Why bots aren't a thing yet?

boboca Member Posts: 78
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

I mean, the mobile version were leaked because of codes found on the PC version, right? So it means they share the same base code, right? So, why some cool things (specially the DC bots) aren't on PC/console yet?

Instead of punishing DCers making people hook suicide (which has the same consequence to the remaining players but don't allow the substitution), just let'em DC and replace them with a bot. I'm pretty sure a bot would be A LOT MORE useful than most of survivors tbh...

ty :)


  • boboca
    boboca Member Posts: 78

    I agree that punishing DCers is necessary in current game state. BUT if the idea is replacing them with a bot you can't punish them or they will just hook suicide. You can't replace a hook suicide with a bot, the DCer will not be punished the same way, the remaining players will be punished.

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    I dunno, PC/Console devs really seem uncaring and deaf toward players suggestion who begged for ages who's actually on the mobile version of the game.

    Visual cues, bots, QoL improvements with the blood market, all those suggestions asked frequently got aknowledged by the mobile devs and it feel very unfair.

  • boboca
    boboca Member Posts: 78

    I just want to remember that the killer also gets punished by an early hook suicide.

    • Hooking only one time this survivor will not grant you extra BPs for hooking him 3 times
    • Early hook suicides usually lead to more first hook suicides which leads to even less hooking and even less BPs
    • Less hookings = less emblem progression = the awesome experience of 4k depiping (hurdur ranks mean nothing hurdur)
    • Gaming isn't about easy wins, is about playing a fun game. I don't enjoy a 4k when the first one was an early hook suicide

    Punishing hook suicides makes ZERO sense. The game can't understand if the person just suicides because wanted to DC or

    • The killer is sluging everybody, kobing is the last resource
    • The killer downed the last guy, kobing is the last resource
    • The last guy opened the door and is teabagging the killer instead of trying to save me, kobing is the last resource
    • The killer is facecamping, I'm out
    • The killer is insidious basement camping, I don't want people to come here to die, I'm out
    • The killer is a pig/gf stealthily proximity camping, I'm out

  • boboca
    boboca Member Posts: 78

    I hope this is not the case, makes no sense not willing to make the best for the game and the players. I just would like to know if it is that hard to port mobile code to console/PC, since it looks like they actually share the same code :(

  • boboca
    boboca Member Posts: 78

    Besides the fact that this is a dab solution, it is easy to bypass

    Bad solution because

    • The killer is sluging everybody, kobing is the last resource
    • The killer downed the last guy, kobing is the last resource
    • The last guy opened the door and is teabagging the killer instead of trying to save me, kobing is the last resource

    These situations I mentioned earlier don't require struggling if you fail kobing.

    Easy to bypass because

    All you have to do is struggle a little not to qualify as a quitter and than quit

  • boboca
    boboca Member Posts: 78
    edited May 2020

    This could be a better solution for the hook suicides, I like it. Unfortunately, Mathieu already said that wiggle and struggle are meant to be manual and uncomfortable. RIP dualshocks ☠️

  • Dweeteater
    Dweeteater Member Posts: 37


    Boring. I don't want to waste my time chasing a damn bot that people will just let die on hook etc. because he's a damn bot. Yuck. The whole point of the game is the multiplayer interaction. They added bots to dbd mobile i assume because the player base is still small, that's not really the case here.

    *Yeah yeah DCers whatever just ban them into oblivion. ######### all that Bot #########.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It's not that he's right or wrong (he's not stating a rule, he's stating a design goal) per se, it's that the idea is just bad. I get that it's a horror game, but making the players feel physically unwell (if they happen to have stuff like carpal tunnel or arthritis, as you mentioned) and wear out their hardware is just bad game design.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    I think the majority of people here agree that McCote is one of the most out of touch developers in the world, he very rarely changes broken mechanics until he plays against somebody who can abuse the hell out of them

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Actually, the mobile bots are pretty damn good from what I hear.