New Doctor player needing advice

SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

I've been playing this game for a few months now, and so far I've only been able to unlock teachable perks with Leatherface and The Wraith. I heard that the doctor is a great killer from which to farm bloodpoints from, so I would like to use him as a means to unlock more teachable perks.

I do have barbecue and chili unlocked, and I heard that having distressing, whispers, and overcharge are good perks too. Are you able to recommend any perks that don't fall under the teachable category for a new player in my position? (I know that nurse's calling and unnerving presence are great perks, but like said I don't have those teachables unlocked yet.)


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Doc does like to have a big TR but not Distressing... use Calm series of addons

    Whispers is awesome with Doc... Overcharge isn't great by any means but if you don't have anything else it's fine

    Any Gen information perk is good on doc so you know where to go to get whispers active

    Oh and shock is more about accuracy then spam... timing is also needed to get full value from shock and static blast attacks

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Thanks! But I thought distressing was a good perk to have for the doctor. I thought that having a bigger terror radius meant that his shock attack would also have a bigger radius. Was I mistaken?

  • Rex_Honeycut
    Rex_Honeycut Member Posts: 102

    No, you're not mistaken but the larger terror radius benefits your static blast more so that's why the calm add-ons do the work of distressing but only when you need it. I recommend running BBQ for both the bloodpoints and aura readings. Hook someone and if you don't see all remaining auras, fire off a static blast to find the missing survivor (s).

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Ok, that makes sense. I know distressing also gives you more blood points, but I'm assuming if you have barbecue and chili it probably doesn't make much of a difference, huh? Like I said I'm stuck using either the doctors perks or random perks outside of barbecue.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    If you dont care about kills and want blood points I'd play legion

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    You are right... but it's not worth a perk slot... just use the Calm addons and you'll do good

    Distressing will only make whispers harder to use... cause the survivors will know you're around well before whispers activates...

    At least with the Calm addons you can get a surprise blast attack to pick who to chase first after that the survivors will have to time everything else they do to the blast cooldown... which I have won matches cause I could snowball my blast attacks straight into a chase then a down

    Also IF is a good perk... I have a build I want to try out but don't have the perks for it yet...

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    It's hard to hide against a good doc player...

    Plus think of M&A (it changes your TR based on chase) then think of making it activate when you want by using the Calm addons

  • Rex_Honeycut
    Rex_Honeycut Member Posts: 102

    The BP bonuses off BBQ far outweigh those of distressing. My current doc build is distressing, BBQ, haunted grounds and STBFL. Shock therapy is an anti-loop mechanic that can force pallets down early so no need for brutal strength or any loop perks. If you get someone at a pallet loop just keep blasting them with shock therapy, even if you don't force the pallet down you'll at least pacify them into snapping out of it before they can do anything constructive (repairing, healing, cleansing and the big one, flashlighting!).

  • blasto
    blasto Member Posts: 41

    I don’t think that giant TR doc is that great especially without other killer perks. Whispers with static blast is plenty of tracking but may as well run bbq as well for the bp.

    I think noed, monitor, sloppy butcher, overcharge are all solid options on doc as well to try out as you see fit

    his better builds use other killer perks unfortunately

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Yeah this is one of the reasons why I wanted to start playing with the doctor. Since I'm new to the game I don't know the layout of all the maps yet, and having a killer that I can farm bloodpoints from but is also good at breaking up loops is something that can benefit a new player like myself.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I use both. It's great.

    Distressing and Calm work really well together.

    Whispers is also kind of a tutorial perk, and I mainly use it to tell me when to use Static Blast.

    Overcharge is alright if you're kicking generators, but I prefer Ruin/Surveillance for full map control. Blast them and they're forced off to scream. If they go back to the generator, Surveillance activates.

    As for general advice? Predict-Shock. Shock Therapy where you THINK they're going to go. If they scream, go that way still. If not, change direction.

  • MasterGrit
    MasterGrit Member Posts: 331

    Me. Double detonation delay addon

    Make his shock 0.5 delay. It's almost instantly.

    Perk i use bbq + 3 gen slowdown perk cuz his shock give him huge chase potential.

    Overcharged i think is for noob survivor and potato pc.

