Survivors shouldn't be able to tap a gen to stop regression

Now I have a feeling this is going to be a controversial opinion, but just tapping a gen to stop it's regression is so idiotic. I don't think it's a game breaking issue by any means, but its definitely annoying from a killer perspective. As a killer, you have to undergo a kick animation of a few seconds in order to make a gen begin regressing. All of that can instantly be undone by a survivor simply just tapping M1 on a gen. I've seen plenty of times where the survivor doesn't even go into their gen fixing animation & it still counts as stopping regression. Not only does that not make much sense logically, its honestly so cheap that a survivor can easily undo something the killer took time to do.

Now if I were to propose my idea on how to prevent tapping gens to stop regression, it would be to force the survivor to work on the gen for a set amount of time before regression can be stopped. The timing would not be much, being anywhere from 1 second to at most the amount of time it takes for a killer to kick a gen (though I personally think that's bit much). The survivor should at least have to get into their gen fixing animation. Maybe they also have to make a charge's worth of progress on the generator in order for it stop regression. I'm just throwing out my own solutions to this since I'm bringing it up. It's really annoying how if you kick a gen that's on a loop & begin chasing the survivor around it that they can tap it as they are looping. Generally, it doesn't have much of an effect on their looping & still rewards them by undoing a killer's work. And this is not just a me being a killer complaining for a survivor nerf. I just don't find it fair that a survivor can so easily undo the killer's work, & in front of the killer's face too. I play both killer & survivor equally, & as a survivor I still think it's a bit cheap.



  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    There was actually a discussion about this about a week ago (, and I think it was pretty much discussed as much as it could be!

    But yeah, I do agree. I posted a decent solution to it right beneath the original post, and I think implementing it would be a nice QoL change. 😏

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Only benefit from removing gen tapping would be buffing 3 gening which really dosent need a buff

  • zkelvln
    zkelvln Member Posts: 54

    maybe have them do a skill check point when they touch a gen? That would make any survivor thats being chased hard to “tap” it

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited May 2020

    Then use Ruin.



    Easy solution.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited May 2020

    Overcharge skill checks can be telekinesised from any range so it doesn't work for that. Run and skill check is unique bullshit for overcharge. Makes the perk totally pointless.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Except survivors don't get 100 Bloodpoints for kicking, over and over again. And it doesn't take 3 seconds, it takes 1.8 to 2 seconds.

    And use RUIN if you're so phobic about survivors passing the Overcharge skillcheck.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    You still have a sort of animation when u press m1 anyway

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Yeah uh, there's this perk called Overcharge, you all should try that if you have a problem with that, you know, before coming here and whining about it. Just a suggestion.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Yeah uh, there is this perk called calm spirit, survivors should try it before bitching about crows.

    Oh wait, you just complained on the steam forums and the devs bowed and kissed your feet and made ignoring crows baseline.

    you see killers complain about things more because things rarely get changed, while on the survivor side they complain once and it is changed by the next patch.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    overcharge also doesn't prevent tap and run thanks to PLEASE BUY COSMETICS balancing.

  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 134

    I don't think it's unfair to want it to have to take a second to stop the regression. Whether that's an easy thing to do or not is another question.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Probably because I use pop, so I get much more value. If I'm close enough to see them tap, they're going to take a hit or down for their trouble.

    It's a total waste of killer time to kick a gen, unless you're using surveillance, or are certain you ran the survivor away.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Its a waste of time because they can simply run by and tap it while in chase without ever slowing down...if you kick a gen znd nobodt returns to it for about 30 secs you got value

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    and keep kicking it.... There's so much worse to consider "cheap" lol..

  • NotDBD
    NotDBD Member Posts: 182

    Ruin or Overcharge could be quite a good setup for you. That way you can benefit a little more from gen taps. Even Pop Goes the Weasel can be really good if a survivor taps right after you used it once and youre about to hook

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    It is idiotic to say bring overcharge to deal with this. Also idiotic that overcharge doesn't necessarily fix it. I do it as a survivor all the time during chase, before unhooking, whatever and it is crap. It shouldn't stop regressing until a survivor puts exactly the same amount of time as kicking it Takes. It's only fair

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I find it interesting when different accounts post the same issue. With the same main talking points. In the same order. And the same proposed solution. In a very similar time frame. When it's not been a topic broached very often previously.

