Any cool legion builds?

I've only recently started using the forums but I've been a member of the community for dbd for years. So I wanted to ask y'all if you had any cool legion builds.
As a player who mains Pig and Legion, I will give you two builds for two particular playstyles. I'll call these builds, M1 Legion, and Frenzy Legion.
For M1 Legion builds, you'll want perks and addons that allow you to play like an M1 killer, as the name implies. For these builds, bring at least one cooldown addon and the following perks:
- Save the Best for Last OR I'm All Ears
- Surge
- Pop Goes the Weasel
- Thrilling Tremors OR BBQ and Chili
The idea with this build is to focus around landing normal hits. Whether you choose to do this after Feral Frenzy stabbing all the survivors at the start or even without doing that is your call to make. Save the Best for Last is great in this situation even if survivors choose to stay injured, because that makes Save the Best for Last even more dangerous. It's a good lethality perk in general and Legion can play around losing stacks by Feral Frenzy stabbing the Obsession. You could also switch out this perk for I'm All Ears, which is a perk for taking mindgames to the next level, allowing Legion to land that crucial second hit.
Surge and Pop Goes the Weasel are good for regressing generators, not much to say there. Surge in particular is good on Legion since they must finish the job with a normal M1 hit.
Thrilling Tremors or BBQ and Chili is up to personal preference. Bring Thrilling Tremors if you want to block off generators and know which generator to use Pop Goes the Weasel on. Bring BBQ and Chill if you want to find the next survivor to go after and if you're thirsty for bloodpoints.
For Frenzy Legion builds, you'll want to be making quick decisions on whether you should use your power on a healthy survivor and go after other survivors, or if it would be more worth your time to just go for normal hits. When you do commit to Feral Frenzy plays, the perks and addons you use should revolve around making survivors suffer while injured and punishing them for staying injured. For these builds, bring a duration addon, and either one of the blade addons (Nasty Blade or Filthy Blade) or the pin addons that apply Mangled or Broken (Defaced Smiley Pin or The Legion Pin), and the following perks:
- Blood Echo
- Thanatophobia
- Surge or Pop Goes the Weasel
- Thrilling Tremors, BBQ and Chili OR Ruin
Blood Echo and Thanatophobia are meant to hinder survivors if they choose to stay injured or pressure them to heal, which prevents them from working on generators all the time.
Surge, Pop Goes the Weasel, Thrilling Tremors and BBQ and Chili are all good for the reasons I stated before, but I also threw Ruin into the mix. Why? Since this build makes healing particularly troublesome, but almost necessary if survivors want to prevent you from snowballing, Ruin will serve to hinder generator progress while survivors attempt to mend and heal. Since it's a hex perk, use it at your own risk.
With both builds, feel free to mix and match perks that you think will serve you better. Sorry for the lengthy post, but I hope this was useful.
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Thanks I appreciate, I'm tired of just running a pile of the best perks on legion
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Sure thing. To be clear, perks like Surge and Pop Goes the Weasel are some of the best perks to run on Legion. Those who are looking to win games should run these, but I can sometimes switch out Pop Goes the Weasel with Surveillance and still do well. Run what you think would be fun, you know what I mean?
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Legion tends to get gen rushed pretty hard. So, I recommend a heavy slowdown build:
Corrupt Intervention
Pop Goes The Weasel
Discordance (survivors like to group up and do gens)
Don't forget to use Defaced Smiley Pen for the mangled staus effect (60 secs). Filthy Blade is also decent.
Basically, you want to slowdown survivors as much as possible.
If the map chosen is smaller, you can actually be somewhat succesful with Legion. Of course, if the map is large then you're doomed.
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Here is a fun couple. They both use the Iri Button for the map-wide TR:
Healing is fun!
Addons: Iri Button + one of your choice.
Colorophobia, Sloppy Butcher, Thanataphobia, and Unnerving Presence
Why? Colorophobia and Unnerving both are affected by Iri Buttons TR, and Sloppy and Thana slow down healing even further, making it a really tedious process. You could replace Thana with Nurses Calling if you wanted to.
Don't do gens...
Addons: Iri Button + Ruler of your choice
Pop Goes the Weasel, Overcharge, Unnerving Presence, and Surveillance.
Why? Pop and Overcharge have natural synergy, similar to Overcharge and Unnerving. Surveillance is just to keep track of the gens in case they do not fail the Ridiculously difficult skill check of Unnerving Overcharge.
I'm a survivor!
Addons: Ruler + whatever you want.
Dark Devotion, Dying Light, Pop, and Corrupt.
Recommended cosmetics: Suspended Julie or any muted cosmetics.
Why? This recreates the Legion from the trailer. You will be going from obsession to non-obsession constantly. Dark Devotion does not proc on frenzy hits, however, this can mean you can control it far more easily than most killers. Dying Light encourages for you to hook non-obsessions, so going back and forth between them is quite good. Pop and corrupt are to help you get a snowball.
An interesting note about Dark Devotion: it will Transfer your KI readings to the obsession, which means, you will be able to know if anyone is near the obsession while it is active. It is something that will throw you off if you do not know this. Doc can take advantage of this build too, since it transfers his static blast to the obsession as well.
The muted cosmetics are to bamboozle survivors. The smarter ones will notice you are a legion when they see you, but if you disguise yourself, it can get you a free hit much faster. You would be surprised how many confuse Legion for another survivor when they do not have a TR...
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You are not doomed with a larger map. Just know what gens to give up for more success later!
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- BBQ & Chilli
- Blood Echo
- Ruin
- Thanatophobia
- cooldown
- Defaced Smiley Pin
- IMO the strongest build for Legion. You will be scaring survivors off gens with Frenzy so you will get a lot of value from Ruin so long as it doesn't go down instantly. Thana/Echo are to SEVERELY punish those that want to stay injured, which then slows down the game because survivors will heal. And BBQ for tracking. DSP is just to get more value out of Thana/Echo. You could do Legion Pin but then they don't heal for 60 seconds and just do gens, and you kinda want them to spend time healing. I 4k with +30k BP regularly at rank 1 with this build. It's pretty devastating. You just have to get at least 2 hits each Frenzy, and cut your losses during a long chase by just hitting them with Frenzy and finding someone new.
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If the survivors are good, you are definitely doomed. But that's how it is with other killers as well.
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If survivors are good, you are definitely doomed, but more than using other Killers because Legion is the most nerfed killer in DBD History 😁
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I gave a counter: Set up an area, and defend it. They will have to come up with them.
Your response: It doesn't matter, tactics dont matter against a good team.
My new response: Tactics give you a better shot at winning than you would normally. So set up an area you do not want to lose. Play dirty. If they will have no mercy, why should you?
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Surge, Pop, Discordance, Thrilling
Make it a priority to three gen from the start. It's pretty hecking hard to beat a Legion three gen with that build
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I've played this game long enough to know what is and what isn't possible. If you play against good survivors with Legion on a big map (or any map really), you're done.
If you get a small map, then you can have some control over the flow of the game. But even still, the survivors will ultimately toy with you until the gens are done.
There is no playing dirty against good survivors. They know all the tricks in the book.