Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Why do people lie when you ask them if they are in an SWF?

I recently played a group of players and thought... this is far too well organised so asked them afterwards whether they were in an SWF using communications. They responded no and they were solo.

You can imagine my surprises a couple of matches later at seeing them again in a lobby, what were the odds!

Why do survivors lie about being in an SWF?


  • evilwithinIII
    evilwithinIII Member Posts: 154

    This. They probaly think people find Them way better at the game when they play solo then swf.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117
    edited May 2020

    Why do killers always assume people are SWF? Same question same answers.

    Btw. how many threads about SWF do you want to start?

  • will_i_am_14_85
    will_i_am_14_85 Member Posts: 489

    Well as people have said, a group of 4 randoms can be extremely well organised, also, as a solo player I sometimes bump into the same survivors a couple of games later, or sometimes even the very next game.

    if they said that they were not in a SWF, maybe just maybe they were not, and matchmaking grouped them up again by chance, i know it has happened to me, rare but it can happen.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, if i think i played against an swf i usually ask them in the end, and usually they confirm they were swf (even if sometimes only 2 or 3). So, in the few cases where i suspect an swf and they deny it, i simply tend to belive them, unless there is further proof. (like seeing them all again in another game ^^) Thus said, in certain region/ranking-Combinations i believe you see the same players over and over, so if they were all red rank from one region, it might be a legit coincidence.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Can't answer because I'm 100% solo, but I got called a liar for saying I wasn't swf.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Maybe they aren't lying, and are actually solo.

    That's exactly what happened to me not long ago, except the killer brought a mori the next match. fun time lol

  • FabsRinas
    FabsRinas Member Posts: 169

    SWF can actually be a team's downfall. On console, I played against a SWF where each player was actually better than me, but their altruism was a priority. I hooked one after a longer chase than expected, then the other 3 come hook bombing, but everytime they did this, another one went in the hook instead. I know this is just that team's problem, but not all SWF are gods who can't be beaten, in 1v1, maybe all of them are better, but in 1v4, maybe you are better, and the other way around aplies too.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    I've queued up in the same lobby with survivors before, I've also had the same killers back to back before, the odds aren't all that slim.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I definitely think it's to do with the absolute ease that a full SWF party with decent perks and an okay map can win a trial. That's not to say that this is what SWF is (though it often can be), it's just the fact that people like to have their merits acknowledged and this general idea of SWF = EZ takes away from someones personal victory and feeling of accomplishment, whether it should or not.

    I often get accused of being in a SWF as a solo player matched with 3 other solo's, and I can definitely say that it really does feel like the killer is trying to detract from our victory by accusing us of using a "crutch". But, if we're being honest here, it was just 4 solo players that did gens and safe saves because we all had Kindred or Bond. Should our victory be detracted from?

    Well, maybe. The difficulty of solo que IS bad teammates.

  • boboca
    boboca Member Posts: 78

    was it a 4 man swf or 3 man only? all of them said they weren't in a swf? I ask because I play solo and yesterday I got 2 matches in a row with two guys that were playing swf. if the killer from the first match have asked if we were in a swf, I would say no and if he saw us on the next match together again he would think I was a liar which wasn't the case... a solo getting a 2, 3 man swf repeatedly isn't that uncommon...

    BUT if all 4 said they were solo and then you got all of them together the next match, yeah, they were probably lying...

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Why do killers insisted survivors are SWF? I ask because as a survivor I literally ALWAYS play solo. But killers constantly end with “gg have to do SWF to win,” because there is coordination, honestly by the time you reach red ranks you should have a basic understanding of how to coordinate end game saves and form a body block train out the door.

    I also play killer so I know it can be frustrating but don’t blame every loss on SWF.

  • xGodSendDeath
    xGodSendDeath Member Posts: 379

    They know they're being carried by voice communication

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262

    Well, there's also a chance you might not want to play with them yourself. I don't mind 2 man SWF, but I've played with so many 3 man's that went terribly. Often times one might be a streamer, who wants to show off, to their or your detriment. Sometimes they'll be overly altruistic, or prioritize their friends -- say you're about to go into second hook, their friend was just hooked, but instead of saving you who is closer, they go for the buddy. Over all, it can be very unfun for a solo survivor. Then again, sometimes it could make the game exceptionally easy. That just hasn't been my experience. Still, some people don't like it too easy.

