Predict the next Chapter

AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
edited May 2020 in Polls

I think it's been confirmed as a licensed chapter. Also as it's the 4th anniversary coming up then I expect a big name.

What do you think will be the next chapter?

Predict the next Chapter 93 votes

SnakeSound222YearkSeiko300Fibijeanliv071981CheersVolantConch1719StrancolDelsKibaraWalker_of_the_fog_96Frontdoor6Jiren24alaenyiaAhoyWolfDatatsushiHero_awesomeDigglyDabihwowmagicmaster2020Mallyy10 29 votes
RattmanSpacingLlamasThe_V0idSN1P3R5G3TH3ADAshleyWBRevzi100xTudorMerokoVox_Nocturne 9 votes
TerminatorGuy 1 vote
Friday the 13th
SupernautRaveanAven_FallenNorbiZCornpopers_EvanHellraisingPredatorKieran_Griffinzireael_ 8 votes
emptyCupsN851 2 votes
sourglobebrubli 2 votes
None of the above (share your prediction)
BossOnryosTapeRentalsDrBoneSawgcardosotimidlukeEsperiaeTaigaAntimonDr_LoomisDetailedDetrimentpichumudkipMrJack20252D3_destr0y3rDawnMadAwkward_FiendMekochiCephalon_LebronIceryfelipao_braboBlindCicada 24 votes
FatelanceBabyCameron10JotaCashelP14Keezoshadow3989PlantCollectorBlackLotusSkullKidHauntedToastBubbas_malletEmperor16FRANCESCOREIGNYeetusDeeletusPopObjectedMrs_MyersWhipplesPixel_BoomBot 18 votes


  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    *****IT appeared below "none of the above" by mistake. Even though IT is below that option, you should choose it if you think the next chapter will be something else.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I couldn't choose between Jason Voorhees, or Candyman so I just chose Candyman. I wouldn't mind seeing It in the game my issue with him is that how would that work, he is an all powerful entity who might even have the power to defeat The Entity. And I remember one of the devs saying they are not going to add Pennywise in the game.

  • ghostfaceisthegoat
    ghostfaceisthegoat Member Posts: 7

    I'm hoping it isn't candy man, I don't find him interesting enough.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Thank you hey did you realize Fibijean selected the Candyman vote, and isn't he or she a developer in the game? WAIT does this mean what I think it means!?😮

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Yeah maybe, but who knows I hope we get another hint from todays livestream.

  • surv43
    surv43 Member Posts: 331

    I predict the nerf of Windows where the passageways have appeared

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    None of the above (share your prediction)

    Sirenhead. Confirmed by me.

  • timidluke
    timidluke Member Posts: 8
    None of the above (share your prediction)

    None of the above (share your prediction)

    I'm going wildcard, Hannibal Lecter because Anthony Hopkins is Welsh and the codename is Wales (I know codename is probably nothing to do with the actual killer)

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Fibijean is a trusted member on the forums, which means they know as much as us.

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169
    None of the above (share your prediction)


  • DNM
    DNM Member Posts: 59
    None of the above (share your prediction)

    Alright so I feel as though IT and Jason are out for a simple reason:

    Jason has his own game so if they get his license the Friday the 13th game will become probably deader than before

    The Clown was released around the hype of Pennywise I believe I am unsure what the devs will do but probably a non license killer unless it has already been confirmed it will be licensed?

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409
  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I'm going to be guessing Candyman mainly because I don't think it's gonna be Jason. I would love it to be Jason but his licensing legal hell is more torturous than Jason Goes to Manhattan.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited May 2020

    It's cool to see the terminator show up in a poll, people don't realize it but the exoskeleton of the Terminator actually showed up as a playable skin in BHVR's (unfortunately) failed DeathGarden which combined elements of Dead By Daylight and shooter games.

    So technically, BHVR as a company, have worked with whoever owns the terminator license before, it's possible they could work with them again. Not saying they should or even that they would, I'm just saying, it's hypothetically possible.

    But yeah no, I'm still waiting on Candyman, Pennywise, Pinhead, like everyone else. And then after those big three the Xenomorph, Predator, and less likely but "hey here's hoping": Jason and Chucky.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    I like the idea of an android in DBD. Maybe the Terminator T-800 based on the first horror movie would come to the game in the future. Although unlike Deathgarden, I would hope BHVR would try to go all out and also get Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign off on his likeness (endo-skeleton could be cosmetic or ability). Kinda like what happened with MK11 and Predator Hunting Grounds recently. After Bruce Campbell, working with another celebrity like him would look very good for the game.

  • BlindCicada
    BlindCicada Member Posts: 2
    None of the above (share your prediction)


  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited May 2020

    I actually had a really great idea just a couple weeks ago that I don't think I've heard anyone else say yet so I've been pretty excited to share it with the community (I'll probably make a thread about it in the future).

    The T-800 while cool and iconic, doesn't exactly fit into DBD. I like the recognition for such an iconic character, and Dead By Daylight hasn't included any Sci-Fi horror chapters to date (Stranger Things doesn't count. Change my mind) At least until they inevitably (hopefully) put in the Xenomorph & / or The Predator, but even then a killer who is a robot / android would be incredibly unique to have on the roster. Albeit if it doesn't cause any issues with the lore (which some people would probably say it might) although with the introduction of the Demogorgon which was a massive landmark for DBD throwing the restriction of "all killers are human" out the window, I think that's enough of a gray area to at least allow the consideration of such an addition.

    Now all that being said circling back to my initial statement, the T-800 doesn't exactly fit into Dead By Daylight. Reason being his whole shtick is using machine guns, grenades, from giant miniguns, to pistols, bullets, explosions, yadda yadda yadda. Not exactly Dead By Daylight's pace or style, and never something that I think we could ever reasonably expect to see in game. If that's the case, the T-800 should hardly even make an appearance then, because you'd be stripping away some pretty core aspects of the character.

    However, the T-800 isn't the only Terminator out there. Cue the revelation and light bulb switches, that is right, I am not talking about including the T-800 I am talking about the terminator that even Skynet is afraid of: the T-1000.

