I will never reach R1 as a killer. Thanks Gen Rushing.

Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum, and I love this game. I play it as a survivor rank 1 and a killer the highest I got was rank 4. I watch many top streamers who play this game and do not have corrupt intervention to help slow the game down.

First of all I'd like to say that I have been trying to get rank 1 as a killer, but I admit I am not as good as the streamers who play this game, but it shouldn't be that hard to get to rank 1 as a killer. The amount of points you need to rank up as a killer with the way this current emblem system is... It's nearly impossible unless you are a professional streaming killer, and even they lose to SWF groups.

Now here are some suggestions I have for the devs about how we can make things fairer.

The first one makes the most sense to me to balance out the game, make a ranked, and a casual mode, and within both these modes, make one Playlist where partying up with your friends is disabled, and one Playlist where you can join with friends.

If this feature is never implemented then new players will always have a bad experience in my opinion. The main issue with this game is that it was intended originally to have no communication on mics with direct call-outs that hugely help the survivors. I have noticed I can win as a killer even against top ranked survivors, as long as they weren't SWF. So thats one huge problem.

To help out killers against SWF groups, there should be some changes such as: killer movement speed increase, bloodlust is obtained faster, bloodlust doesn't go away when breaking pallets, generators spawn closer, maps are cut in half in size, get rid of the injured state to eliminate tiers of killers based off M1 vs 1 shot down killers, have pop goes the weasel be a default result of kicking any generator, bring back the old hex ruin.

These buffs to killers would make it fairer to fight against SWF groups, but make the game impossible for new players who aren't SWF.

There is clearly a bias war dividing this community between survivor mains, and killer mains. At the games current state I have little incentive to want to play as killer, because I feel I have no power, and that I am the victim getting bullied by 4 people on communications. This is why you see so many killers farming and trying to derank so the games can be fun again.

But since Gen Rushing is the current meta and strategy, I think to really get the devs attention, as killers, who are required to even play this game, I suggest to all the killers who feel my pain to start a new movement. I do not know what the hashtag should be, but the movement involves fighting fire with fire. Gen rushing does nothing but make the game not fun. No one really pips from a true gen rush, and it deranks killers like me who are trying to get to rank 1. So I suggest we all start Bubba insidious face camping survivors to give them a taste of their own medicine. You want boring games? Bring it on. You want to hold the game hostage as retaliation to my protest? Bring it on. Eventually people will stop playing this game, which will FORCE the devs to do something about it. At least just change the way the emblem system works, and give killers 2-4 times the amount of blood points for having to deal with this Gen rush meta and give us incentive to play killer again.

Thank you for your time,




  • FixThisGame69
    FixThisGame69 Member Posts: 97

    Thanks for sharing your opinion. It doesn't help fix the imbalance of this game though.

  • FixThisGame69
    FixThisGame69 Member Posts: 97

    I see your point and have doubted my skills often, maybe I just am not good enough to get to rank 1 as a killer, but tell me why was it so easy for me to reach rank 1 as a survivor?

    They make it easy to reach rank 1 for survivor, so why not make it fair for the killers? Are we just supposed to accept the fact that rank 1 killers have more skill than a rank 1 survivor? I do not want to accept that.

    Another thing that is annoying is when SWF groups spam you with party invites and messages cyber bullying the killer. It hurts my feelings and gives me a bad experience when I play this game.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    I do agree that getting to Rank 1 Survivor for some reason is way easier than Killer R1 (I'm a FAR better killer than I am a survivor but my killer rank is lower than my survivor rank). I wonder if there's actually something to that or if it just feels that way. I imagine a big part though is getting a good group of survivors (not even SWAT Teams, just random groups who are good) is far harder to beat as a killer than running into a really good killer. No matter how good a killer is, they can only really focus on one survivor out of the four per game where survivors only have one killer to deal with.

    As for the SWAT Team SWF, it does definitely make the game less enjoyable when you run into them (especially as you stated, a lot of them seem to also go out of their way to be ######### about it) but I don't know how you could smack the 15% of SWF groups who are SWAT Teams about it without directly screwing the 85% of people who just want to play with buddies.

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    survivor rely on each other, it's the performance of the team that counts. You cant run the killer for 5 gens while doing the gens urself.

    Killer on the other side is just on you (and ofc some random factors like maps, loops etc)

    • do not have corrupt intervention to help slow the game down

    There is more than 1 perk to slow the game down. You dont need corrupt, but I admit that its pretty nice for certain killers.