    And no. The way gens function currently is fine as is. 👍️

    Thank you, and goodnight. <3

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Not really. Killers could not stop complaining about gen speeds and the size of maps/loops. So, Maps just got smaller. Gens just got slower. Loops just got shorter. Imagine that suddenly the new hot topic of the moment is no longer how to slow gens down, but how to keep them regressing longer while the killer is in a chase...a chase which was already shortened...? Give me a break. 🙄

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Given how weak generator regression is, either "tapping" shouldn't be a thing or, alternatively, generators could regress significantly faster but "tapping" could still be a thing. Right now it's stupid: you kick a generator, it regresses for 10 seconds, someone runs past and taps it on the way to the hook that isn't even close to the gen, and you have brought yourself a grand old total of 2.5 seconds of breathing room.

    But of course, if you don't like gen tapping just run a perk that doesn't effect not-awful players in any way or a perk that gets destroyed extremely early in almost every match.

    Seriously, Overcharge is the definition on NON-antitap. It lets you hit the relatively easy check AS YOU RUN AWAY. IT ALLOWS YOU TO TAP THE GEN. That is such poor design, it could at least counter tapping and it might be an okay perk.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    It should take the same time it takes to kick a gen to stop the regression. Not sure how that'd be unfair especially considering there are 4 survivors and only 1 killer and the killer's regression is 1/4 the speed of a single survivor's repair speed

  • Carisma1005
    Carisma1005 Member Posts: 17

    How about this remove gen tapping an make gen regression an active action just like gen progression since everyone wants to complain. It takes a survivor 80 active seconds to finish a gen it takes a killer about the same amount of inactive time to completely drain a gen. Just like survivors have to work on gens make it so killers have to work 'against' generators. Or is all of this stupid because comparing survivors 80 seconds where they can only exist to fix tht gen vs a killer being able to regress 7 gens at once isnt even similar as a joke. Ruin is literally what you asked for should survivors have a perk tht allows them to progress gen without being within 80 ft of them or maybe a perk tht instantly increase gen progress by 25% after every unhook. No progression no regression is 0, they might not have to go into the animation but if they can gen tap and still evade you, you were too far away & weren't enough of a threat anyway, position yourself better.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Someone pointed out in a similiar thread that it'd be possible to change generators to behave like chests that apparantly have a brief wind-up animation before the "action" bar actually fills. Would actually look better on gate-switches too as they logically cant do ######### unless the switch is hold in the down position.

    If such a change is so inconsequential, why not allow the change? Apparantly it would only remove a niche complaint, so why are so many survivorspeople against it?

    DBD could do some animation reworks. Im in favor for flinching survivors in place for a brief moment if hit mid-action, be it vaulting or continous-stuff like healing or repairing, but partially off topic anyways.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    I agree,think devs are already concerned with this,repairing a gen for 5,10 seconds should be much better.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    There's a lot of things in this game that takes the Killer time and/or effort to do that the survivors can just tap one button to completely negate. All of which need to be fixed, starting with gen tapping.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited May 2020

    As a person who plays both killer and survivor I just let it go as killer. To be honest I always felt kicking generators was a waste of time. I mean as soon as you leave that generator survivors will just come back and fix it.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    Overcharge is quite pointless overall. The skill check can still be hit by a survivor when they tap a gen & run away. The skillcheck for it is not difficult to hit. And compared to other regression-type perks it is arguably the worst one.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    This is my only account in case you are assuming I posted this multiple times under different accounts. Like I said its not the most pressing issue in DBD at the moment, but it definitely doesn't feel fair.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    That. That exactly. Everyone keeps saying how useless of a mechanic it is to kick a gen in the first place which is a really stupid argument. If its that useless why have it at all. Gen tapping is very obviously a flaw

  • Freesham
    Freesham Member Posts: 262

    I've been thinking that default gen kick could be buffed a bit. Have it so it regresses the gen by 5% for the initial kick. Currently good killers have very little reason to kick gens without Pop since it can easily be tapped and the killer wastes time kicking, and would rather be applying more pressure.

