Fun to tease.
Guy thought I was gonna give him hatch was really funny. Does anyone else enjoy doing this?
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How do you put the video up like that on here?
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Hitting insert button and pasting the YouTube link
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if this survivor was toxic player he deserved it. But it is not funny.
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I mean, you do you, it's not bannable or anything, but since you asked, personally I find it unnecessary and kind of cruel. My philosophy is if you want to give someone hatch, give them hatch, and if you want to hook them, hook them, but don't mess around with their emotions. Take the win and be glad about it, no need to rub salt in the wound.
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The most I will do is hook the Survivor next to the hatch and then close it in front of them. But that means I also downed them near the Hatch. I wouldn't bring them to a Hatch and then close it. That's just really cruel on my part and unnecessary.
But teasing them with escape they could've had if they just outplayed me one more time is always fun.
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As a survivor main and killer main myself.I don’t like to take up a survivors time unless they were toxic then I make sure to shock them at the exit gates preventing them from leaving 😂.
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When I'm the last survivour and I'm caught I dont even bother wiggling. Feel free to hook me. Sometimes I see Killers try to act like they'll give me the hatch. Or drop me just far enough I know they'll pick me up again. I dont play there games. Im all "Sorry bro, I'm reading the forums until I can start a new match.." Lol it doesnr effect me at all...
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When I play as survivor and the killer uses me as a punching bag when on the hook I’m like yeah what else you got?😎.
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Nah, just makes you a dick.
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well thanks for letting everyone know you're bad word,would call you something else but dont wanna get warned
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That's me as well. I'm not crawling to the hatch. I'll go get a snack or take a bathroom break.
If you wanted me to have the hatch you would drop me on it and walk away.
It's kinda a shame someone needs to do this to feel victorious.
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I have requirements for hatch giving, You can’t wiggle, you can’t be toxic or have sandbagged your teammates and you have to have played well
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Extremely childish.
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People like you need to grow up. Finding pleasure in ruining the games for others online is just immature. Period. Don't care if you're playing killer or survivor, don't be like this.
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Ngl, that's kinda sad, she was having so much fun.
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Pretty douchy, if you ask me.
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And killers wonder why survivors are complete asses some times.
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I like to drop the last Survivor a ways from the Hatch.
As they crawl, I go stand over it.
Nod as they crawl closer, usually shaking their head no.
And then, as they reach it, I...
...walk away and let them jump out the Hatch. And tell them "GG <3, I hope y'all have a better game next time."
There's enough taunting and toxicity in this game as is, no need to add to it.
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It's a shame really. For one I don't take anything personally. My emotional response could never be triggered by someone I don't care about or even know. I do not do these immature tactics though. Only thing I think is why does either side do this. One hand washes the other. If toxic players got their wish and made one side or the other all uninstall, what fun would that be for the "Victor". It would effectively kill the game or at least make lobby queue times unbearable.
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I thought this was a dress sexy and tease your partner thread but it turns out it's just a bm thread.
"Puts g string back in drawer"
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They already do on console.
And queue times in Brazil for survivors are about 10 minutes, queue times in Berlin are about 10 minutes because no one is playing killer over there. I have friends in those regions.
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This clip really does nothing but paint you in a bad light. It is not funny, it just highlights the toxic behavior that killers in this forum try to claim does not exist. I have more issue with you following a slugged survivor and hitting him on hook that the business with the hatch. And following a slugged survivor can be reported for griefing if they recorded it, or submitted a complaint with your video, lol. So careful posting video proof of your treating people poorly, it could come back to gettcha.
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You know, you could start one in the Off-Topic section.
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Will you be there ? I dance for you?
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Sure, but just as a friend.
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Keeping the game hostage is, and that behavior is that, so yes it is.
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Would love to see this proof that killer mains claim there are no toxic killers.
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Regardless of the report status of the game play this is unacceptable on a lot of levels. This guy should be embarrassed he played this way, not showing it off as if it is some kind of accomplishment.
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Idk if it’s funny but I’ll tell you what I do=p
when I play if I find a survivor who has no place in my game I normally slug them and use there pressure to get the other 3 (teaming in a way but they can’t really say no lol except to dc) and after I kill the team I’ll let them do a gen drop a few pallets on me and let them out.
and let’s be honest a rank 10-20 have no place in my lobby’s and at least they get some bp
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Lol thats mean
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Remember guys, the real a-holes in the game are the survivors, not the killers. There are no killers that are as toxic as some survivors.
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As someone who plays on both sides equally I see it on both sides it’s not one side.
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No way dude, I don't believe you. There are no toxic killers. Period.
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Believe what you want but you can’t always say it’s one side.
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It is not though. It takes 4 minutes to bleed out. 4 minutes is not considered "held hostage".
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Lol you actually went for the bait...
Ok , I guess you didn't figure it out yet. It was sarcasm. Now you know.
I play both sides too.
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Nobody likes fighting toxic players, I am gonna bet you included, so why act like a dick?
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lol to funny
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This falls under griefing, which has its own catagory just for reporting.
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I bet you wouldn't be saying that if a survivor was tbagging a killer
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As a matter of fact, I do feel much the same way about survivors teabagging at the gates. That's rather bold of you to just assume I have double standards without knowing anything about me.
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So when survivors tbag at exit gates and scream.racism and insults in endgame chats killers need to get thicker skin but when we tease the hatch all of a.sudden we are.childish and mean.