    It's anyone's guess unless they wanted to tell you the truth, and you'd never know if it was truth anywaysssssss.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    This, watch Usyllis play and despite being really good at looping sometimes when he’s doing SWF with someone he throws the game meming around.

    this too, I don’t even play that much and I recognize some names over and over because there are probably fewer red ranks when I play early morning.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    That's not really possible. It's a nebulous number since it depends heavily on your region, rank, and time of day. It also depends on how many people are in a game vs. in queue at any given moment.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Absolutely this. I'd rather not be told that I'm trash for enjoying a game with my friends.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Why not just put Notifications in end game summary of who was SWF?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I don’t lie about it, if I were to lie about being in a swf though, it would probably be because I don’t wanna deal with people sending me hate mail for it.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    What made you think the first game they were too organized, care to share a couple examples?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I don't see much point in lying. Though I know someone who did lie about this and they said it was because they were using mics in their swf game. There might be more reasons why people would do this but I personally wouldn't.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    A few may to feel better, but again I say a lot of killers use SWF as an excuse they lost and I say that because I used to do it myself. Then playing survivor I started to realize some situations happen so often that good or even decent players know how to handle them together.

    OP hasn’t said what made him so sure the first game. I can organize a late game save with total strangers, really the only thing that takes coordination is organized head on

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Very good point mate. I know I've been accused of being in a swf when I haven't been so it probably was for that reason.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,343

    I don't see a point in lying, but it's perfectly reasonable to simply not respond at all. It's not really the killer's business afterall.

    In my experience when someone asks it's about a 50/50 if they're just genuinely curious or if they behave as if they're just grasping for a reason to declare a loss to be invalidated in their mind.

  • wedidagoodjob
    wedidagoodjob Member Posts: 4

    They revel in their lies

    They don’t want to be told that their victory is based on SWF and the communicating software.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    because most swf are toxic and want to act like they're so good therefore them thinking they won without swf makes them feel better

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I've been accused of being a SwF when the healing part of tome 1 came out. I was running a dedicated healing build as was another survivor. We both were extremely organized as was the 3rd person. 4th got tunneled into oblivion who we protected almost all game. Sadly it was a Pig so they couldn't truely be saved.

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171

    For most of the Killers SWF = I use a Red Mori or a Green Mori.

    SWF have all the reason of the world to lie to you but ... they were spotted in second match so ..... i think it was a magical mori moment ?

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    It's always possible they became friends after that game. It's also possible they just randomly got matched together again. I've had a lot of strange coincidences like that. Though I play on Switch, which has a smaller player base. Chances of it probably depends largely on how many people are playing, and at what rank etc...

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
    edited May 2020

    It's because they know it's an advantage and don't want to admit to using it. (Hell, I've had people on this very forum say stuff like, "Oh, uh, yeah, I play with my friends but uh, you know, we don't like talk or coordinate or anything, naw, nothing like that, we know...hang out and stuff...")

    It's a silly reason, because especially on Steam it's not hard to tell.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I had the same thing happen the other day while playing Killer. It was a super tough match. They were very altruistic and organized. I got out of the match and they were super cocky. I asked if they were SWF and they said no...only to leave and queue up again and get put back against all four of them. I deemed that too coincidental LOL

    I assume its because winning as a solo team is quite a bit harder than winning as a SWF...and they would like people to believe they're good enough to achieve that, when they in fact did not.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited May 2020

    Because can and will actually happen when you reach red ranks as survivor. I'm always getting the same 20 or so familiar faces in red ranks as a solo player.

    I get messaged and sometimes even flamed by killers for simply sneaking aboot and getting gens done and escaping without being seen. They think that just because you know to pay attention to the space around you that you're on SWF. A lot of killers tend to have an ego and will accuse anyone who outplays them as SWF. Conversly, this happens with a LOT of survivors with inflated egos thanks to SWF who callout a killer for using 'underhanded' or 'cheap' tactics to win when they themselves may be in voice chat or using meta builds.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,256

    I am exclusively a solo player because none of my friends have the game. Yet, I have been accused of being in a SWF group three times (I think, one of them was in a different language so I took a guess at what was said).

    Every single time, I was running Kindred. Makes coordination quite a bit easier.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,836

    or... you know... maybe they arent lying?

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Once where I was in a three man and said we were SWF and my team over discord told me we weren't SWF because we weren't a 4 man. Could be as simple a misunderstanding as that.

  • NotDBD
    NotDBD Member Posts: 182

    If they are actually a team, I think they just dont want some of the weight from their win being taken away. But there isn't really a solid way to tell if they were playing together unless they are all on each others friends list etc.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    This has happened to me as killer. Back to back lobbies of the same set of survivors who don't act like or claim to be swf.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    The same can be said about the inverse. A killer can lie to themselves about the survivor team being an swf so they can perpetuate the fallacy that well coordinated teams on voice comms are a big problem in this game.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Thank you guys so much for the replies.

    I've only been asked if I was SWF when a rank 18 and 19 were shown to have been playing with us, I was asked by the other red rank survivor!

    I've often wondered as survivor if I've been carried by a 3 or 2 man SWF but as killer you're not sure if you played badly or had faced a team coordinated on comms.