Should keys reward the killer instead of the survivor?

havoc Member Posts: 17

Hello, I play both Survivor and Killer a lot, i enjoy both and i think it is good that the game is getting balanced, however i think it would be an idea to reward the killer if the survivor has to use a key to escape.

I just had a doctor match on Lery's memorial institute, there was 1 gen left and 1 survivor was dead. I think i had a great chance of winning as the 3 gens weren't that far from each other and at least 2 of them had been hooked twice already, then one guy gets rescued and him and his friend jump into the hatch, i close it and then the doors were quite far from each other so the last survivor could escape.

Keys are a part of the game and a way to counter mori in my opinion, however i think it should somehow reward the killer when the survivors have to use the hatch to escape as they can't finish the last gen(s)

I remember Tru3ta1ent talking about this in the past, you can play a decent game as a killer where you are likely to win and then the survivors just use a key and escape which quite frequently gives the survivors a +pip and the killer has to settle with barely a 0 pip.

I think Killers should get more from the games when the survivors use a key to escape and the survivors shouldn't get rewarded with 5000 points (7500 if they don't have max objective points) and quite frequently get a +pip (depends on what else they did that match, but escaping gives good)

The doctor game i just played ended with the 3 survivors escaping easily and i just exactly got 0 pip even though i played well and got 27k bloodpoints.

I'm curious to hear what others have to say about this, if you agree or not, just please provide an explanation as to why you may agree or disagree.

Here are some screenshots for proof.



  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Apparently, that match was a dream. 🤪

  • Lucian
    Lucian Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2020

    this is why rank/pip-system needs to be reworked or removed, it confuses people and makes them think they did badly when they did not - at least according to their score.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    Obsession gets bonus points for dying as the obsession for no reason. And bonus points for escaping, which makes a bit more sense. But i don't think moris or keys should reward the opposite side, i think they should punish the user. Moris already reduce the number of hooks, and can sometimes force killers to black pip, but a hatch escape is 7000 free points, and escaping at all pushes survival from silver to gold or iridescent regardless of how well they did, which almost guarantees they pip if the game has gone long enough for hatch to spawn. Mori punishment should either be worse or make it on second hook, and hatch should only give like 2000 - 2500 escape points and nothing more to survivors.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    With the grind the way it is im all for people getting more bps. Pips are another thing but wht quivel over how many bps people get?

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    It’s not their fault they only got one chance to play with the killer. How is that fun for them?

    Well, to be fair, it's not at all fun for the killer to be played with. A good chase, sure, but there are a lot of survivors who just want to be as insulting as possible to the killer.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    You can play in your sleep!

    I recommend waking up in about 7 1/2 hours

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    There is no way to “deal” with a key. Franklin’s demise would require 10 hits to destroy the key, which is unrealistic. The only solution is to tunnel the hell out of the survivor carrying it and hope that he is using the addon to keep it on death.

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101

    You actually do get less BP to mori at any given stage.

    Also, more people dying generally gets hatch closer to spawning, so if you see people getting mori'd you may want to play around the hatch, especially if you have a key.

  • kiku
    kiku Member Posts: 11

    And yet killers get so many bp and survivors usually under 20k :/ disagree

  • kiku
    kiku Member Posts: 11

    Yup, on the other side you have campers and tunnelers. This game would get like ten times better if the toxic people just left. Sadly, it'd also be dead.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @LALYTHIA The guy killed in the screenshot had a weaved ring. There was nothing more to prepare. They probably found another key in a box. Unless he dropped the key for the others or for later. Which is also a point to "nothing to prepare".

    @UnbeatableAsh mori on death hook gives you actually 300 BP more than hooking :)

    @havoc survivor pipping with keys is not just caused by the key. Surviving just gives you one extra point. 2 maximum, but if you have not been hooked once, it is also not that uncommon that you escape this game, meaning that you still get one more point i nemblems. And if you leave the game early, you get less points in the other emblems, as you do less gens, totems, chases, heals and unhooks. With 3 people escaping, this might happen, because 80% of the match has been finished, so most of the survivors may just pip anyway. If 2 surivivors escape with 3 gens done, this is more likely half of the game, and the one point for surviving wouldn't help in that many cases. To your topic, I also disagree that it should be handled like this, it is a kinda strange approach to deal with a problem

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Remove Red Mori

    Make key allow only 1 Survivor escape, the hatch closes after the escape, trigger EGC.