    I mean just think about it, it fits not only so much better than the 800 series, but it actually fits Dead By Daylight and on top of that even fulfills a request the community has made since basically 2016. Unlike previous versions of the terminator, the 1000 series is "made entirely out of a liquid metal ... meaning it can reform into any shape it touches" AKA it is capable of shape shifting. It can morph its arms into blades, spikes, or hooks, far more akin to something you might see in Dead By Daylight and it can impersonate other people. A killer who can shape-shift into the survivors is something the community has wanted for ages, (and its also something I think the devs said they wouldn't do, but that's besides the point)

    Although that being said, if the devs ever did figure out the tech to create a killer that could shape shift into survivors, I wouldn't want that ability to go toward the T-1000 I would much rather see that go toward John Carpenter's The Thing which is an incredible Sci-Fi Horror movie and had a huge influence on the horror genre in film. Arguably far more terrifying a killer due to its grotesque and animalistic nature, with much more of a fear factor than the calculated T-1000. Although I will say that intense cold stare will give you the chills

    Now that said I think that's a pretty compelling case for the T-1000 honestly, even if it couldn't morph into the survivors the 1000 series could do so much more, there is a vast amount of source material BHVR could pull from to come up with a different ability considering it's shape shifting powers go well beyond being able to impersonate human beings unlike The Thing which is an organic alien, the 1000 series can mimic inanimate objects, split it's body apart and still be functional at long distances operating separately from the main mass, and even form additional limbs. The T-1000 is extremely versatile in what it can do with it's liquid metal body, so there's no limit to what creative ideas you could come up with.

    And for fun here's a video on the T-1000 from Fact Fiend and just imagine the wide range of application there could be, given a Dead By Daylight context:

    Post edited by Seiko300 on
  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    I'm going to disagree, and say that a T-800 does fit into DBD if they want it to. The game is all about introducing new things and new unique concepts, an example being the Demogorgon. The first non-human killer who opened the door to other ones such as the highly requested Xenomorph, which back in the day, people argued heavily against it. And even today they still do, although it would be vastly different to most of the killers on the roster and Sci-fi-horror chapters won't stop that. An android(yes, James Cameron, an android not a cyborg lol) like the T-800 would do what the Demogorgon did. Create uniqueness and a new variation.

    You mention how the T-800's whole shtick is using lethal weaponry and that it won't fit the pace of DBD. But I would also disagree and say that he doesn't need to have that kind of power to be scary or to remain true to the character as shown in the films. People would associate that kind of thing more to Judgment Day and Rise of the Machines where it gets reasonably more action and loses its horror aspect. How intimidating was it to see a lumbering, weaponless T-800 coming after Sarah and Kyle in the first film just as the endo-skeleton and busting through a steel door, or chasing them in the Tech-Noir alleyway? Personally reminded me of Michael Myers and Laurie Strode and remains one of the most, if not the most, iconic scene of T1 to this day. Or how a bare-handed, intimidating/hulking T-800 came after John Connor and Marcus in Salvation? Or heck, even in Genisys when it battles another older T-800 model in the opening scene and then comes after Kyle later on. The Arnold-bot is fully capable of remaining iconic and true to it's nature without lethal stuff. It's like saying a Xenomorph's core aspects and fear factor would removed if it couldn't climb and scale walls, although Alien Isolation proved that to be completely wrong. Then again, if that REALLY is a big problem for the T-800 there is always a lower-watt plasma rifle that you could give him(which I don't agree with).

    While a T-1000 sounds cool in theory, there are slight problems. Firstly, Judgement Day isn't considered horror by any stretch. That movie is where the Terminator franchise started to move towards complete action-scifi rather than the original which was more in the scifi/horror/action area. Moving on from that, there is a bit of a lore issue with the T-1000. He was specifically made to terminate a YOUNG John Connor and prevent him from becoming the leader of the Resistance in the first place. T-1000's cannot be reprogrammed, not even by Skynet (which was a reason they feared them.) It's kinda the reason why the T-1000 was sent back in 2029 just before the Resistance defeated Skynet. There would be no reason for it to go after an adult John Connor seen in the opening of T2, and therefore it would not include a survivor. It just would not feel natural to have a T-1000 roaming around and going against it's mission unlike a T-800 who has been programmed to be either "good"(T2,T3) or "evil" (T1, Salvation, or the model from Genisys).

    At the end of the day, the face of the franchise will always be Arnold/the T-800. It would draw in more people and the matter of him fitting or not is opinion-based. As a fan of Terminator, I say they can easily make him fit better than any other Terminator model.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862


    Sure Arnold is the face of the Terminator franchise I won't deny that, but at the same time I think you doing a huge disservice to both the character and the insane amount of effort shown in Robert Patrick's performance as a cold calculating machine. Robert Patrick demonstrated his idea for how the T-1000 would move, based on the slow, deliberate, stalking movement of his Terminator on predators in nature. That's not only attention to detail on part of the actor, but that is very clearly Dead By Daylight type sh*t right there.

    Both Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day are classified as Action / Sci Fi movies so let's not kid ourselves, Terminator 1 isn't exactly horror either. And I mean that doesn't necessarily disqualify either of them, Ash Vs. Evil Dead the show is nowhere near the "horror" movie the original 1981's The Evil Dead was it's classified as "Supernatural" on google and much like the sequels that followed the original, with plenty of action and far many more elements of comedy than anything else. Likewise Left 4 Dead is all about shooting zombies down with guns so we can argue what qualifies for Dead By Daylight and what doesn't all day.

    What I am saying though is that if you were to disqualify the T-1000 on the basis of genre you would by the exact same logic be disqualifying the T-800 as well. The reason I emphasize the T-1000 is because his abilities are very clearly far more "horrifying" than that of the former model, you can't honestly tell me that a bare fisted Arnold Schwarzenegger running you down is anywhere near the same level of terror of a guy who literally has knives the size of his forearms.

    And sure you can call me out and say "what, a body builder isn't scary? Schwarzenegger could literally kick your as* into next #########' week" yeah, sure, but that's very much outward fear that you just described that "hulking, intimidating" figure. What I love about the T-1000 is that it makes no attempt to be Arnold Schwarzenegger it's something else entirely. It's a far more quiet, silent kind of intimidating which is already by itself far more unique especially for the role that Robert Patrick needed to live up to and far more suited to Dead By Daylight.

    Which in turn, create incredibly terrifying moments like these:

    If that's not horror I don't know what is. I think that clip all by itself proves why the T-1000 is better for DBD than anything else in the Terminator universe regardless of how iconic Arnold Schwarzenegger is it's not about the faces and celebrities, it's about the game and the characters. There is nothing that the T-800 can do that lives up to that kind of standard in regards to horror.

    P.S. If you want to talk about lore read this little fun fact from the wiki: "The molecular brain grants the T-1000 advanced reasoning capabilities, emotions such as humor, and even self-awareness. As a result, a T-1000 can make its own decisions contrary to that of Skynet." and it clearly does have a sense of self-preservation since those words were also exactly used in the wiki:

    "emergency camouflage programming would manifest itself as a malfunction or glitch when a T-1000 was critically damaged. The T-1000 that fought with Sarah Connor displayed this glitch in the steel mill. Having been frozen by liquid nitrogen and shattered, the T-1000 reformed from the intense heat in the mill and began to involuntarily mimic and stick to floor coverings and other objects it came into physical contact with due to its molecules undergoing self-preservation."

