked survivors and have been for a long time. We have both played over 2 years and have a combined 4000 hours. So insinuating that our opinion about anything in this game comes from being inexperienced is false.

  • Icery
    Icery Member Posts: 199

    Do not mind it, i think they were a bit mad.

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171

    Classic. You do MAP Pressure. They gen-rush every single gen far away from you, they leave last gen-s close to each other and the killer is camping ^..^ But, last time did happend to me, they didnt say a word after the match ^..^ (they were no salty at all) Which rank was tha match ? Just curious.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    What the hell. That is so dumb. Gen patrolling is what we as killers are supposed to do. It's called map pressure. Keeping them off gens.

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    back with old ruin I played trapper and defended my totem. Needles to say, they just swarmed it (3 players of the 4man swf) and they died. Got called a totem camper, bc they werent good enough to hit ruin skill checks.

    Next time you better camp the god pallet, make sure no one drops it! :D

    good old times :')

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    Who you spend your blood points on isn't proof of who you main. I have a friend that only plays one survivor and uses all the points he earns on that one survivor to level all his killers, yet rarely plays killer. This does not make him a killer main.

    I can't say I'm surprised at the kind of logic some people use here to push their narratives. You're not fooling anyone if you're saying you enjoy playing lobby simulator just to end up in a short match.

  • Martesa55
    Martesa55 Member Posts: 208

    ugh, just survivors that werent careful when they repaired the generators. It is their fault that let these 3 unrepaired

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    I can't know if you did this but I have seen plenty of killers who literally camp gens and never move from them.

    Survivor comes, killer might chase a few feet but will instantly break off without going for the kill or hit just to go back to sitting on top of the gens.

    Hell, I'd concede that it might be the smart play but 30 minutes into a game where the killer refused to actually try to win and just attempts to bore the survivors into giving up is not fun.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I know I'm a quiet voice but, WE'RE NOT ALL ENTITLED :(