  • Lumionesty
    Lumionesty Member Posts: 98

    So I’ll start by saying distressing and overcharge aren’t good perks neither is unnerving presence so don’t focus on those. The best non teachable perks are Whispers, sloppy butcher and bitter murmur. However bitter murmur is a bit like a poor man’s BBQ so just run BBQ instead. A great load out you can run rn oh Doctor would be Whispers,BBQ,Sloppy and distressing (distressing is usually a pretty bad perks as I stated earlier but on Doctor when you’re starting out it’s actually pretty good). Teachables you should be looking to unlock from the free killers are Nurse Calling (Nurse), Thanataphobia (Nurse), Enduring (Hillbilly), Monitor and Abuse (Doctor) and maybe Brutal strength (Trapper) If you want but it’s not needed. After all that you can make a decent build with BBQ, Nurse’s calling, Sloppy Butcher and Thanataphobia. This would be a pretty decent build for Doc.

    Incase you may be interested in some teachables which you should look to unlock after this from non-free killers are:

    Save the best for last (The shape- Michael Myers)

    Pop goes the weasel (Clown)

    Corrupt intervention (Plague)

    Infectious fright (Plague)

    Discordance (Legion)

    Thrilling tremors (Ghostface)

    There’s more but these are some great ones.

    The last thing I would recommend is to check some of Otzdarva’s videos are topics such as these as they are very informative.

  • Iudex_Nemesis
    Iudex_Nemesis Member Posts: 326

    For basics whispers, sloppy, overcharge, noed

    Whispers - tracking. Very handy when you have one survivor left and you're looking for the hatch.

    Sloppy Butcher - Slow healing wastes survivors time

    Overcharge - Regres gens but depends on skill of the survivors. Replace this with pop goes the weasel when you unlock it.

    No one escapes death - Yes this perk. At the end of the day it's the survivors fault for not cleansing totems. Can be hit or miss though.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Thank you all for the advice! Until I have better teachables unlocked, I'm currently running Whispers, BBQ, Sloppy Butcher, and Distressing/Bloodhound. That Bloodhound and Butcher combo can be so good, and combined with Whispers can make it very hard to get away from the Doctor!

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Legion is kinda good when it comes to killing, if you spam Frenzy with Sloppy butcher + Thanatophobia, you gain enough time to kill. Dunno, I find it super oppressive with him. (Sloppy for after you M1 them, to down, so they wont want to heal)

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    I use distressing, overcharge, unnerving presence and either huntress lullaby or NOED. Im not saying its the best, but its what i like to run with. To each their own, whatever fits your playstyle. Its one of the few killers I dont use whispers on. He doesnt need it. They are screaming constantly. And they pop alot of gens from overcharge. I dont use BBQ because Im already getting 100% bonus from distressing. I usually get 3 or 4 kills with that build. Youre pretty new so if you didnt already know , Shock them right before they get to pallet and they cant drop it. Same with flashlight and unhooking.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Alright check this, I personally use bbq, ruin for convenience and pressure , distressing for big tr, and iron maiden as people actually use lockers vs doc sometimes and it can lead to good pressure but otherwise most perks will do , doc is less perk reliant than before so just prioritize what type of perks you value

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    Distressing (for big terror radius)

    Unnerving Presence (Trapper - for smaller skill checks in your big terror radius)

    BBQ (Leatherface - Any one you don't see, might get picked up with static blast)

    Overcharge - (Dr - Blowing gens left and right) and/or Pop Goes the Weasel (Clown - Good for gen slow-down)

    I have a lot of success with this build but that is just my opinion. Have fun in the fog.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    On my Doc I run

    Distressing - Larger terror radius for the Blast

    Unnerving Presence- for the harder skill checks. Also combo'd with Distressing.

    Huntress Lullaby - for even harder skill checks

    Ruin/Pop - for gen regression.

    I don't use Overcharge because it's completely nullified by anyone who can hit skill checks and it's unaffected skill check related perks. But I guess if you don't have Ruin/Pop, overcharge is good in place of them.

    For my add-ons I use

    Order - For fake pallets and more Blasts.

    Discipline - For faster therapy pop.