    So I think being kidnapped and stuck in the realm of the entity would eventually give the 1000 series a reason to comply with the wishes of the entity given that the entity is known to torture it's victims cruelly in the first place.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434
    edited May 2020

    I don't think you'd do disservice to either. Sure, Robert Patrick's performance was great but so was Arnold's. Think about it from a fan's perspective and a business standpoint. The T-800 would be the one that fills the spot as your typical, not to mention iconic, robot/android throughout media. Do more people know the T-800 or the T-1000 from first glance? Arnold or Robert? As Kyle mentioned in the first movie, the Terminator feels no pity or remorse or fear. It will stop at nothing until you are dead. That is where the horror aspect of the Terminator first began, not from the movie sequel that came like 6-7 years after. Not to mention this iconic scene:

    Terminator 2 was vastly regarded and labeled as a sci-fi action movie. Terminator 1 was considered and labeled by majority to be sci-fi horror due to its vast plot similarities to Halloween. In fact, if you type in "Terminator genre" on Google, one of the tags is horror as oppose to "Terminator 2 genre" which won't have any of that. Granted, there are sites that don't list the tag such as Wikipedia or IMDB which can be sometimes edited by fans, they usually list the primary tags. Same with Predator that people requested a lot before Hunting Grounds was a thing. When a movie doesn't have anything to back up it's tie to a specific genre or a majority of people who would agree on it, then it's simply not that genre.

    It wouldn't disqualify it since it's based on opinion. You first disqualified the T-800 and I retorted with why I thought your opinion is wrong in accordance to my own. I don't think a small guy who has similar powers to The Thing would be as scary as a hulking bodybuilder with maybe have his face torn off exposing a robotic endoskeleton(you see how it can go both ways based on opinion?). Cuz why not just add The Thing itself? In fact, I would say Terminator Salvation has more horror elements to it than Judgement Day. This is more horror to me than anything from T2, now imagine comparing T2 to T1:

    No, I don't consider that T2 scene horror because the movie itself isn't horror or even in the vein of it. Other people might agree that it has horror ELEMENTS in it, but that's not nearly enough to qualify it as an official horror. Some cartoons have "scary" characters, does that mean they could be added? No, just like I don't think any "villain" other than a T-800 would fit that criteria or be iconic enough. Schwarzenegger is far more associated with the franchise and is also considered to be a horror villian(T1). That is more than enough for BHVR to consider him over a T-1000 which wouldn't sell nearly as well or be as recognizable. There is a reason why MK11 chose Arnold over something like a Rev-9 or T-1000, and no, it was not just because of Dark Fate/promotion for it.

    Btw also from the Wiki:

    "In Terminator 2 Judgement Day, the T-1000 (Patrick) is sent by Skynet back in time to kill a young John Connor, the future leader of the Human Resistance against Skynet. The T-1000 ambushes a Los Angeles Police Department police officer on arrival and takes on his identity, tracking down John Connor through the police cruiser's on-board computer and eventually confronting him in a shopping mall. As it prepares to kill John, a T-800 Model 101 sent by the Resistance to protect John shows up to engage it. Following a brief scuffle and a lengthy car chase, the T-800 and John escape from the T-1000. It returns to John's foster home and takes the place of his foster mother, Janelle Voight, intending to wait for John to return, but John calls ahead and the T-800 is able to confirm that the T-1000 has infiltrated the house when it incorrectly names John's dog."

    It says so in the same Wiki that its primary focus was to kill a young John. We've canonically never seen the T-1000 making it's own decisions because it always followed the order Skynet gave it anyway. For what we've seen, it has no reason to comply with an entity to go after other survivors. What will it get in return? A promise of a young John Connor handed to him on a silver platter? Having a T-1000 chase someone like Sarah would be essentially retconning the lore of the T-1000 to what its original purpose was in T2.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    For starters, yeah I'll relent that fear is an often subjective topic and you might find more fear in the hulking Austrian Oak himself than I do, although I want to clarify that part of the reason that the T-1000 is objectively more scary than the T-800 is because of it's capabilities. Specifically that to transform at will into basically anything, if it wanted to it could match the exact figure and stature of Arnold Schwarzenegger himself, all of a sudden my fear is now your fear too.

    Put another way If you're being chased by a T-800 all you have to look for is a really buff bodybuilder type guys walking around because that's their default model, you know what's after you, what to look out for and perhaps how to stop it. However, on the other hand if you're being chased by a T-1000 you have to be on the lookout for anything and everything. The fact that you can walk into an empty bare-bones room with absolutely nothing in it and still be not 100% certain that there isn't a Terminator in the room with you is arguably more terrifying because there's nothing you can do about that. When you realize you can't even trust the floor you stand on, the walls around you, or the ceiling above you, that's basically adding an extremely intense psychological horror aspect to the character. Made all the more intense since it's not just your environment but the people around you as well you can't trust anyone or anything and that's literally the definition of Paranoia.

    While I will agree that the first clip you showed was definitely in line with horror theme of Dead By Daylight, you have to think about that given a Dead By Daylight context. Was there really any threat there in that clip? How could that be adapted to DBD? These are the questions you have to ask yourself and the answers to them aren't very encouraging. It was honestly half a terminator with an arm slowly crawling after an already terrified Sarah Connor who was by that point exhausted and worn because of her experiences over the course of the film.

    Whereas the scene I provided has creates a plethora of application, what can you do with shape shifting and body morphing? Literally anything, the possibilities are literally endless, and I would hope I don't need to come up with examples to illustrate my point, it is quite honestly the most self-evident thing in this conversation.

    And again with the genre thing, I'll say it again you can't realistically disqualify Terminator simply because of the aforementioned examples of Ash Williams from Ash Vs. Evil Dead and Bill Overbeck from Left4Dead they are about as far removed from horror as the Terminator Franchise. Much like how you yourself said, "stories with horror elements but not nearly enough to qualify it as an official horror." (Side track, completely off base, I have repeated this exact line of logic or something very similar previously in a completely different conversation before, so it was really weird to read the same logic I myself have used in the past against me. It has nothing to do with my point or your point, I just thought I'd mention it because it was a bit of a crazy Deja Vu moment.)

