You Guys on the forum made me a better in-game person

DarkPit Member Posts: 87
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

I wanna just say thank you to a lot of guys on the forum. When i read through many discussions, i heard many people say: "well i just say gg and move on..."

I have to admit i got salty pretty easy ingame and often became toxic in post game chat. ( im very young and didnt even realized what i did). But after i read many posts of you guys and i HAD to take a break for a week, i thought better of it and became a more polite person.

I still get salty ingame(which to be fair is legit sometimes) but i either just write gg in end game chat or just leave and move on. Even if somebody else is toxic, i wanna discuss it with them politely( which doesnt work most of the time....).

I dont even teabagg anymore exept i want to help distract the killer so somebody else can escape(e.g. if they get camped). So no teabagg for toxic reasons.

In conclusion i just wanna thank you guys once more i learned from you and changed my behavior t

o better. <3
