Why rank 4 have so much potato survivors??

I was trying to play survivor and I noticed two things:
1- I got a rank 17 survivor and I am playing as rank 4(matchmaking issues)
2- I got survivors that are potato as this rank 17 guy. The Dwight just stopped in front of the killer when I got him up what also revealed my position.
Cause pipping is really really easy as a survuvor, and with how fast gen speeds are the only skill you need to get to red is holding m1 for 160 seconds and getting 1 unhook
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Well just yesterday when I Switched from doctor to my Claudette main I was in a match and pointed to an empty locker the killer went to check when they turned back towards me I was gone 😂. Yes some killers can be potatoes to.
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Because of new rank reset
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Because if you play to the emblem system ranking up isn't that hard. Killer is harder do some missteps in how the emblem system works.
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- It's too easy to rank up as survivor.
- The devs recent change to rank reset
Both these combined have botched the ranking system and caused a pile up of survivors at high ranks that shouldn't be. It's now very hard to go down but very fast and easy to move up.
These are also 2 things that are botching the matchmaking as well. This pile up has caused a disproportionate amount of survivors at high ranks compared to killers. This is what's causing the long queue times and the matchmaking that puts low rank killers against high rank survivors.
Easy fixes:
- Make it harder to rank up
- Easier to depip
- Revert the rank reset system back to what it was before. The old system was fine.
Side relation, but we still need individual killer ranks as well. If this was implemented then we would only need the old rank reset system for survivors instead of both.
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That has nothing to do with being potato. If you point at a locker it's literally a 50/50 scenario. Either you lied or you did not. Only way to find out is opening the locker. Obviously the killer can chase and down you but IF there is someone in said locker the killer saves precious time.
That being said I wouldn't check the locker as I'm too busy defending my basement chest these days. Survivors just won't stop trying to rob me for some reason.
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I agree, but it is too easy to rank up for both sides. The rest is 100% true, especially the Change to Rank Reset.
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I think rank up as survivor is harder but I think it because I usually play more as killer
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Oh I agree. The issue is just more pronounced on the survivor side is all, but both are too easy.
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Because if you play to the emblem system ranking up isn't that hard. Killer is harder do some missteps in how the emblem system works.
Post edited by Rajkmari5692 on0 -
Because in this game in particular, rank is so easy to obtain that it means nothing.
It's supposed to be an indication of skill at the game, but that isn't the case here. Because of ease of pipping and SWF boosting.
I get at least one pip every game, even when I die. They've made it way to easy.
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Because most of them are essentially rank 5's who occasionally pip up and bounce back and forth purple and the very bottom of red ranks. Add to that that rank is not a great indication of skill to begin with and you have your answer.
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SWF is the culprit
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Besides the usual "easy to rank up" arguments, all I can say as a Rank 5+ survivor is that now that I'm basically trapped at the highest levels, I can have fun with it.
I can afford to run stupid builds because I've already reached the highest levels of play. Have I reached rank 1? No. But there are so many sweatlords that I do not care to.
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killer is just as easy, look for a survivor and camp so that the other potatoes stop repairing and try to unhook, it works in more than 99% of the games due to the little intelligence that the survivors are showing in 2020, but only if you play for 4k
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Cause pipping is really really easy as a survuvor, and with how fast gen speeds are the only skill you need to get to red is holding m1 for 160 seconds and getting 1 unhook
Post edited by Suman1101 on0 -
Because if you play to the emblem system ranking up isn't that hard. Killer is harder do some missteps in how the emblem system works.
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Goodness gracious. The red rank community regarding the survivor side is mostly a joke. I have more fun and better matches with rank 9 and 5 teammates than with red ranks. Man, the best times for me as a survivor is when its rank reset. Such a rejuvenating experience because I get to play with actual like minded and skilled teammates. Being a red rank is not always the best place but also not always the worst place to be.
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Everyone plays poorly from time to time. Just wait until MMR comes, which will be the excuse for “matchmaking” because “rank doesn’t matter.”
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totally understand!
why cant give us 3 good teammates when we are playing solo
its too hard to enjoy the game when you play against red ranking killers with 3 potato survivors
10s to die then DC
No one fixed gens
No one saves teammate
No one can loop more than 30s
why we need this rank system?