    And back to the lore, I must have not made myself clear enough when I was talking about "self-preservation" and "torture victims cruelly". If the 1000 series was caught much like many of the other killers in Dead By Daylight, the entity would threaten and back up those threats with intense torture and potentially death. Seeing as how the 1000 series was advanced enough to become self-aware (hence why it was discontinued and why Skynet feared it) and act with self-preservation in mind, not to preserve it's "life" because it is a robot but to preserve its very existence. We also know from its screams when it died in T2 that it has some concept of pain, which means the entity can and would torture it like many of its killers for eternity (since time doesn't really exist in the realm of the entity, so eternity might be pretty close) until it complied.

    and again I'll just put the same quote here: "The molecular brain grants the T-1000 advanced reasoning capabilities, emotions such as humor, and even self-awareness. As a result, a T-1000 can make its own decisions contrary to that of Skynet." So it is confirmed it can act contrary to it's original programming.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    Not just the fear factor, but in terms of being iconic and better from a business/marketing standpoint. You won't see other Terminator models associated with other any other game feature something that's different from a T-800/T-850. Maybe not in Arnold's likeness, although still the same model. Now, if a T-1000 were to copy the T-800 model, then it really wouldn't be a T-1000 at that point then, now would it? It would imitate the same stature and abilities to the T-800, so there's no point to that if you were being serious.

    You could say the same thing with ANY killer and even the T-1000, technically. Look for a man in a white mask in the case of Myers or Ghostface, or a buff guy in the Trapper. There is absolutely no reason you would be scared of Robert Patrick making weapons with arms more than a hulking T-800/Arnold Schwarzenegger. We know the concept of survivor imitation would be hard countered by SWFs, and him imitating other killers would make the rest of them obsolete. A T-1000 wouldn't realistically have anything that would make him stand out more than something more iconic to the franchise aka T-800. Again, just add The Thing and give him an ability similar to the T-1000 and watch him become useless. People would associate the T-800 more to the horror movie that he was originally from. An android more powerful than any other killer thus far based on movie feats and the most popular.

    The threat was a relentless, remorseless A.I. hunting down a pair like Myers hunts down Laurie. You state your opinion when you say the T-800's abilities wouldn't be adapted well into DBD. There are options in how you could make him work ranging from cybernetic scans, to brute force, to even a lower watt plasma rifle. Lack of creativity is not mutual when it comes to the developers and BHVR. I say that a T-1000 wouldn't fit and wouldn't be adapted well either as a Terminator fan because his abilities would be countered and wouldn't be as frightening.

    Yes, please show me examples of the "plethora of application" regarding the T-1000. Something that won't be countered, something that will be scary to make up for Robert's stature compared to Arnold's, and something that won't make him imitate other killers. It doesn't exist man, trust me as a Terminator fan. Shifting and body morphing won't translate well, just look at The Thing concepts.

    Both Ash vs Evil Dead and Left4Dead are literally listed as horror.. Ash vs Evil dead being tagged as comedy-horror and Left4Dead being tagged as survival horror. Just like Terminator 1 has a horror tag to it as well unlike T2 which again has none of that. That point is bunkum unfortunately.

    You did make yourself clear. You were just incorrect. We don't deal with what-if storylines, we deal with canonically accurate depictions. What if "The Pig" became good was a survivor in DBD? The T-1000 showed no intentions of giving in to deals and reasons at that point in time, it had a primary objective. And correction, the T-1000 COULD become self-aware, and it did not to because it fought to complete its mission till the end. Those "screams" at the end weren't of pain as machines cannot "feel" pain the same way humans do. It was the distorted sounds of a machine glitching out while succumbing to hot temperatures while ultimately perishing. Throw in a singing animatronic into water or lava. You'll still hear the sound of singing, but will distort as it begins to break down, potentially resulting in a sound like screams. Even the T-800 said it registers pain differently, you think an upgraded model wouldn't?

    And I'll post my same quote: ""In Terminator 2 Judgement Day, the T-1000 (Patrick) is sent by Skynet back in time to kill a young John Connor, the future leader of the Human Resistance against Skynet." In yours it says a T-1000 CAN act contrary to Skynet's orders, but here's the thing it never did and clearly refused to. It could've disobeyed Skynet's orders and lived a normal life, but it wouldn't. His objective was John and nothing else. DBD will not retcon this and say he finally went against his orders and went against everything he stood for in T2.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    My reply got put on the approval waiting list. Give it some time

  • the_legion_main
    the_legion_main Member Posts: 5


  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942
    None of the above (share your prediction)

    Pyramid Head

  • ZarinaKindaThick
    ZarinaKindaThick Member Posts: 63

    Mathieu said that he loves the Candyman series and would love to see him in game, and since Tony Todd has been prowling around most things DBD related, it makes decent sense that he would be the next killer in game.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    You keep mentioning this point that Arnold Schwarzenegger is far more iconic and better from a marketing perspective, however you fail to consider just how difficult and expensive it would probably be to get a hold of his likeness. (Actually I think you did mention it previously but only passively and very briefly, something you quickly glossed over and never really brought up again so might as well have failed to mention it). This is an absolutely game-changing and indisputable fact in this conversation, Robert Patrick's character not only matches the tone and vision of Dead By Daylight but is simply far easier to get a hold of and make a deal with.

    Sure Dead By Daylight has Ash Williams who is a tried and true proven actor of capability and known celebrity. I will stand by Bruce Campbell as an extremely well respected, distinguished actor and it's amazing they actually got a hold of him to voice his own character in Dead By Daylight. However, I don't think it needs to be said that Bruce Campbell is no Arnold Schwarzenegger. The very obvious distinction between the two being their net worth: Bruce Campbell is estimated to be worth 10 million which is absolutely nothing to be sneered at, he is undoubtedly successful, but Schwarzenegger is worth an entire 400 million dollars.

    By comparison, Robert Patrick is much more in line with Bruce Campbell's status and level of success, who has a net worth of around 12 million. Just 2 off from Campbell, rather than the difference 390 of Schwarzenegger.

    Likewise, DBD has very clearly steered clear of working with high-profile celebrities much like Schwarzenegger, most obviously: they never acquired the likeness for Laurie Strode's actress Jamie Lee Curtis. They couldn't secure Eric Matthews for their Saw chapter played by Donnie Wahlberg so they opted to incorporate Danny Glover's Detective Tapp who died in the first movie of an 8 movie franchise and getting a 9th installment in 2020, they were not able to get Robert Englund who is known worldwide for his role as the original iconic Freddy Krueger instead being forced to settle for the 2010 reboot Freddy played by Jackie Earle Haley, and they could not even get a hold of fresh on the scene actor & actress Joe Keery + Natalia Dyer to voice their characters Steve and Nancy from the popular new series Stranger Things for reasons that are still withheld from us to this day.

