Is 3rd Seal underrated?
I've been using Hex Third Seal on doc the last couple of days just sort of messing around and I've noticed its been doing work.
A game I just played they had an OoO, they were all running kindred and de ja vu. And I had never thought about it before but 3rd seal counters all of that. Obv being a hex perk its high risk, but Im starting to think the reward might be worth it. I def took a few of them by suprise.
Then I also realized it synergizes really well with M&A, especially on a stealth killer like pig or Hag. What do you guys think? Underrated?
If it wouldn't be such a gamble i would run it everytime. Sadly OoO got build-in Premonition so it's not worth it, especially not becauae its a hex.
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If it stays up, if you're planning on slugging a lot and if they're not SWF then yes it's very good but that's a lot of variables.
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definitely underrated. it's especially disorienting because so few people run it, nobody expects third seal.
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I do miss it on legion as well. Because legion clearly wasn't annoying enough already
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I get that, in games where the team is a swf with OoO you can target the object hard, once their gone 3rd seal wont be needed. For non swf it removes all perks they use to coordinate. But yeah theres always the risk its gone in 10 secs
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Try freddy with either 3rd seal and/or the unicorn block. 60s of blindness if they walk through a puddle can be really neat.
Went against freddy with OoO and the unicorn block. Lets say, that he really much enjoyed this :D
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Most survivors run something, kindred is a big one, as is de ja vu. It can end chases in that they have no idea where you are and you can take them by suprise getting that first hit in.
Im not saying its meta or anything, but i dunno i just think its better than most tier lists are giving it credit for.
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Hadnt thought of it with knockout, interestinh
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it's not that third seal is underrated it's just that the blindness status effect is not very good and the fact it's a hex makes it even worse but on a killer like doctor who doesn't really require a perk build it can work
if i were to change it in any way to make it something i would consider using and worthy of being a hex i would make it so when a survivor is under the effect of third seal any time they are repairing/healing they suffer the oblivious effect or something like that
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If it wasn't an hex i would use it more
but if it wasn't an hex it would be op
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What if it only blinded the last 3 people you hit, that way theres always 1 person that isnt blind which gives it counter play, would that be too op for a non hex perk?
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I dont really like the timed stuff, injured could be interesting, would synergize well with sloppy and thanta and would work great on legion or plague. Yeah maybe
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It would be nice if Blindness was buffed to stop perks like Spine Chill, Premonition, and Object of Obsession from lighting up / activating.
It would be nice if Hex: The Third Seal was buffed to blind the Survivor who cleanses it until the next time they are hooked.
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The only time I’ve seen someone run it was with sloppy butcher on a Freddy to make me lag when he hit me
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And you know for sure his sole reason for running it was to make you lag?
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I for sure agree with you on it not activating perks.
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Probably one of the most underestimated aspects of third seal is that it also hides survivors on hooks. Especially if you get multiple hooks at once someone may die or second stage just because no one can find them in time.
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Who in God's name is using Deja Vu? That perk is garbage. Kindred and Bond are probably the two most common information perks.
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It's a good perk but you really need to make a build around it, since it isn't a very good standalone perk. My favorite and pretty much only Third Seal build utilizes Piggy and her blindness addons. This build will cause salt, be warned.
Addons - Face Mask & Rules Set No 2
Try not to use traps until Third Seal is cleansed but if gens are flying, use them.
Perks - Third Seal, Knockout, Haunted Grounds and Nurses Calling
Feel free to swap out Haunted and/or Nurses with Infectious Fright, Deerstalker, or whatever else. I just like using Haunted to protect my totem and potentially get some 1 hit down slugs and then Nurses to catch ppl healing off guard or ppl trying to heal my slugs.
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I just played a bunch of survivors using it. Its not that bad of a pwrk (though id pick bond over it any day)
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I just absolutely bodied a swf group and im pretty sure third seal had a lot to do with it. They ran 3 thicker fog offerings and started saboing and body blocking so id drop the person i was carrying. It back fired though as because of the fog and 3rd seal they couldnt find my slug 😂
Im loving this perk