    Now image 1 Survivor dead, 1 Gen left, 1 Survivor escape through the hatch with key and leave other 2 Survivors with EGC, fabulous.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    The keys are the counterpart of the Moris and them both should be removed from the game IMO.

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    What I see in this post is, 'The survivors used a key and that made me not get a pip!' Getting a 0 pip is not a bad thing though. It only means your game overall came out to an average game. Look at the entire match as a whole not just the survivors using a key to end the match before you were ready for it to end. Do you think you performed at an above average level? Where do you think you could have improved your game? How much room do you really have for improvement based on this match? These are questions to ask yourself. If your answers tell you that there was more you could have done then you probably did have an average level game. Pips are there to say you performed above average according to arbitrary metrics the devs created for the game based on how they think people should be playing the game. In the end though what do pips get you? You can't buy anything off the bloodweb with them. You can't spend them on cosmetics. You can't spend them in the shrine. You got 27k bloodpoints though so you can get something with those. Which points are really more important? The pips that don't mean jack because rank isn't even a rating on how good you are in this system so has zero bragging rights, or the bloodpoints that get you more perks, power addons, and offerings? Who cares if they used a key and got out? You were 5k points from maxing out your bloodpoints and you got more than any of them did. Sounds like you ended the match with the better outcome anyway.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    I'm on the boat that says Survivor should get a consolation prize for being mori'd the same as being killed as obsession. Killers should also get a consolation prize for keys allowing an early escape.

  • GonzyJr
    GonzyJr Member Posts: 2

    I think keys and moris are balanced. The survivors has the right to gen rush with 4 swf or escape earlier with keys, and the killer has the right to mori after first hook, camp, tunnel or use noed. Survivors has so many clutch perks, so i dont agree with some comments saying mori and keys should be removed. It both counters something, and i agree with the fact that the game should recognize when someone using keys, moriing you after first hook or others left you on the hook, because you cant do anything to prevent it. Maybe killer should get more bps after a 4 swf too. More bps and better emblem system should fix a lot. Its horror going against 4 gen rushing swf using ds, unbreakable, bt and dead hard and getting my ######### ######### in 5 minutes while i cant do nothing and losing 1 pip. Both survivor and killer bp and rank system should be reworked imo.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    No. It's absurd that one side winning should reward the other. That goes for camping too.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    I believe that the use of a mori or key should guarantee a safety pip for the other side seeing as they both circumvent the objective, meaning that the other side has less of a chance to earn a pip. This would help with situations like survivors getting tunnelled off hook when the killer has a mori, or the killer losing 3 kills because a survivor had a key.

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339

    Not really, in my opinion. You can't find a Mori in a chest, and survivor is Way easier to get away with. Especially if we're considering there's Technically a 25% chance only 1 survivor brings in a key (although it's more uncommon than say Medkits), you can't get in a match against a killer with 4 moris.

    Plus it's Far more unlikely to get 4 matches in a row where the killer brought a Mori, vs 4 matches in a row where at least *one* survivor brought a key

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah but all youre doing is making a good argument on why keys shouldnt be in chests. Which i agree with.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Moris are awesome but should only be useable on death hook. Keys should only allow the person using they key to leave instead of the whole team and shouldnt power the remaining gens. Moris are cool and add something to the game and I dont think its fair to remove one and not the other. This SEEMS like a fair compromise.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    We need to nerf them both asap Peanits, there is no skill involved for using them 🥰

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Honestly, are keys really "unfair" or just incredibly uninteresting?

    I don't feel like I was "defeated" or "outplayed" when a key is used, the game just ends and everyone really gets far less rewards than they otherwise might have. It's not really a significantly different feeling from the game disconnecting everyone suddenly.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,513

    Im all for if the survivors and killers got a bit more bp if those 2 had to be used. I love how i could have a amazing game have like 2 or 3 gens left and the last 2 survivors are on deathhook and they escape via a completly apparently fair item. Or when im destroying a killer and they have like 1 gen left and its my second down and they can instakill me via a totally fair item. So if you need to use those some compensation is nice. A mori already gives killer less points though doesnt a key escape give more than a normal escape?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You are right, except gen speeds and SWF are a thing and these combine with a key to combat a Mori relatively easily. If the killer is at 1 gen and they Mori someone in a classic genrush match (about 4 minutes from spawn to exit these days), the other three are already out of the hatch even with a hard tunnel. I dont like mori's or keys, I don't think they directly counter each other in any way, but when a genrush team uses a key you arent going to Mori more than 1 of them. I know, because I usually go against 1 or 2 ultra-genrushers a day and I usually get 2-3 hooks if they do the classic key/map. If I was running a mori, I'd probably be able to get 1 kill if I really, really worked at it, but I'm not super confident about that. But that's still a lost match by any definition.