    You might say "well both the Terminator license and Schwarzenegger likeness were able to come to Mortal Kombat 11 why not DBD?" and the answer to that is also self-evident. Mortal Kombat 11 was developed by NetherRealm Studios and while obviously that company is no Ubisoft or Bethesda, the roots and heritage of that company run deep in the gaming industry all the way back to the first Mortal Kombat released in 1992, and if that weren't enough, guess who owns NetherRealm Studios and Published Mortal Kombat 11? Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment the video game division of Warner Bros. Home Entertainment inc. the entertainment giant worth 5 Billion with a capital "B" dollars dollars. So yeah, I think it's safe to say they have "just a little bit" greater access to a wider range of resources than Behaviour.

    This is damning evidence for your side and you know it as well as I do that it may as well be fantasy. And it pains me to speak about DBD in what comes fairly close to a negative light especially that second to last paragraph, but it's just facts. However, it's important to know that even despite this lack of resources Behaviour Interactive have done an incredible job at creating a fun and addicting game, with compelling lore, unique characters that combine elements of both new and familiar content, that is bursting at the seams with creativity in the horror genre.

    And that's something I think is important to know and realize, that even despite being an underdog Dead By Daylight has made do with the hand that it was dealt and the characters it could secure in the game. It's done a pretty good job so far. A T-800 may not be feasible or even plausible but a T-1000 (which in my opinion is most certainly deserving of being "the superior model" and is way more scary and cool but I digress) comes pretty damn close. Close to the story that so many fans have come to know and love, the characters, the capability, etc.

    And I'll be honest, there's so much more I want to say about the T-1000, how it could work, how it is far more unique an addition to the cast of DBD than the T-800, how the lore could be twisted in such a way that would allow the character to fit properly (you don't think other characters that the DBD community wants doesn't have their own problems or conflicts than lore? Hell, #########' Pennywise one of the most requested killers and we know for a fact Mathieu Cote's [Game Director] dream killer to have in the game technically creates lore problems, since "It" according to the books is a kind of cosmic entity much like the Entity in DBD) however I'm not going to do that. Simply because I would rather at some point reach some kind of compromise or "agree to disagree" instead of perpetually going on and on about two killers that may never see the moon of DBD ever. I also think you know as well as I do that it takes time and energy to write these paragraphs length responses

    And I also think that the OP doesn't appreciate the kind of / sort of derailing of this thread we've singlehandedly caused (although The Terminator was mentioned in the poll options, so is it really derailing? Ehhhhhh *tilts hand side to side in "so-so" fashion*)

    So let me just say this, while I do have a personal preference for the T-1000 (just watch Fact Fiends youtube videos on it honestly and that would be my whole shpeal) I do think the T-800 is pretty cool, I don't play Mortal Kombat but when I saw gameplay I thought it was super cool and badass. In much the same way that the T-800 was featured as a playable character in Mortal Kombat I'd like to see the T-1000 get its spot in the limelight and I think Dead By Daylight would be the perfect place for it.

    Especially considering numerous different factors, from accessibility to the actor, to the versatility and thus various options for a killer power (BEYOND being able to shape-shift into survivors), how it's especially unique from the rest of the DBD cast (Surface level comparison: how many killers do we have that don't wear a mask and their face is in "perfect" / normal condition? The answer to that is more or less zero, excluding the possibility of Candyman in the future), it creates the first Sci Fi Horror chapter for DBD (If the Xenomorph and / or Predator have not made it in by then) and so on and so forth.

    And again, there's more I want to say but I'm kind of forcing myself to cut myself off here and create some kind of amicable conclusion to this conversation.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    While Arnold's likeness may be more difficult to obtain, it is still very possible and would benefit the game and company more by having someone like him associated with it. Illfonic has recently obtained his likeness to use as Dutch in their Predator game. And considering how BHVR has worked with StudioCanal in having the endo-skeleton and even Judgement's Day's theme in BHVR that gives more of a possibility to get Arnold to appreciate a company and be willing to work with them. There is no reason they would rather work with Robert Patrick(who's character subjectively does not fit into the game, not just by genre but by ability) as oppose to the far more popular celebrity who's character was just as scary in the original media and does not have the limitations of one set ability.

    You are basically saying "Arnold is unrealistic for DBD standards because the maximum they can afford is Bruce Campbell." You don't know a single thing about BHVR's inside budget or their connections at this point in time. They have taken off and grown as a company. You're making a wide variety of assumptions based on the fact that Arnold is such a popular celebrity and saying "X is impossible/unrealistic because I THINK they can't afford it."

    There are companies and people that are more willing to work with games than others. Back when they first introduced the Halloween chapter, they were indeed a smaller company with a smaller budget. I mean, that was the first licensed chapter they introduced and they already had some kind of John Carpenter involvement. I also heard somewhere that Jamie Lee Curtis herself didn't care about having her likeness again(although I'm not sure about this not that it matters anyway.) You could argue that they went the cheaper route with Danny Glover, but seeing as he was one of the main guys in the actual SAW video game I could see WHY they choose his character over Eric. Next we know that the original NOES and Robert Englund is a whole different can of worms. If I remember correctly that was more up to the actual license holder of the franchise. They said "2010 NOES, take it or leave it." And lastly I don't know why you mention the Stranger Things duo. They were almost spot-on with their likenesses and they have no reason to actually voice their characters with grunts and pain. They are no Ash Williams.

    You're stating the obvious when you say that NetherRealm Studios has a bigger budget than BHVR. Cool, but it still presents the examples/possibilities of a video game company obtaining the likeness rights. Doesn't mean BHVR has a zero percent change of doing the same just because they are a smaller company. There are examples of other media companies obtaining the rights of another franchise character just like a different richer company did before them.

    It's not damning evidence at all because you're not an intern at BHVR and you assume that just because "X" is expensive, it's automatically fantasy. You present opinionated arguments and I would say that your character is more in the realm of fantasy since it comes from a realm of non-horror and with a guy that has no intimidation factor to him. You unfortunately have not shown any evidence other than feelings and assumptions based of what you THINK BHVR's budget allows them to reach for. If they really want Arnold they can reach for it, and it may or may not happen. I guarantee that they would not go with licensing anything from Terminator other than a T-800 based of the movie that was the most horror out of all of them.

    A T-1000 would be the one not be feasible or plausible lul. I, for one can tell you that they won't go after characters that were in non-horror titles such as Judgement Day. I'm sorry but it just ain't gonna happen. Your lack of creativity does not automatically eliminate the possibility of the most popular character of a franchise in the T-800. I know you really want a T-1000, but if you were even an ounce of a Terminator fan you'd know exactly why he won't be chosen over even an endo-skeleton of the most popular model.

