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So I quit games on occasion recently. Here's why

Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

Has anyone else just not had fun playing killer? You get gen rushed by toxic people who sit there going from pallet to pallet, taunting you with health kits or flashlights, and occasionally they get lucky stuns. Really bummer. Sucks also when you keep getting games like that, and derank like crazy. Now, I'm not even by any means a bad killer, I've been rank 8 and I think that's a fair spot for me. But since rank reset I've gotten down to 14 and some of those games have been disconnects. The aforementioned reasons are why. Why is it that people have to play like toxic scumlords instead of letting everyone involved enjoy themselves? Is it written somewhere that everyone has to be a piece of sh*t in game lately? I don't understand. I am asking for help to get me to understand why people must be toxic and pretend they're not. What does one gain from being sh*tty to another person in a game? Do they have pent-up aggression that they take out in people in-game? Are they that sad? Help me understand.


  • Clinton
    Clinton Member Posts: 350

    There will always be toxicity and salt in this game. You have to adjust your strategy.. Are you being paired with red ranks constantly due to matchmaking? I wipe the floor with rank 8-12 survivors

    Red ranks is when this game gets really exhausting. As a rank 1 killer, you have to sweat your balls off constantly vs these SWFs.

  • Sherry
    Sherry Member Posts: 227

    Just remember, not all survivors are like that. I play solo survivor and sometimes I'm shocked at the comments in the endgame chat of my fellow survivors. The need to be totally a jerk to the killer for no apparent reason. I've also seen a few killers be nasty for no apparent reason. Just chalk it up to being human. Some humans can be real jerks and others can be so kind that it warms your heart. I really enjoy the warming your heart games. :)

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Yes, people get incredibly frustrated playing this game and then take it out on others. They have a match against a mori and the next match when they easily escape, they teabag at the exit gates to vent their feelings. Then that killer who got teabagged gets frustrated and sweats his ass off in the next match, playing dirty and frustrating the survivors.

    The sooner you stop letting this game frustrate the hell out of you, the happier you’ll be playing it. This goes for everyone. It’s not personal. Losing doesn’t mean anything, or say anything about you as a person. Nobody is trying to piss you off in particular, they’re just mad.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited May 2020

    The game is literally designed around bad survivors. There are so many mechanics in this game that only work if someone makes a mistake.

    Weak killers are nerfed before/after release because the new guys say they are OP.

    All the 2nd chance perks survivors get are to help the newbies escape. Then they become broken on the veteran survivors. Lord knows I complain about certain survivor perks but to be fair. If they weren't combined with other perks it probably wouldn't be so bad. Old MoM for example may have been tolerable if you couldn't mix it with BT+DS+Adren. By themselves I think 2nd chance perks are within reason but when people stack them it becomes a problem.

    If the survivors choose to rush gens, the gens will get done no matter the pressure applied because the killer can't pressure 4 people at once. This game is tailored to the new players and that's a horrible way to design your game.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Killers a terrible experience. Till they change it just play Survior or not at all

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Oh, I 100% agree. I can pick up survivor after not playing for a few months and do fine, same cannot be said for the killer side. Survivor perks are waaaay more impactful than killer perks, and there's 16 of them in every game. Hatch still opens when it really shouldn't. I could go on.

    There should be something to prevent second chance stacking in the game, as that's when things really get screwy. DS could probably see some changes as well as that is constantly the focus of the survivor sided perk argument (rightly so as it really gets abused a lot of the time, myself included).

    As someone who plays both sides, but mainly killer, I still find survivor much easier. I can only imagine how it is for the people who actually main survivor.