  • PercyJackson
    PercyJackson Member Posts: 11

    I agree, but they should do it also if you get mori'd or camped.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I believe a great way to change how keys function would be pretty simple, just make them take time to open the hatch (20 seconds) and have the HUD blink the hatch icon for everyone. Therefore, the counterplay is that the killer can prevent the escape if they know where the hatch spawned at.

    Whoever finds the hatch first wins, it's very simple. 😅🙂

  • Brendan_12
    Brendan_12 Member Posts: 23

    Agreed with. I play survivors a fair bit and it is a bit shocking how many survivors think it's fine to TB killers etc. It leads to. I'll feelings. I personally don't unless the killer has camped, played pourly and we still win. Then I abuse. But if they play fair and have had a bad game I just escape. No sense in breeding bad feeling for the next match

  • brocktree
    brocktree Member Posts: 37

    The fact that you are recommending tunneling as a valid way to play the game shows how poor your way of playing is. However I agree with other people that say that keys don't really counter moris. I'm not opposed to the idea of giving extra pts for keys and moris even though they would do nothing for ranking.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    "You're a poor player if your solution to a key is to kill the person holding the key."


  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    The survivor had a Weaved Ring, meaning he kept the key after he died.

    How did you manage to let everyone escape?

    Did they do their objective and escape?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    He did, he tunneled the survivor and he DID have an addon that he kept it after death.

    Look at the OP's picture.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435
    edited May 2020

    I like the idea that one key gives one survivor the escape through the hatch. So everybody needs his own key. And why we need to keys (purple and pink) I think one is enough. That would be a nice nerf.

    On the other side moris are to strong, they are just an offering. Why must a offering increase the match so hard? If the killer wants to mori the survivor than use devour hope.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    most killer iridescents are trash. The only ones that are actually strong are mori, hatchet head, and pinky finger. And I see keys like 5-10 times as much as I see moris, pinky, or hatchet.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    Whenever I see a key, I bring Franklin's and a mori. There's no reason to let the survivors have fun if they don't even want to play the whole game out.

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    Ugh. Nobody should get more points for either. You should get zero escape points for using a key unless all gens are done or you're the only survivor. and you should get no points for Moris unless all gens are done. Fair.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Keys aren’t even guaranteed use. It’s insane people still complain about keys. They’re not even that good 😂 Yet killers run around with Mori’s and you didn’t mention the same should go for them? That’s extremely One sided 😂 whine whine whine

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    I can’t stand depipping because im getting camped on, tunneled, Mori’d. It goes both ways.

  • Meroko
    Meroko Member Posts: 107

    Bloodpoints don't determine your rank, at all. The sooner you understand that, the quicker you'll learn how to actually PIP in this game

  • kato93
    kato93 Member Posts: 3

    You realize you just contradicted yourself?

    You said that its way easier for survivors to get an escape using the key when keys are 2000% more rare than a mori, that keys are better than moris but at the same time only one survivor brings a jey IF anyone brings one cuz they are rare while every single killer i face has a mori every single time (unless they dont want to use one, maybe because they already have 1 op red add on).

    Seriously... survivors have so goddamn much crap in the bloodweb.

    I have like 10 keys on my P3 survivor while i play 95% of thetime survivor. Yet as some killer i use once in a while i have a collection of red and yellow add ons and moris, enough for at least 50 games, ALL incredibly useful.

    I have add ons i constantly use on all killers which last time i leveled up was 2 years ago.

    I stopped leveling them up cuz i simply dont need to.

    Meanwhile my p3 survivor after more than 150 levels of bloodweb still needs basic lvl3 add ons, purple medkits and flashlight, red keys and decent toolboxes (where the ######### are purple toolboxes??).

    The worst part is that with killers its 100 times easier to make bloodpoints fast and without much trouble. If you need bloodpoints just hop on killer side and relax for the free 20k points.

    I don't even get the complaining. Its aleays about those 4K' didn't get one cuz 1 survivor brought a key bo fkn woooo. Imagine how many survivors lost their nuch much much more precious blue flashlights and keys because the killer KNEW they had one so they tunneled on purpose and killed with a mori in 1 hook (mori means you get to kill any survivor in 1 hook and 1 chase, cuz the second they go down the hook you losers will tunnel and get the free mori in 10seconds top).