    It wouldn't work just based of the movie he was in and how unintimidating and unpopular the model is compared to it's actual horror counterpart that has been licensed by BHVR before. It's simply way more unrealistic. They will NOT be getting the T-1000 as much as I don't want to say that for you.

    I don't think OP likes it either, but I'm a huge Terminator fan and I don't like seeing people have unrealistic expectations when it comes to the franchise and and DBD. Or turn down other people requests when it clearly is more possible than something like Willy Wonka in DBD. So I just like to have a conversation. I have seen people say "oh the Demogorgon won't fit cuz he's not human" or "Ghostface wouldn't fit cuz his movies were a parody" blah blah over the years. It's just meh.

    I likewise, appreciate the T-1000 and Judgement Day(my favorite film out of the franchise). I just see a-lot more things as to why the game would likely choose a T-800 over it. Many more reasons than you would have against a T-800, shapeshifting is a T-1000's primary shtick which would get countered just like The Thing, Robert is not an intimidating person at all, not as iconic, not horror at all and not even tagged as it, the list can go on and on more so than the actual scary android than everyone is familiar with. Introducing new types of killers is a big step for BHVR. That is why a Xeno would be cool because the more variety the better.

    I suppose this conversation has gone on long enough. I am still thoroughly convinced the only character they would go for is the T-800, Whether that will be with Arnold's likeness or not, I simply won't be disappointed. Here is the conclusion that would be beneficial to both of us. We SHALL see in the future who they would go for if they either consider the Terminator franchise in this game. We'll see EXACTLY who's right or wrong. Could be you or I. :)

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    I was hoping your response would be a shorter more concluding-type thing but after reading through I just feel obligated to retort.

    • "Arnold's likeness may be difficult to obtain" is most definitely the wrong word to use here, it's not "may" it is this is an indisputable fact. The guy is worth 400 million and you think he's going to lend out his likeness to any company? Yeah it's still "within the realm of possibility" but "the realm of possibility is a massively broad concept that obviously includes the T-1000 just as much as the T-800, so it's hardly a favorable position to argue. It's like saying "it's possible to find a needle in a haystack" sure, but are you really going to bet on those odds? Absolutely not.
    • I am not saying anything of the sort I am using Bruce Campbell as a comparable metric to weigh the likelihood of being able to get Arnold. If Campbell is the biggest name that BHVR currently has attached to the game then it's only fair and reasonable to base other potential future content around the level of name-recognition or popularity. Yes, it is a fact that Bruce Campbell has set a maximum standard for what Dead By Daylight can achieve and how much buying / negotiating power they have. This is not an "I think" statement this is a more than reasonable assessment based on previous evidence.
      • Yes, it is possible there is a range around this, obviously this is not a static maximum cap of "we can only work with people worth 10 million dollars" and it is certainly possible they can work with bigger names than Bruce, but again that's painting a broad stroke with a broad brush "within the realm of possibility" that whole statement hinges on a "might" statement which isn't actually reasonable or substantiated logic.
    • No, this was confirmed by someone on the dev team themselves Detective Eric Matthews was their original choice and "it didn't work out" was all they said about it. Also have you heard Steve's voice? I remember Bricky once said he sounds like a godd*mn opera singer, and I don't care how good they look if they don't sound the part that's not the character. That's like saying "Morgan Freeman is a character that shows up in X movie / show, but he's voiced by Gilbert Gottfried" (the parrot from f*cking Aladdin)
    • Yes, a bigger budget helps negotiate deals. Are you going to dispute that?
    • I already explained how I used Bruce Campbell as a "comparable metric" again, my argument is based on as much facts and logic as possible hence why, for example, I took the time to research and explain the net worth of all these individuals. Their net worth is not a matter of "my opinion" that's an actual number written in a bank account statement somewhere in the world. You could say the meat of that comment was dedicated to a kind of statistical analysis of the people that BHVR has worked with in the past, what they have been able to achieve, and how far removed Schwarzenegger is from all of that. Again that is not an "I think statement" that is logical reasoning and judgement.
    • Are you really gatekeeping The Terminator fandom? Really?
    • He's clearly not unpopular, since again, I'll keep citing Fact Fiend since there's no reason not to, Karl Smallwood loves the T-1000 even more than he loves the T-800 due to expanded universe content beyond the films such as the comics, and other related media. Who's the inferior Terminator Fan now?
    • Are you really telling me THIS ISN'T INTIMIDATING? Shot 2020-05-17 at 12.27.44 AM.png There was an error displaying this embed.

    Fun fact, the entire reason that Robert Patrick got the role of the T-1000 at all was because James Cameron was going through all of the audition tapes and "Robert Patrick was the only one who actually scared me so he got the role" so I call bullsh*t on "Robert Patrick isn't intimidating" because he is, just in a much different way than Arnold would be. I'm sorry, but not even Schwarzenegger can make a face like that, and some random guy on the street gave you that look you would know to steer #########' clear.

    and what did he do in his audition? He literally stared into the camera with that level of intensity for 5 minutes.

    • Yes, we shall see indeed.
  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    "May" in this context means in agreement, you should see that..."It may be rainy today, but that will not cause us gloom!" or something. Not uncertainty. I am glad you agree with me that it is in the realm of possibility. And there are far more reasons why the T-800 would get chosen over a T-1000. You don't know BHVR's budget nor do you understand their intentions with who they want to work with. Bruce Campbell was a huge stepping stone for them, why wouldn't they go beyond that if they had an opportunity? Working Arnold would be another huge milestone for them over Robert Patrick who would be the first non-horror character similar to The Thing and would probably get more backlash that intended from the fans who actually expect DBD to be all horror.

    That is exactly what I said...You use Bruce Campbell which was a thing of the past to gauge what they are capable of and willing to obtain at this point in time. That point is bunkum as you have no clue to what their "maximum" standard is. More assumptions, my man. They are willing to go beyond every time and have made more money off DBD than you can think. This game is their baby, their cash cow and they would treat it right.

    "It didn't work out" probably goes back to license holders. Like I said, there are people who are more willing to give out certain properties than others. You can't say that just because they couldn't get "X" then another, more expensive "X" would be impossible. 90% of DBD characters are voiced by the devs themselves. They have no reason to actually hire Joe Keery to make grunts and screams because THAT would truly be a waste of money. They simply tried with a certain dev, and it didn't work out how they expected. They simply got unlucky with who they chose. It would be foolish to spend a good bit of money just to have the actor do those. I don't know why you bring that up when the likeness part of them is what is really important and they nailed that.

    I won't dispute that. And again I'll say you know squat about their budget and how much they are willing to spend. If you were a dev that spilled the beans, I'd take your word a little more seriously. But you're just a fan.