  • KettleWettle
    KettleWettle Member Posts: 149

    Sure it may be annoying, but this is a simple fix, use Ruin, Ruin literally counters Gen tapping, and if you really wanna dick the survivors even more, just use Pop in case they do break Ruin. I think this is a very unimportant issue. It's just a strategy survivors use that I don't personally think is even I guess "Overpowered." I'm a survivor main myself and when I do play killer, I just don't think it's a big deal.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    This is the exact reason why I don't kick gens as much anymore. By your logic, doesn't it show how tapping the gen to stop regression or how the regression rate for killer's is flawed? A killer by that logic should never try to regress gens unless they have a perk to do it for them or if they can 100% guarentee that no survivor will touch it for some time. It becomes risky now to kick gens as it can waste time the killer needs (the irony behind that statement haha). And committing to a chase is such an issue anymore as it can cost you the match, so I don't feel like it's a option I would want to take if I really need to defend a specific gen.

    It's something I've learned to just put up with but I will still speak my mind on how ridiculous of a design it is.

  • KettleWettle
    KettleWettle Member Posts: 149

    I completely respect you're opinion. I'm sure it is annoying, but I just don't think it's a very game breaking strategy. Like i said, Ruin is a complete counter to gen-tapping and yeah I understand that it can get broken early into the match if you're very unlucky. But i feel like it just doesn't need to be touched. It's just a simple strategy survivors do. I don't think it's an OP strat at all and I personally don't think BHVR will do anything to it just because it's not game-breaking or even really something important to really look at. A nice tip I could give you, is don't even kick the gen if it's too low, it's just not worth it. That's why every killer uses Pop, because it can really hurt the survivors a lot and kicking the gen can actually be worth it !

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    If its not a legit strat by survivors why do they do it?

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I think this is a fantastic idea and for reasons most people don't seem to consider. If this was a thing, gen tapping wouldn't really be an issue and thus gens would regress more per match, even if only a little. This would slow the game down a little without actually changing gen speed, which is what a lot of people want is it not? I think this should very much be giving some strong consideration by the Devs. Anything that slows the game down without actually changing the objective speed should at the very least be considered.

  • Carisma1005
    Carisma1005 Member Posts: 17

    Yep, But it still doesn't dispute the facts of active progress vs inactive regression. There are perks tht give 200% passive regression and an instant 25% progress removal followed by 'normal' regression. At the end this entire argument is based on wanting survivors to have to actively progress a gen, buffing kicking to counter progression and buffing regression to counter progress, wht do you want every killer to automatically have ruin 3? If survivors could finish a gen I 8 minutes without touching it would you be cool with tht, but you want a killer to kick a gen once and it's regression to be unimpedable, pass.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    There is one perk that gives 200% passive regression, and it can be disabled in 14 seconds. It's so bad that 99% of the time I don't even notice it on my first gen.

  • KettleWettle
    KettleWettle Member Posts: 149

    Survivors and killers have both their own unique / annoying strategies. For example, body blocking for a teammate if you're healthy and they're injured while running to an Exit Gate. It's not OP it's just a unique and a smart strategy survivors do. Slugging is a strategy that a lot of killers do, it's not game breaking, sure it may be annoying, but again just like the gen tapping strategy survivors do, it's not game breaking and it's an unimportant strategy that is very counterable, and that doesn't need to be touched or looked at. Slugging is a unique strategy that killers started doing, just like survivors came up with the strategy to body block an injured teammate while running to an Exit Gate. Like i said, if you wanna counter gen tapping, use Pop and / or Ruin. And if survivors wanna counter slugging, use Tenacity with Unbreakable, I get that there's a few annoying strategies both sides do, but the point is, almost all of them are counterable.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772
    edited May 2020

    Are you seriously comparing gen tapping to slugging?

    Lets say it takes 15 seconds to down a survivor, teammate comes along and it takes (idk the actual number) 5 seconds to pick them up. Thats play and counter play. Now compare that to 3 secs to kick a gen and .06 secs to tap it.

    Theres no comparison to these two things because one has a fair mechanic and the other doesnt. And its not about pop. If i kick a gen with pop and somebody comes along and just taps it for half a second then runs off for 30 secs, then i lost 30 secs worth of regression because of a broken mechanic

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    In what world does it take 3 seconds to kick a gen? I'm all for making it so survivors need to repair for a second or so to stop regression but let's not just outright make stuff up to prove a point.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
  • KettleWettle
    KettleWettle Member Posts: 149

    Yes I am comparing Gen Tapping with Body blocking for an injured teammate. Now why ? Because they are both unique strategies that both sides created that are both annoying. But my point is, they are both counterable. I don't care how annoying both strategies are, if a strategy is counterable, i'm not gonna complain about it because it's not game-breaking and it can easily be countered and that's it.