    • and a casual mode

    No. Dividing the community equals longer q times for both. Maybe if they decide one day to let pc play with console, but even then its pretty unlikely (just imo)

    • These buffs to killers would make it fairer to fight against SWF groups, but make the game impossible for new players who aren't SWF.

    Why not Buff Solo to the point of SWF and balance the killer around that? Sorry but most of these suggestions of "balancing" are bad. Bloodlust builds after 15s (!) of a chase. Changing their mov spd means that there is even less chance for survivors to get the 50/50 or mindgame off. Playing killer would would be so boring, no need for mindgames, just hold W and bloodlust them down. Maps cut in half? Gens right next to each other? Holy damn, it's already dead, stop it.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    Also as a Side Note with everything else, personally I'd just stop caring about rank.

    This isn't a direct competitive game like sports or fighting games where your rank would (mostly) correspond to your actual skill.

    I've seen low ranked killers wipe the floor with red survivors (especially now with goofy MM) and I've seen Reds who look like they've never played the game in their life. Rank in DBD is not a direct result of your ability and skills as there are far too many factors out of your control when it comes to a Trial.

    I've found the game is far more enjoyable now than it was when I worried about rank.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited May 2020

    It's a fact, not an opinion. Your idea of being toxic to every survivor also doesn't help to fix the imbalance and will arguably make it worse as survivors feel forced to play more and more efficiently.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Sounds like you aren't good enough yet. As for why it's so easy to hit rank 1 as survivor, it's because survivor rank is busted easy and shouldn't be that way.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I dont stream, I never run Corrupt Intervention because to me it feels like a wasted perk slot, more so than even a hex perk which at least has the potential to last the whole game. For months now ive been at and stayed at rank 1.

    My suggestion is this, as its what I did, play with Freddy. Hes really accessible and will help you keep uo a little better with the really good teams. The more you play against those teams the better you will get. And as you get better with freddy youll find you do better with other killers as well. Youll also notice playing against non swf becomes pretty easy. And last youll realize what everyone does after they hit r1 consistently, that it no longer matters. You'll feel better about picking up the harder killers and playing with them and losing because you'll also know you can get back to r1 anytime you want

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Corrupt Intervention is a ridiculously overrated perk. I'm a rank 1 killer and I never use it. It just makes survivors move slightly to do a different generator. Generator speeds are not keeping you from reaching rank 1.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Corrupt is I think properly rated for certain killers. Other killers don’t need that time and so it’s not useful on them (Ghostface).

    I would agree with OP, although this was probably not their point, is that high rank killer is very difficult without perks and an understanding of using those perks. Either to slow down survivor interactions or to improve chases. If a player performing poorly refuses these perks then that’s a self inflicted handicap.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Run Corrupt Intervention on weaker Killers. But strong Killers like Freddy, Billy and Spirit don’t need it.

    The trick to getting Rank 1 every month is having Pop Goes the Weasel, having fast chases and learning when a chase isn’t worth it.

    Leave people if they’re going to strong map tiles or away from generators and you’ll improve dramatically. Go self-care in a corner idc

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    It is a really good Perk on some Killers. But I agree, someone who is using it to replace Ruin does not put that much thought into it. E.g. I am quite confused when I see a Spirit with Corrupt Intervention.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    First of all - I agree. Ranking up as a Killer is a lot harder than ranking up as Survivor. As a survivor main, I honestly wish it were on the same level because in order to rank up these days killers use play styles that make the game really unfun for survivors. Maybe making it easier wouldn't help at all and people choose to play like jerks because they're jerks...but maybe, if they didn't feel such immense pressure, people would feel like they had room to be more considerate.

    However, the idea that the devs never anticipated people using comms when they implemented SWF is simply not true. They are video game developers. They are fully aware of third party software used for communication and IMO, it makes sense for them to spend their time/energy/money developing other things into the game instead of a comms system, since so many viable systems already exist. At the very least, they knew that SWF would be communicating somehow.

    Next - a slew of changes have occurred in the last 18 months to try and bridge the SWF vs. Killer gap. The latest were just most recent in a long line and have really put solo players in a weird spot already. I understand your frustration with SWF, but you're asking for killers to be faster, maps to be 50% smaller (can't even imagine), all players to be one shot, and basekit 25% gen regression for kicks on top of zero progression outside of great skill checks? That's super excessive. If you need all of those things to win against a casual SWF team, you don't deserve to be a Rank 1 Killer. Not every SWF team is a SWAT team and no team could win under these circumstances. This would not be a 'fighting chance', this would be a face roll.