  • Schlute6969
    Schlute6969 Member Posts: 129

    I’m a rank one on both sides and still to this day don’t understand why people do what they do. I have heard of many excuses such as they are just angry and too emotional, want to make your game worse for their fun and many others but best thing to do is ignore and keep playing and never dc. It’s what they want and it’s a legitimate strategy for some to tilt you so much you quit. Dcing because of this though makes no sense since you have already played a good part of the game there is no point to dc at the end since only person who has their time wasted is the person who dc’ed. Only time I’ll be toxic is when receiving the toxicity first but even now I’ve learned to not do this since it’s always funnier to get hatemail when you played fairly and not toxic back so just rather than understanding just be the better person.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I think a better question is what exactly people are doing that's toxic and making you upset.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    I main killer, but I'll be honest. There's no real such thing as "gen" rushing. It's poor map pressure. And if you know that they're attempting to drag you to another side of the map, that's where you should leave them and go somewhere else. They're not doing anything helpful for their team.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    It literally is. Ruin, the only reliable early-game slowdown perk(Corrupt is far too RNG based to be reliable) was nerfed for being "too frustrating for survivors". In a chase with equally-skilled survivor and Killer, the Killer can only catch the survivor in a reasonably amount of time if the survivor makes a mistake. Using Bloodlust as an excuse doesn't work because it takes nearly a minute to cap out, more than enough time for a gen to pop if 2 survivors are on it, with up to 3 popping in the time it takes them to get to a hook if they spread out

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    As a Spirit main? No. As a Huntress who's just trying to get better but gets bullied every round? Yes.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Idk man, all the stuff you described it kind of sounds like theyre just playing the game. I love pallet campers, 90% of them are super easy to mind game, and so what if they taunt you, give them a little smack while theyre on the hook 🤷‍♂️

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    I've lately faced weird connection issues as well, so that's compounding the issue. This game is fun half the time, but the other half is a nightmare of issues.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    More like the ones who are bad whine about perks they don't know how to work around, so the developers get to the point where they nerf the good perks and make them fairly unusable. The people who aren't the best but still pretty savvy get the short end of that deal and drags them down to lower ranks, as I have seen for myself. I don't care if I don't get a 4k every game. I just care that I'm enjoying myself. Most of my games haven't been enjoyable lately. As either side honestly.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882
    edited May 2020

    I find both sides fun because I play both. Solo survivor for me is way more unforgiving. Not only do I have to worry about the killer, but my own team mates as well. If you play solo, you'll either get: good/decent team mates, trolls, sfw who only care about themselves, useless players, survivors dropping all the pallets in their first chase, survivors allergic to gens, self care, and people who will sandbag you. The best is when those cocky swf in your team try to be super altruistic and all go down at once leaving you to be the only one who can save them, then get upset at you for ignoring them due to their stupid mistakes.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    That's pretty vague. What behavior are you getting fed up with, exactly?

    Survivors are going to do things to make it hard for you to achieve your objectives, while trying to achieve their own objectives as quickly as possible. It's an adversarial game. Leaning on strong game mechanics to win a match should be expected. If you can't handle that, and it is getting to the point where you are disconnecting from matches, maybe you shouldn't be playing killer.

  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 135

    People have become bad sports during the lockdown, imo.

    I really dislike survivor trolls. At least the killer is out to kill, survivors getting cocky and lording it over people is just distasteful.

    It feels like someone will have a bad match - on whatever side - and then they'll bring their anger into the next match, which is more likely to be a fairer one, with a more sportsman-like killer or good survivors, and then get all of those players mad with the trolling or camping or whatever. And then it spreads from them into the next match, like dbd's own little hate pandemic :\

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    I was getting fed up with people who kept doing toxic garbage that wasn't necessary in game. They could just do what I do and run loops or stealth around the map. It's more fun and generally makes things more interesting. For me anyway. Doing toxic things to make yourself a bigger target is doofy in my views. It just makes things unfun for the opposition. Thus, when playing survivor, I don't flashlight stun and I don't really go from pallet to pallet like some people tend to do. I loop, I stealth, I enjoy myself, I give the killer a good time.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Taking a break may help, or play survivor for a bit, it's far more relaxing. Franklin's Demise helps to get rid of those flashlights and health kits. Sure they can pick them up, but they may be taking a risk to do it, and it slows the game down for them if they have to come back for them. You could also lobby dodge if you see them geared up like that. That's a better alternative to quitting a game.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited May 2020

    Flashlight stunning and using pallets are game mechanics. They are part of the game. Stunning the killer with a flashlight is literally intended use for that item, it buys survivors time to do their objectives, and it earns BP. "This is toxic behavior" is a construct that a lot of people have somehow fooled themselves into believing, when this is just a survivor using a game mechanic to their benefit.

    You can counter flashlight stuns by looking at a wall when you pick someone up, and/or by having some awareness of your surroundings. If this is really a bridge too far, and you find yourself disconnecting because of it, then killer is probably not the right role for you. This is a "throws are dishonorable in fighting games" level of strange beliefs about a game mechanic.