    Your logic is flawed by using Bruce Campbell as a comparable standard to what they will get in the future. Back in the day, when you told someone a "buggy mess" like DBD was going to get Bruce Campbell to work with them, they would laugh, call you ridiculous. The game is always going forward and reaching new heights. I feel like I've said similar multiple times by now. They would go for something very iconic and very profitable in exchange for something that might even be expensive.

    No? I'm just telling you what TRULY would fit into this game as a Terminator fan personally. And what they would realistically get. I hope you don't take offense to that, I'm sure you don't. You just first started typing unecessary paragraphs when you know that you'll get absolutely nothing out of it and I wanted to retort.

    He is quite indeed unpopular to casual people who think of the Terminator franchise. They think of a T-800 endokeleton, they think of Arnold. Robert Patrick is certainly not the first thing to pop into their head. Heck, some haven't even seen Judgement Day.

    To you, it might be intimidating. I don't find Robert who (looks like my older neighbor btw no joke) to be scarier than an Austrian bodybuilder and I'm sure many others would agree. To me this is more intimidating (granted it's Genisys):

    So just because Cameron said so, means everyone else feels the same way? The feelings of one person? You've got to be kidding... There is no way where any of the T-1000's scene's and fear factor compare to the android of the first movie to most people. And while James may be scared of Patrick's mean face, doesn't mean that is what scared him the most out of the franchise. He's also stated that Arnold was a perfect actor to invoke the thrilling nature of the first film. Why? Cuz he was intimidating.

    Again opinions man, all opinions. Maybe don't first say "X" wouldn't fit if you are really opinionated and based on feelings. We really could go back and forth on this for weeks I don't mind. I don't want to, but you wouldn't accept a conclusion that I offered and made more paragraphs which I'll respond to. But we SHALL see who is correct in the future as I said.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    I'm gradually decreasing the length of my answers here, (or at least making the effort to) so I hope that doesn't go unnoticed

    • I'm going to point out that you have about as much knowledge about BHVR's budget as I do, that kind of a point is a two-way street and you equally have no idea how high their budget actually goes and whether it matches a "Schwarzenegger standard". The difference being, your whole point hinges entirely on a "maybe, possibly" form of logic, whereas I am using actual evidence of prior events that have indeed truthfully occurred to create a somewhat reasonable inference as a basis for my point. Not "assumptions, opinions" or "I think" statements.
      • I don't know how else I can put that, I'm trying not to be harsh but your whole point is so sloppily cobbled together you even took my statement describing "the realm of possibility" as me agreeing with you. You'd have to stretch my stance incredibly far to get to that point, especially since my analogy was betting on the odds of "finding a needle in a haystack"
      • To put it more clearly your whole proposition is an argument from ignorance, or "appeal to ignorance" (ignorance in this case being "a lack of contrary evidence"). Which is in itself a fallacy in informal logic, asserting that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false, resulting in a false positive. You say I cannot entirely disprove the possibility that BHVR could ever successfully negotiate with Schwarzenegger therefore making it possible, but I say you can neither prove this fact either. Making your whole point null and void.
    • Nobody here on these forums is more aware of how successful Dead By Daylight is than me (a figure of speech, not an actual proving point) I've been playing, enjoying, and supporting the game since 2016 and I am well aware of how immensely and exponentially DBD has grown in that time and what they've been able to accomplish. I am simply trying to maintain a somewhat reasonable and realistic view of the subject matter, which is that Schwarzenegger is more than likely a celebrity beyond the reach of a smaller company like BHVR.
      • BHVR isn't God, it's not like they can do anything and everything, they have limitations and it's important to recognize them, setting your expectations up to the highest standard possible will only ever make you liable to be let down. Again, it's also important recognize that within the boundaries of those limitations BHVR and the dev team have been able to accomplish great things.
    • Then why did they hire Bruce Campbell? Obviously they needed to work with him to be able to use the actor's likeness, but if it would have been cheaper just to have one of the dev team voice the character why didn't they? Because according to your logic it would have been a "waste of money" otherwise, yet still they did it. So why not treat equally popular characters and if anything more relevant characters in the modern year with the same amount of respect and utmost care for quality?
      • Despite the lengthy history of the Evil Dead franchise that Ash Vs Evil Dead hails from, it is undeniable that Stranger Things was a more popular show. Case in point, season 2 was left on a cliffhanger setting up and teasing the plotline for Season 3 which would have been set in a dystopian "Mad Max" like future but the show was canceled before that could ever happen. Similarly the end of season 2 for Stranger Things left on a cliffhanger that functioned in much the same way the difference being the show will actually get to see its third season (after the pandemic probably) and we have already seen trailers for it.
    • Your neighbor must be pretty scary.
    • The only thing that's scary about that image is the terrible CGI / special effects
    • "The feelings of one person"? That's the #########' director we're talking about, the guy who had a vision for the entire story and what the characters should and should not look like, how intimidating the characters really were etc. Judgement day was more or less a perfect sequel (which I think we all know is INCREDIBLY difficult to pull off considering the reputation of most sequels) but I assume if it were left up to you the antagonist we would have gotten would have been a guy "bigger" and "badder" than Arnold to face off against. Which 1. would have looked absolutely ridiculous and exaggerated for a robot designed for "infiltration" and 2. would have been extremely boring and does not set up any stakes whatsoever "who can punch harder? Throw more lead into the other guy? Look more badass walking from explosions? grrrr"
      • Yeah, people think of Arnold, because he was cast for the first freakin' movie!! The original, everybody remembers the first movie much like how everybody remembers the first Shrek or Nightmare on Elm Street or the kid who had to present his powerpoint first in class. That doesn't actually make his performance any more incredible it only makes it more memorable, what is actually incredible is Robert Patrick actually living up to the legend and knocking it out of the park. That is arguably far more impressive, because Arnold Schwarzenegger set a bar, created a standard, and Robert Patrick a guy who people had probably never heard of and possibly never heard from again actually lived up to it, contributing to the memory of a perfect sequel.
      • Again, that circles back around to that idea of giving the T-1000 it's time in the limelight, which apparently despite how "big of a Terminator Fan" you are, you don't want that. Let's just see the same T-800 over, and over, and over again playing the same old shtick of being a normal robot with a metal endoskeleton disguised as a guy with big muscles. Over the one literally made of liquid metal, which nobody has ever heard of imagined in such a way. Well that's frankly boring I say.