    It's also very immature to suggest that everyone should insidious camp survivors because you cannot get to Rank 1. Because you're miserable, everyone around you should be miserable? I have news for you - the game is plenty frustrating for survivors as well. You are not the only one frustrated by things currently happening in the game. What you blame survivors for doing, like it is some toxic play style, "gen rushing"...is literally just survivors doing an objective that makes your job easier and allows you to actual net more points. If survivors just stealthed around the map and refused to do gens you would have no point of reference for where to look for them and would end up being held hostage - getting no points and having no fun. You NEED survivors to get on gens to allow you to flush them out, to chase them, to damage their gens for your emblem points, etc. So this massive complaint about how toxic survivors just 'gen rush' seems very stupid. I understand you, and many people, feel like gen speed is still too fast and that's a valid concern to discuss...but survivors aren't doing anything malicious to you by doing gens, since it's their only means to escape and it actually helps you do your job. It doesn't take you out of the game and disallow you to play. Unlike insidious camping Bubba, which literally ruins everyone's match - including the Killer. So because you're having a bad time, there should be a movement to ruin everyone's time. That doesn't sound selfish at all.

    Killers already gain BP at a higher rate than survivors. You don't need "2-4x" more blood points for simply playing your side of the game. I agree - fix the emblem system. Fix the rank and match making system. These things are absolutely broken for everyone, and the rank system really does have a more negative effect on Killer's, which I personally think drives some of the least-liked game play. So, I do agree with you and want you to have a good time, but not at the expense of everyone else.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited May 2020

    When the emblems first got here i managed to hit r1 as my trapper. That was back when ruin was useful and i used all my bloody coils to do it. I did it once for the achievement and said never again. Its too frustrating to go against reds ALL the time.

    Sadly to hit r1 as killer these days you need to be a try hard. You either need to use a meta killer, meta perks, be very good or a bit of luck. Play enough games and im sure youll get there but in all honestly its not worth it.

    Fyi. Corrupt intervention is amazing on trapper. The ruin nerf didnt affect him much because of this perk.

  • FixThisGame69
    FixThisGame69 Member Posts: 97

    Thanks Bro, this is probably the real solution here. I just wanted to have one screenshot of me as a rank 1 killer because my friends have rank 1 and I wanted to join them, but they got rank 1 back before the new emblem system, when it was easier to win as a killer. With the old hex ruin. I miss those days.

    At the very least, they should make kicking gens do more damage than it does currently, and make the skill checks less boring and easy. Maybe make it so if you fail a skill check you cannot work on that gen for 10 seconds at least.

  • FixThisGame69
    FixThisGame69 Member Posts: 97

    It is a way to raise awareness and get the devs attention, and start a movement that killers can use to support the games improvement. So it does help in theory. Unfortunately this game really isn't big enough for the devs to have incentive to change things. Remember when they got flashlighted all day then nerfed it? They need to play their own game more.

  • FixThisGame69
    FixThisGame69 Member Posts: 97

    I'll get to R1 using Spirit. The best killer to mind game on pallets and catch people off gens. I'm gonna use Moris and the most broken add-ons and perks available. And when I'm finally rank 1... screenshot, then never again.

  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301

    Hey bro tbh you gotta get the right killer and the right build. One shot's definitely help and you can run the meta killer perks. BBQ,STBFL,Noed just in case they genrush. And the last perk I'd say is Pop but you can choose whatever you'd like. And one more thing play however you want man. Alot of sweaty people camp and slug and tunnel and their at rank 1. While some other people play by their code and get there as well. Just try to have fun take the losses and have fun.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Your obviously just too bad for being a rank 1 killer.

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    I managed to reach rank 1, and I had to deal with red ranks at the green ranks. I had to use Oni for most of it, then I decided to not care about gen protection and ran NOED on Clown, Ruin on Doctor, and anti-heal Ghost Face and played around BT with his power to deny safe unhooks. You need to find a Killer and build that works best with your style of play. I made it to rank 1 with Clown before the emblem and Ruin changes, and I made it to rank 1 again. You can do it eventually.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I'll probably never get rank 1, but it's due to a lack of commitment, not because of someone elses' fault, or for my opponents actually playing well and putting effort in. (I know! How crazy!!)

    I've had the game for almost two months now and still only about 90 hours played, and a lot of that was just sitting reading all the silly lore on each character and putzing around in queue. I do manage to 4k red rank teams, though. You've just gotta learn!

