Opinions on Blood Echo

Joshumms Member Posts: 20

I would like to know your opinion on Blood Echo and how you would change it

I would personally change it with: no cooldown. Inflicts injured survivors after you hook a survivor with hemorrhage, exhaustion, mangled, and a -1/2/3% (0.8s/1.6s/2.4s) speed to repair until healed. It forces survivors to either heal but take longer or endure the effects and be easier to track, worse in chase, and get the objective done slower. 

I think it’s a good change but I want to know your opinion on my change and what you would do.


  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    This would make the perk Meta.... and even more busted on Legion! Although I think I'd just keep the base effects of Exhaustion and Hemorrhage (and maybe lower the values a bit), since it wouldn't be on a timer anymore.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    For reference, Sloppy Butcher is a perk that applies the Mangled effect and that's it. You want Blood Echo to inflict mangled, exhaustion, hemorrhage, AND a repair penalty? With no cooldown? It'd be the most broken perk in the game.

  • Joshumms
    Joshumms Member Posts: 20

    the thing about blood echo is that you must hook someone and it doesn’t apply it instantly, which means other injured survivors may have already healed. The repair penalty is only 2 seconds and for exhaustion to be good it would require you to find that survivor and chase them. It also doesn’t effect the hooked survivor at all unlike sloppy would. It has more effects but cannot get as many survivors as easily.

  • Joshumms
    Joshumms Member Posts: 20

    The effects of just hemorrhage and exhaustion are not very noticeable considering you can’t affect the hooked survivor with it and you probably will only affect 1 of the 3 survivors you can affect after hooking a survivor.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Have it add the broken status.

  • ZarinaKindaThick
    ZarinaKindaThick Member Posts: 63

    Blood Echo in its current state is overall 'eh.' Any slight buff, like a change in the duration or adding a status effect on top of it would be a decent buff and would likely make it seen more often in matches, like Dark Devotion.

  • Joshumms
    Joshumms Member Posts: 20

    I think forcing survivors to endure the effects of blood echo might be a little unhealthy. I think giving the survivors a choice to endure the effects or heal at a slower rate is better.