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Please BHVR spot reworking killers

USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

I got two reasons for this:

1-you are basically nerfing then and they are not that powerful.

2-Do you see that only makes the killer buggy as hell? Look at the poor legion for example, we can't even vault with him anymore, with nurse we can't teleport, you are just getting this stuff worst for killers that is not easy already and when you "buff" then sometimes you are almost nerfing.


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Let me break down your two reasons! 🙂

    Prepare yourself for this wall of text! 😅

    1. Actually, Rework Freddy is pretty decent, I can see why you would call him a nerf if he doesn't revolve around your playstyle. However, someone who fits Rework Freddy's playstyle, he's definitely a great killer! His snares and dream pallets make him a great chase killer, but most importantly, his teleport allows him to apply pressure! The fact that the developers had to nerf Rework Freddy must say something about how strong he was when used at his highest potential! As for Rework Doctor, he's insane and has so much potential. You can cut loops without having to waste time switching stances, that is a huge +chase potential for Rework Doctor. Static Blast is great as well because unlike before, it guarantees a survivor will scream if they are hit by it. Couple this with Whispers, you have a killer with insane tracking and chase potential.
    2. With new content, always comes bugs. You can't expect a Internal Testing Team to locate every bug that comes with the new update. Think of it like a forest, you can definitely explore the entire forest on your own, but it takes forever and more likely than not, you would still miss some areas. However, having multiple people explore the entire forest would be faster and you wouldn't miss some areas because people are overlapping each other to double check. I wish the developers, or any developer for the matter, could release new content without bugs, but sadly, there's isn't a perfect solution that makes this reality. Therefore, just rest assured that the team are doing their best to keep the game bug free. If you need proof that the developers are trying, just refer to the previous updates where they fixed a bunch of bugs.
  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831

    You mean how they reworked the nurse (1.9.0) and she had that bugged lunge after every hit?

    DbD's QA team isn't very good tbh.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,189

    I had a legion game where i can't vault the bus window. It plays the animation, but i'm still stuck a one side

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Everyone wants to keep bringing up "What about this bug they didn't fix", which is fair, but don't consider the hundreds or thousands of bugs they caught during testing.

    Don't believe me? Check the patch notes, you know the part almost everyone skips because it's not interesting to them. You'll see how many bugs they caught. 😊

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    edited May 2020

    Here my thoughts:

    Wraith's rework: Better add-ons, boosted him quite a bit.

    Trapper's rework: Still missing certain stuff, but he got massively boosted. His add-ons are really well thought out.

    Freddy's rework: Definitely a success.

    Legion's rework: Load of dumpster fire, could have been handled way better. At least they have realised how much of a mistake this rework was and they have slowly reverted these changes one by one.

    Nurse's rework: Another failure. Despite wanting to make add-ons that dont mess up with muscle memory, they still created more. They added an unnecessary cd on top of a cd. Neglected all the bugs she got. Still has a large amount of useless add-ons.

    Doctor's rework: Another success. Made him a lot better. Still some stuff I disagree with, but at least they fixed the important stuff.

    Overall, I would say its most of the time an improvement. One comforting thought is that at least low tier Killers will always end up better, which is why Im looking for to whatever they do to Clown.


    Oh, and completely forgot Hag. Another massive improvement.

    Post edited by PigNRun on
    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    I think the older doctor was better since we could make everyone scream without cooldown

  • NotDBD
    NotDBD Member Posts: 182

    A lot of this could be subjective, but typically I am happy to see a rework, on the older killers especially. It's a refreshing change and gives something new to learn to go against, or to master yourself. The game is forever changing and a lot of the time older content falls behind. Not everyone is going to agree with the changes, but you will never be able to please everyone. :)

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677
    edited May 2020

    If the dev's do anything, it's buffing killer's constantly. We literally haven't seen a survivor buff in such a long time so I don't really understand the point.

    Edit:I know that survivors don't need buffs. When I said "I don't understand the point" I meant I don't understand the point of the discussion that I was commenting on.

    Post edited by Squirrel_Thicc on
  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    They love their cooldowns. First Nurse then Deathslinger. : P

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    That is because of the inherent strength of the survivor role. Go check out 2015/16 gameplay and tell me the game isn't even more survivor sided than it is now. The game is not perfect, but it is more balanced than it was before.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Because survivors don't need buffs lmao. Years ago you could fast vault from any angle and from right in front of the window. TRUE infinites existed back then. It's a lot more fair now.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831

    My point was that they missed the most obvious (and game breaking) bug.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    survivors dont get buffed, but killers get nerfed, they toke away TONS of perks that were good but now are #########, perks like Ruin, Hangmans trick, Tinkerer and many others

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Kinda like my gigglezap rework

    I'll keep him as he is tbh