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You're not entitled to reach rank 1

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Literally after Ruin nerf, it all went downhill.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    What's wrong with CI on Spirit? It makes perfect sense because you are more likely to get surprise hit and sometimes without the survivors even hearing you coming. In the late game, a 3 gen with Spirit can be GG.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    I dont think that the Perk can be wrong on any Killer. But I think that Spirit has better Options to choose than Corrupt Intervention.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I'm not surprised by it on any killer, since its not wrong on any of them. I guess you're just more used to meta maybe?

  • Blister987
    Blister987 Member Posts: 54

    Everyone listen to mr Orion. Stop doing gens, start searching chests for cool browns medkits, maybe waste the whole round looking for totems, (just in case of noed), or just hide in a locker until everyone is on death hook.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I said literally none of those things and was criticizing the fact that the OP is blaming survivors for playing in a "boring" way, like it's their fault that that's the most efficient strategy.

  • StutteringSpartan
    StutteringSpartan Member Posts: 254

    It’s simply SWF that causes the “gen rush” I usually hit rank 1 with no issues each season.

    Last night I was on for 4 hours, right when it was rank reset, and tome level 2 was released.

    Nearly every single game for me was an enormous challenge through a good majority of killers.

    I went up and down in pips all night, and stayed at rank 5, whilst I saw rank 3,2,1 survivors.

    Survivor death squads were out in force last night lol

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    I jumped on, did a couple tombstone games cause it's rank reset. Then I get this object SWF I had eboni'd as ghostface ~2 days ago.

    Decided to do ebony clown for them, game goes pretty rough cause they offered springwood. Manage to get 3 of them with the ebony, the last guy keys out the hatch. 3k entity displeased. They were all at rank 2-3 already, and they proceed to tell me that I will never be rank 1 and im "hardstuck" at rank 6 even though I nailed them all while being a rank 1-2 killer already.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Lol ok OP, you'll never reach the red ranks because of gen rushing. It's funny that there are red rank killers here, how do you think they got there? Wait, maybe they've never had a game where they were gen rushed, EVER!!!

  • sharonra480
    sharonra480 Member Posts: 20

    I'll never understand these discussions. I'm a survivor main. Other than the slow down builds in the game and moris (which aren't even that bad) know what is the most annoying thing in the game as a solo survivor? Other bad/dumb survivors. Whether its dying on first hook, DCing randomly, sandbagging, dive bombing hooks all game and not doing gens, trust me... we all feel the pain in this game.

  • Drippie
    Drippie Member Posts: 14

    Pretty sure this is bait, so whatever lmao, but incase it isnt bait, you are so sad. You arent good enough at killer, ever consider that? Get better at the game. Rank 1 killer is extremely easy to get if you play a lot of killer. Watching Twitch and Youtube doesnt give you skill in game, you need to play for yourself. How many hours do you have?

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    to get into rank 1 u need to play as scummy as you could possibly do is so easy to get in there but not reason to i just get in there everytime without noticing most survivors are potatoes.

  • NerfDS
    NerfDS Member Posts: 14

    Maybe all killers should just have Mori built in

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Why do you want to reach rank 1? There no point except sweaty matches.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Umm im no where near as good as streamers but i can make it to r1. You just need to play more

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Rank 1 as killer is overrated. Besides getting an achievement for it, there's no benefit, which means there's no point. Regardless of rank, you're going to going against survivors of all kinds. And in the end, you should play killer because you WANT to play killer. Don't put too much thought into rank, as the current rank system is being discarded even by the devs.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah when i stopped being nice is when i finally left purple

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    If you wanna win then git gud at nurse lol. The wins will practically be handed to you.

  • FixThisGame69
    FixThisGame69 Member Posts: 97

    OP here. I was just salty as heck. I found out how to get to Rank 1. Never use a Mori. With this emblem system the Mori just makes your devout trash. Names censored to protect individuals and whatnot.

    To anyone who doubted me, suck it. I got un-tilted, and got good.

  • OhMyWords
    OhMyWords Member Posts: 230

    You can't believe how demoralizing it is to see people be rude to others. It really is. I wish everybody would be nice to everybody.

    Now the topic, OP, highest ranks of green color and anything above them is sadomasochism unless you are a tryhard. I can respect tryhards as i was the same when i tried to NG+7 Sekiro just because. ;p

    Congratulations on achieving rank 1 by the way!

  • FixThisGame69
    FixThisGame69 Member Posts: 97

    Thanks! :) I really was just being salty. I should apologize though for posting a rage venting thread to everyone tho, mb this is what anger does to people.