    • Yes we shall see indeed.
  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    @Seiko300 Please keep the conversation within this thread. There are people who prefer the T-800 as well so two can play that game. Don't go and necrobump others. Thank you :)

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    Your answers are still the same, anyway:

    You first assumed based on nothing that they wouldn't have the budget to afford an actor more popular that Bruce Campbell. You first presumed the notion that you knew more about BHVR's budget and what they are willing to go for when you have no idea. You have presented no evidence backing up your point of them not being able to go for bigger fish in the sea. They have Bruce Campbell on board, that is not guaranteed to be their "maximum standard." If you don't think you are assuming what their budget is and what is restricts them from reaching for, then I don't know what to tell you. Your entire arguments are based on assumptions when you are not an intern at the company. All for what? Nothing, because you will get nothing out of saying "no" just because you prefer another character. Provide me some evidence that relies on word of mouth and not baseless assumptions. "If the most expensive person is X, then they have no way of reaching for Y".

    I too, felt the same about your points this entire thread that will get you nowhere ultimately. They are opinions based on ignorance and assumptions. I also said that Arnold and the T-800 are possible. You technically agreed with me when you mentioned the realm of possibility. I don't agree with your desire for the T-1000 because I know it is CURRENTLY out of the realm of possibility. Again, you could not prove how your character would work lore-wise, you have not shown how he would be different to the The Thing, or why they would go for him when they can just go for a T-800 endoskeleton which the company already licensed from StudioCanal for their other game in DeathGarden.

    This is ironic, because that same logic applies to you. In fact, it should, since you first tried to turn the whole idea of a character that would be the only one that they would license and the only one that would fit into this game. You assert that something cannot be done because it has not been done yet. With a growing company, your idea of turning down something is down-right hypocritical. You don't see me saying that same thing when I turn down your desire for your character that I think will never be in the game for all the right reasons.

    I have also been supporting and watching this game since beta, granted I have not played since that long though because I was unable. And the way this company and game has been growing it is likely that they will reach for new heights. And with Schwarzenegger's involvement in other game projects, it is not out of the realm of possibility for BHVR to reach a new height and obtaining his likeness. Not that it is required for a T-800, but would be preferable to many.

    No one is saying BHVR is God, nor is anyway saying that they don't have a limit. That is a strawman fallacy. They always for for bigger and badder and eventually who knows what will happen in the future. The problem with your argument is that you turn a character that you 'think" won't come into the game for a character which for SURE will not come to the game as long as their is a horror-genre standard, a lore standard, ability standard, etc. Maybe I didn't make myself clear when I presented the example of them getting bigger in the licensing field. From a different looking Laurie Strode, to ACTUALLY Bruce Campbell all the way to the Stranger Things actor/actress. If they want to one day reach for Schwarzenegger with how their game is going, it is very well possible. Just a matter of if.

    Because they didn't want another Laurie Strode/Quentin Smith situation where they were unable to obtain the likeness as oppose to Bruce Campbell who has a unique face to match his Ash character. That should be obvious. Ash's voice is also something unique to the character unlike Steve and Nancy who aren't remembered for their one-liners. No reason for them to have cheesy lines in a pre-game lobby, has little or nothing to do with budget. A little off tangent here, but there are rumors for Tony Todd to voice Candyman(if he comes to the game.) Why? The character is synonymous for what he says the the movie.

    See the point above as evidence. The characters in a bigger franchise aren't required to voice their grunts or one liners if they aren't synonymous with it. Ash Williams is, his voice is iconic. BHVR tried something new and it worked out.

    He's not really. He's just a middle-aged nice fellow with a family. From first glance, he could be someone you walk up to strike a small conversation with him. Now if my neighbor looked a jacked as Arnold with a straight Terminator face, I would be a bit more reluctant.

    I feel like there is a joke about Genisys in there somewhere but probably not. I'll allow it but it would still look intimidating by DBD standards unlike your friend Robert imo.

    He is one person despite his status. There are writers of the series who probably wouldn't agree with him. Still, that doesn't mean he views the T-1000 as the scariest thing he has ever written into screen. You know what he thinks was the SCARIEST character from the entire franchise? Tell me, I'm curious. You don't know how a sequel without Robert Patrick would've went either. How do you know if they chose a different actor the movie would do worse? Think about how it was marketed and how the general audience found out about it in the first place. And why they were so interested. Surely it had nothing to do with Arnold, right? HMMM

    What's your point here? Sure Robert is great, but his status is nowhere near Arnold's. You could say Arnold did it better with the entire franchise as people loved T1, and some even liked Salvation and Rise of the Machines. Should we also have Kristanna Loken from T3 in the game for her great performance? I'm sure a lot of people find a lot of things great with T3.

    Oh relax, I only said I'm a Terminator fan once or twice, don't stick to it. Fine if it makes you happy, as a "watcher" of the Terminator movies, I see a lot of things more wrong with the T-1000 fitting DBD than a T-800 fitting. Plus in the aspect of the licensing itself. If it ain't Arnold, it's still a T-800. I don't see a non-horror movie villain in the game who has similar counter able abilities to The Thing. Just add The freakin Thing.Guess it's gonna be another few weeks of arguing pointlessly.

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454

    Candyman just straight up wont happen until the reboot drops & just isnt an iconic horror character.

    Xenomorph, if its going anywhere, is gonna go to Predator Hunting Grounds.

    BHVR already used the Terminator license in a game they killed, so i doubt they're gonna be able to get it again easily.

    Only real iconic characters left are Jason & Pennywise, and since Jason is a legal nightmare, by process of elimination its most likely Pennywise.

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    My bet is on Candyman. I'm probably wrong, but I think it would be cool if it was Candyman 

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169
    None of the above (share your prediction)


  • gcardoso
    gcardoso Member Posts: 35
    None of the above (share your prediction)

    Yeah now the poll doesnt make sense but was really hoping for candyman or pennywise.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    To be honest, BHVR are playing some sneaky curve balls now in regards to Killer advertising (which I love!). So I really don't know! However, after such a Killer as Pyramid Head, alongside a survivor with unique perks, for me to top that would be an Alien Chapter. It would be amazing to see Ellen Ripley, but if that doesn't work Amanda Ripley from the game would be just as welcome to me.

  • MrJack20252
    MrJack20252 Member Posts: 390
    None of the above (share your prediction)

    i hope in an original chapter, not a licensed one. yeah it is cool to see iconic Killers come to DbD but i still think that original creations will be always better

  • TwistedJoke65
    TwistedJoke65 Member Posts: 316
    None of the above (share your prediction)

    I would like to see one of the monsters from the 2014 film "Animal"

    They just have an all out creapy af design and I think you might be able to do like a stealthy demogorgon. It's all black and really stealthy so it could have a crouch and it's also fast so it could vault pallets and such. Not much of a prediction just more of an idea.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    None of the above (share your prediction)

    I'm not predicting but I reckon it will be someone else. Maybe a Mack & Me chapter. Who knows.