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why the game so buggy?

3rd time in 8 matches that it randomly says game cannot save profile, please restart and i lose points from previous game.
server buggin?


  • Crusher
    Crusher Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2018

    Its been happening to me was well "error code: 300 keeps poping" is so anoying. And btw whoever read this thread, and if this error code appers to u was well, i suggest you to wait and not to quit the game right away, let the game save, u will notice at top of ur screen a slogo of DBD similar to a obession color red, just wait and LET it save otherwise u will lose all ur points from that last match beware.

  • Sir_Kazi
    Sir_Kazi Member Posts: 55

    now game unable to log into servers.... bruh

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited September 2018

    same problem.
    3rd or 4th time it happened to me now.
    really annoying .-.

  • palotheas
    palotheas Member Posts: 118

    It happened yesterday to me too, now it's saying the game didn't initialize correctly.