    I don't use Calm because it's terror radius reduction goes against the combo of Distressing+Unnerving.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Distressing only gives you 100% more bonus points in one category whereas BBQ gives you up to 100% more blood points based on your final score. So for example if you finished with 25,000 blood points and you managed to hook everyone at least once, you'll get a total of 50,000 blood points, assuming of course you have BBQ at level three.

  • Cancan71
    Cancan71 Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2020

    There is a YouTuber called Not Otzdarva that made a video on builds to use on every killer, doc included, that only include their teachables and base perks. I recommend that you watch that. I'll try to find the video and what perks he suggested.

    EDIT: I just looked at the video and it was before the doctor was reworked so the video might be outdated for you. The four perks he recommended were Sloppy Butcher, Distressing, Thrill of the Hunt and No One Escapes Death. I would recommend the first two as they are great perks that play into his strengths of game slow down and info gathering by using static blast. The latter two I'm iffy about. Thrill makes cleansing totems take longer so that helps out with NOED in the late game. I know that some people dislike using NOED, myself included, so you can decide if you want to use these perks.

    Although it's a good perk, I wouldn't recommend Monitor and Abuse on doctor personally. Doctor wants a big terror radius to find survivors with his static blast. Monitor reduces your terror radius outside of a chase but increases it in a chase. Usually you would want to use your blast when your looking for someone, but monitor would hinder that by decreasing the range of the blast. There are some builds on doc that monitor is good for but for a general build I would get something else.

    Another perk I wouldn't use would be Knock Out. If a survivor is in tier 3 and on the ground, they still scream and give away their position, which makes Knock Out useless.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    "I've been playing this game for a few months now, and so far I've only been able to unlock teachable perks with Leatherface and The Wraith" -- yep, you've hit the main problem with this game on the head.

    To your question, though: Distressing and Unnerving Presence are both faaaaaaaaantastic on Doctor.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Yeah I kinda figured that M&A wouldn't necessarily be a good perk since the doctor is stronger with a bigger terror radius. Personally I'm finding that using sloppy butcher with Bloodhound is a great combo! But I easily see myself replacing Bloodhound for Nurse's calling once that's unlocked.

  • Doomspooge
    Doomspooge Member Posts: 184

    I use the same build. Love impossible skill check Doc. I'd swap BBQ for something else but those bonus BP are way to good to let go of.

  • HexMatBabyDweet
    HexMatBabyDweet Member Posts: 6

    I'm a doc main at rank 3, I run BBQ, distressing,corrupt intervention and Pop. Distressing can be replaced but I like the big terror radius for the radius power ( can't remember the name for the life of me). I sometimes switch distressing for Franklin's. For add one I use the range since they took away the slower charge up debuff from them. Or the ones that change his terror radius.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    Always get as many survivors tier 3 as you can. If your facing a swat team use your blast before picking someone up.

  • Slexoss
    Slexoss Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2020

    Red rank Doctor main here. I'd recommend Sloppy Butcher, Overcharge, BBQ, and Whispers. It's definitely the most well-rounded build you could have at this point. My preferred build is Corrupt, Pop, BBQ, and STBFL; This is one of the most consistently good builds on him in my opinion.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    if youre using BBQ, you dont need Whispers. BBQ will give you more(better) info than whispers, and Doc already excels locating survivors. Use BBQ to get the ficinity of other survivors, so you know when/where to use your static blast without wasting it.

    I also would not recommend using Distressing (unless you want the extra Devious points) unless it’s paired with something like Couliphobia (certainly I spelled that wrong), Distressing does help your static blast power, but so minimally that it doesn’t require wasting a perk there for it.

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    For fuk's sake. I said i wasnt claiming it was the best build, just what i run with. I said to each their own, whatever fits your playstyle. and here you are, trying to lecture. I play to kill. I dont care about pips or points. Dont try to give me math lessons. I wasnt the one on here asking for tips, because I dont need any.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Wow. Either you're the most sensitive person alive, or you're incapable of discerning what constitutes a "lecture".

  • Ribbles
    Ribbles Member Posts: 116

    That last one is the build I use as well. STBFL is mandatory IMHO to prevent chases going on too long. Surprised don't see more people suggesting it.