Just. Do. Bones.
NOED almost always is no more than just a punishment for gen rushing survivors which didn't complete their secondary objective.
If you hate this HEX so much - bring map with add-ons or Small Game and do these bones, stop crying.
It's almost done pushing it to the bottom
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I'm guessing you created this for more people to come post on and argue/be jerks to each other?
Please stop posting things like this. This community will never get better.
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No, I just dont wanna see posts with complaining about NOED from people which don't wanna change their gameplay style, they just wanna sit in one place and hold m1 for the most of time.
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I'm pretty sure people got this message by reading the last topic about this. I'm not saying you can't post, but by all means please don't try to maximize the negativity that already exist on this forum. Some of us love this game and want the community to get better.
Have a good night 💜
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Cleanse totems*
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Cleansing 5 totems to disable a perk that the killer may not even be using isn't a secondary objective. If it is, then it's bad game design.
Ever thought maybe there is actually a problem with it since people complain so much? Stop thinking about one side only.
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The funniest thing are survivors who justify them not doing totems by not having enough time. Without realising that generators already go too fast, and that totems actually balance out the game.
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You don't have enough time against the strongest killers. Nurse,spirit,billy and a few other killers are strong, you don't deserve free kills if you play them and still lose.
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Sorry chief, I don't see NOED being a counter or "punishment" as you described it for gen rushing. Contrary to your belief, I think it rewards bad play and punishes a good developed game by the survivors. I don't think you understand why people hate NOED. Not so much that they're oblivious, but that it unfairly punishes a good survivor game.
If a game pushes you to cleanse 5 totems just for an end-game perk, that's poor game design. Why? Because it removes you from the main objective.
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It's like saying getting stunned by old DS is a punishment because you chased the obsession "Just chase someone else".
Both are punishing one side for simply doing their objective. Both are rewarding bad play. Yet, only one perk got changed (DS, which I like the because I hated old DS) and the other side keeps the crutch.
I personally see no difference between old MoM, old DS and noed. All the same, all for noobs to reward bad play.
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Besides the fact that cleansing 5 Totems for something the Killer does not have, NOED punishs Solos more than SWFs. In a SWF I can simply tell everyone when I cleansed a Totem, and eventually, when Endgame is near, we can split up so that one person is searching for Totems, two are doing Gens and one is being chased.
As Solo, this is not possible. I dont know how many Totems my Mates cleansed. And when I decide to go Totem Cleansing near Endgame, I have no guarantee that the rest of the Team is actually doing something useful. When I am on a Gen, I know that at least one person is doing Gens.
And last but not least - try to find 5 Totems while your Team is Dying on new Badham or Hawkins...
Just get rid of its Hex-Status and make it a Perk that scales with the progression of the Killer - the more he has done during the game, the more will NOED do for him. Tired of Killers failing all game, just to get their easy Insta Down and 4% extra Movement Speed, which renders every Loop useless.
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Most red rank players don’t use NOED, but I still always bring Small Game.
NOED is usually for Pleb killers anyways. I think it’s really popular in the green/purple ranks.
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Actually so true, I spend a lot of my time at red ranks as survivor and I almost never EVER see a NOED being used. It's really popular at rank reset though my god it comes out in droves at rank reset, honestly from my experience it mostly only results in one kill due to NOED. Not saying they deserved the kill or whatever but they got it.
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I agree. This person is so pathetic. Posts a lot of useless threads every hour.
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You say as you're literally criticizing people
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"I have to play around this perk even when it might not be in the game"
Congrats, you've figured out how Killers feel about Decisive Strike
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Actually it's better to do well hidden totems, and leave the exposed ones for the end game. I did this last game. Did a hidden totem, but left an exposed totem undone. When the last gen popped, I went back to look at the totem. Sure enough, it was lit. I busted it for 1500 BP. Felt a little bad because the killer was only a rank 16 against Red and Purple Ranks. But saving a totem or two and checking them when the last gen pops is a time-saving strategy.
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Against bad killers, sure. How about a good Billy, Oni, Nurse, Spirit or Freddy with their best perks and addons? You can barely reach the endgame by holding M1. Telling them to "just do bones" is dumb because the time they waste doing bones usually ends up costing them the game. NOED is too strong, no single perk should be able to win you games as well and as often as NOED does.
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Why would people bring this thread back from October 2019?
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This forum is so dead honestly
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Wouldnt a good survivor game include breaking totems knowing noed is a possibility 🤔
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so you revived this to start an argument with me? nice.
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If you want to stop seeing posts that cause a flamewar, stop adding to it.
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This thread from october 2019. I dont think thats 2 years ???
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Noed is broken if a facecamping Bubba uises it.
it's impossible to finish 5 gens if he gets an early down, imagine trying to find noed as well.
''Just do gens'' or ''just do bones'' is not a good argument when complaining about facecamping and noed
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Pretty much
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Do I need to revive the noed trials?
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Even after smallgame buff i think survivors will still complain about noed lol
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Lol even after 2 years survivors dont so bones lol