    EDIT: Also, it might help to have some perspective, and remind yourself that there is a difference between "toxic behavior" and "something that is irritating." I find flashlights irritating! It's really annoying when I get stunned, especially when I pick someone up. But that's just part of the game, man.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    I had a Demo last night that had probably about a million ping, they were hitting me about five meters off and downing me, it was pretty bad. But they couldn't find the last survivor, so they kept letting me struggle off, like I was going to rat out my teammate. I knew where my teammate was but I refused to be that player, I've been on the receiving end of that situation far too many times, and it is the worst feeling ever. Solo survivor is truly a nightmare, I feel like I'm in Nazi Germany or Communist Russia being outted by neighbors, "There they are officer! To the hook! Now let me live because I'm a good pet."

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    funny just had a match where 3 got out and one die on first hook because i camp in the egc and in the endgame chat was told survivor much harder the killer.........what plant are they on?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Replying to a comment someone made isn't jumping the shark, it's not like everyone here is responding to the person above anyways, it's a forum, not a meeting.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Bro just take the L. You won't get better as killer if you quit when things get tough.

    This isn't a single player game. Quitting because "game not fun" isn't a valid excuse, you are ruining the game for 4 other people. Suck it up and play through it. Every multiplayer game has it's ups and downs, and everyone, even the best players, had to pay their dues and take them punches to get better.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,741

    Survivors using pallets for their intended purpose isnt being toxic. I also dont know how anyone is taunting you with their medkit. I know the clicky clicky from flashlights can get annoying, but thats the only thing remotely "toxic" that Ive read. If someone is doing something OUTSIDE what youve already stated, fair enough...but survivors are going to use pallets and windows to the best of their ability to run away from you. Thats completely normal gameplay.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,857

    I can just imagine the comments if a (potato) survivor made a thread about DC-ing because they think the killers are toxic.

    sorry but there are toxic people on both sides, quitting is not doing anything better, it is considered toxic itself. What you are describing is mostly normal gameplay, matchmaking is bad atm, but since you are saying you should be rank 8 this shouldn’t be such a problem.

    take a break from the game if it bothers you this much. Or set yourself other goals, I had really bad games when I attempted the killer adepts, got them eventually for all killers I have but nurse (not even trying that for now), but that was really frustrating. Now I play killer for steam achievements/daily’s/archive challenges and I enjoy it much more! So what if that Nea clicked with her flashlight? I slit her with my knife and hooked her in the basement and she didn’t even blind me. Satisfying enough for me.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    You’re probably not as good as you think you are and will never get better if you keep dcing like a little baby.

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214

    it is true that the game is balanced towards trash survivors. Ruin nerf was for baby survivors like you.

    I play at top DbD level both at Killer and survivor. NO KILLER WILL EVER get a 4K against top 4 SWFs no matter what the killer brings. Killers stand no chance against top 4 SWF.

    in fact, whenever I play solo I make sure I have Object because so I can carry baby survivors and loop killer for 5 gens. GG EZ

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214
    edited May 2020

    what you have said is true and logical. But there are loops that can’t be mind gamed and any killer except Huntress or Spirit will fall victim to these loops which is unfair.

    take for example, The Plague on Blood Lodge.

    Every single pallet on this map is safe, and there are no big walls that the killer can mind game or hide his red stain. You can see the killer when you loop which make it impossible to mind game.

    Surely, I do NOT want every pallet to be mind-gameable because I play survivor too. But to truly test the skill of players. Adding just 3 safe pallets is enough. If they wasted those 3 pallets then the rest of pallets should be mind-gamable.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,741

    Even if thats true, its still not the survivors being toxic. The only difference between playing high lvl play and playing rank 14s is that the survivors your facing arnt as good at running you. That doesnt make anyone "less toxic". Also, if your going to play a killer you have to come up with some kind of gameplan to handle strong loops for that specific character. That could be placing Freddy's snares to ruin the loop, Trapper's traps, HAG's traps, ect. I speak as someone who plays entirely way too much Bubba and Myers, 2 killers very susceptible to strong loops and 2 killers that I play very differently to handle them. I of course play alot of other killers too, those 2 are just the ones I like playing the most of lately.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,741

    Absolutely, and I LOVE OoO users when playing him. Lets me know immediately where my obsession is for stacks of PWYF right away.