Are Pig Add-On Reworks/Changes in the Works?

I think a lot of people who play pig will agree that most of her green and purple add-ons are very subpar for the quality rating they've been given. Considering how pigs play style has developed and evolved, especially in high skill play since her release I think Pig needs a little love.

We need more add-ons that are focused on her dash and crouch rather then the RNG aspect of her power. Higher skilled survivors don't mind more frequent skill checks, and even some of the better can get bonus progression from hitting the greats meaning their often times completing jigsaw boxes faster thanks to the extra skill checks.

Some of her best add-ons are her brown and yellow ones. The faster crouch, the quicker dash and reduced penalties for missed dashes are all wonderful add-ons for her while her red and purple add-ons can be meh at best, while I'd argue that her green ones are the worst.

There are so many killers that need add on changes and tweaks and I'm sure they've got things in works for some killers already, but I just despise a bloodweb without Combat Straps, Shattered Syringes, Last Wills and Video Tapes and I feel like getting higher quality add-ons should be a little more exciting then y'know "Great... Rust Attachments" or "Ugh Interlocking Razors"

I think the brown add-ons are great where they are but at least let the higher quality add-ons have some slight bonus to her crouch or dash.


  • Han
    Han Member Posts: 196

    Even if they would work on pig, they are not gonna tell you here.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    I disagree heavily. You can use the common add-ons to boost her dash, but imo that's not why you play pig. It only works on very short loops, and many good survivors will just run off the loop when they see you crouch. You can try to bait a hit by crouching and then uncrouching but alot of the times they just get to another pallet anyways.

    The only purple add-on I think is terrible is Amanda's secret.

    The purple extra box, reduced trap timer, and increased search times are all really nasty when you stack them. It's actually impossible to search all 5 boxes with a tampered timer on some maps if your trap is activated while you are on the hook. So that's a 20% chance it's just a set and forget mori. You can bump those odds up to 40% if you tunnel them a bit (15-20~ seconds) while crouched after they are unhooked. That's a pretty quick investment for such a huge potential payoff.

    Exhaust traps + mangle traps are also both incredibly good for tunneling. Maybe you don't want to do that, but that's what they can be used for.

  • Citrusfruit
    Citrusfruit Member Posts: 73
  • Citrusfruit
    Citrusfruit Member Posts: 73

    I suppose I never really looked at it that way. I'm not a fan of tunneling if I feel like I'm in a good spot in the game, but I'll definitely push people off the boxes if they think they can just do them in my face. I guess some of it is me not really being able to see how they're hindering survivors. Thank you for your input ^^

  • widescreen
    widescreen Member Posts: 49

    Yes an old Dev pod cast Ive seen, mentioned that they are in the works for a rework on a bunch of killers, some time in the distant future. I just a post on where I should place my thoughts/ideas of The Pig's rework Add Ons. You are absolutely right that most of her Add Ons are underwhelming and RBT based; where in the mid to late game, The Pig usually has no Add Ons to aid her. Unlike most killers where they keep their Add Ons throughout the entire match. I will be posting my thoughts/ideas of an Add On rework on The Pig soon, in the Feedback and Suggestions section of this forum. Id like to hear your opinion on them <3

  • Citrusfruit
    Citrusfruit Member Posts: 73

    I'll definitely take a look at them! I love to see and hear peoples wonderful concepts for changes when it comes to add-ons! That's probably why I really enjoyed Otz's Video on the matter. :D

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    The great thing zbout tampered timer + extra box too is OFTEN survivors under estimate how much time they have and do dumb ######### like work on gens while they have a deactivated trap on, giving themselves even less time.

  • Megaguardain
    Megaguardain Member Posts: 107

    BHVR said in the past Q&A Livestream they tend to rework Killers who aren't used a whole lot. They said they're currently going to rework/tweak the Clown next.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Sadly probably not, although maybe another arbitrary terror radius increase.