Create an emergency perk for next chapter.

AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

Scenario: The next chapter is the license which you've always wanted, however shortly before release one of the killer/survivor perks is freaking out and must be switched out.

It is your job to come up with your emergency back up perk which not only pays tribute to the license but also has a simplistic but achievable premise about it.

RULES: Design your own perk which fits with the license of your choice. Just for fun. Keep it short and sweet and upvote your favourites.


I'll start with my own.

Signing Off - Once the exit gates are powered or if you're the final survivor, block your aura and scratch marks to the killer. Receive a 5% haste bonus (stackable) however vault locations cannot be reused by any survivor once this perk activates.

"This is Ripley, Last survivor of the Nostromo, Signing Off" (Ellen Ripley, Alien)



  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285
    edited May 2020

    Undying Rage- Chapter, Friday the 13th

    Killer: Jason Voorhees

    You become obsessed with one survivor. After hooking your obsession, you gain a token. Once any survivor rescues your obsession, they will become your new obsession. At 3 tokens, you can break any undropped pallet you choose.

    Charisma- Chapter, Uncharted

    Survivor: Nathan Drake

    All survivors within 15 meters of you, will gain bonus bloodpoints on ALL actions completed either with or near you. You will share in their BP as well.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    edited May 2020

    Comforting Warmth

    Battles against dark forces have granted you powers that can be of help in this new nightmare.

    Comforting Warmth starts deactivated with 1 Token & cannot ever activate without 1 Token.

    While repairing a Generator, hitting 5/4/3 Great Skill Checks in a row without stopping to repair it activates the Perk & heavily brightens that Generator's lights, bathing you & other Survivors within 2 meters of that Generator in its warm light.

    While Comforting Warmth is active, if you keep repairing the Generator until it's fully repaired, Comforting Warmth will consume a Token, heal everybody within 2 meters 1 Health State, then deactivate.

    Comforting Warmth won't consume a Token if no one is healed a Health State, but it will deactivate upon finishing repairs.

    "You are hurt. You should go into the light, you are only safe there." - Thomas Zane

    I tried.

    P.S. I edited it to be a bit more QoL.

    Post edited by Boss on
  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198

    Method to Madness - You refuse to stop your work for man nor beast. While injured, in the killer's terror radius and working on a generator, Method of Madness is activated. While activated, you will have a 10% increased chance to trigger a skill check and great skill checks give 1%/1.5%/2% bonus progression.

    Dr. Frankenstein [survivor] - "Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful."

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    wouldnt that be kinda busted cause you could just break all the safe pallets?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    1/2/3 survivors start the trial injured.


  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285
  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    No Tears Please - You become obsessed with one Survivor, when hooking your obsession this perk becomes active. While active all injured survivors become broken for 30/45/60 secs and their cries of pain are louder.

    "No Tears Please, it's a waste of good suffering." Pinhead

    Go Away - Your chances of becoming the obsession are increased. After being unhooked you ignore mangeled/broken status effects and are able to heal others despite them for 30/45/60 secs.

    "Please. Go! Go away and leave me alone!" Kirstie Cotton

    (Both of these might be OP but still sound fun, and go away does not counter plague).

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    i suppose, but it would just be an indirect nerf to the shack cause any killer would break the shack pallet.

    that's assuming if the perk could only be used once. Also with the pallet desert update it means survivors' resources would get burnt through even faster as the game progresses.

    Idk maybe I'm just being over-analytical :P

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    "Out of My Way"

    Chapter: Anything that isn't licensed because I don't like licensed chapters.

    Description: While chasing a Survivor, colliding with any other Survivor will shove them to the side and stun them for 3/4/5 seconds. Shoving a Survivor resets Bloodlust.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    License - Student Bodies

    Survivor - While inside the terror radius of the killer for 40/30/20 seconds and not in a chase gain a token maximum 1. While crouching press the activate ability button to place a wad of chewed gum where you are standing. This action consumes the token. When the killer steps in the gum, their movement speed is reduced by 50% for 3 seconds.

    "5 letter word for stealth like?" - Malvin

    Killer - Horse Head Bookends - Sometimes you have to use the tools available to you. This perk activates for 40/50/60 seconds after a survivor is hooked. While this perk is active you can interact with an object on the map to booby trap it. The first survivor who interacts with the booby trapped object is put into the injured state. An injured survivor who interacts with the booby trapped object becomes broken for 30 seconds. This perk has a cool down of 60 seconds.

    "I'd like to kill the kid with the gum!" - The Breather

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    At the cost of another perk, I'm not sure if this is soooo OP. Surely strong, but a chaser perk. Better than another gen control perk :P Also, if you know about that perk, or just by chance, the super safe pallets might be going earlier then, to extend chases earlier in the game (hoping that others are able to finish gens)

    My choice would be:

    Kung Fu: While standing next to a pallet and the killer is within 5m, press the active ability button to kick the pallet into the killers face. The pallet gets immediately destroyed and automatically stuns the killer. The stun duration is increased by 50% and has a cooldown of 120/150/180 seconds

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    I could see this working, actually. It would need a counter balance, though. Like, any survivor that starts injured doesn't leave scratch marks until healed or hooked.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited May 2020

    Alien- purity while carrying a survivor you are able to slightly moderately considerably move survivors out of your way when walking into them

    I admire it's purity -ash

  • TheOneTrueTristan
    TheOneTrueTristan Member Posts: 85

    Debunking Brain Death (haha DBD)

    Interact with a Dead Survivor (not sacrificed) and revive them for 1/1.5/2 minutes. After the allotted time, they return to their dead state.

    "Yes, it's Herbert West! What are you thinking?"

    -Herbert West

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826


    I pictured the OP's statement as in like....

    A last second you have to release the next day perk.

  • Zarr0ch
    Zarr0ch Member Posts: 589

    Even after one hook, I'd be happy with Jason being able to break a pallet each time. BUT, have it only active for 10/20/30 seconds so he needs to find one close buy and cant walk across the map to the shack. A good Jason would know to try and down someone near the shack for this reason. Plus perks like iron grip will help get close to the shack etc if that is your goal. We should make it easy to break all the pallets, but with the right person and build, it can be acheived.

    If it turns out to OP, then let the pallet respawn after 5 minutes or something