What Do You Think The New Prestige Rewards Will Be?

I really don't know what to think it will be myself, so I'd like to know what some of you have in mind.
Maybe just iridicent shards? Not 1,000 or 1,150... 6,000!
It would be cool.
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LEGACY cosmetics.
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It would be a dream to have legacy Ash.
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Any reward they decide on is lagniappe. I really expect nothing and am hoping for a nice treat since Iโve already prestiged so much.
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just shards, if they do it and give the appropriate amount of shards for how many times you have prestige a character im going to be swimming in them!
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I wonder if they'll be a 1 time award.
I'd Love some exclusive Cosmetics.
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Prestige rewards? Where was it announced?
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This is news to me, unless this is a what if thread
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during the recent dev Q&A a question was asked about devotion rewards, they said no, but they had a 'design in the pipe' for new prestige rewards.
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Hopefully not a cosmetic.
Something like a permanent BP modifier for each prestige would be nice. Veterans shouldn't need to grind 8 hours a day if they don't want to be starved on resources like add-ons and items.
Shards could also work.
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Highly doubt that. They will most likely not introduce something like Legacy (in regards of being a one-time thing) thus making it unobtainable for every other player afterwards. Most likely players would prestige afterwards as well, even tho it was a one-time thing, just in the hopes that there will be anything new in the future.
I would not get any hopes at all. It will be a pretty minor thing, since nobody should feel the need to prestige. Especially because prestiging (from P0 to P3) is not that expensive, compared to getting all Perks on a Character.
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Yeah, I'm just doing some hopeful thinking. I'm pretty sure it'll be lackluster. =/
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I'm with Tunnel_Me_Please and was hoping for some kind of BP modifier, even a little one.
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Bloody blood, the ultimate bloody cosmetic.
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More advantage in bloodweb
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Full on head to toe blood. Not one inch of skin or hair or clothing is visible. It will be just a pile of clotted blood moving.
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Maybe the killers power becomes covered in blood and maybe survivor items become covered in blood as well. Although it wouldn't with some powers like nurses blinks, unless her blinks were orbs of blood. But otherwise:
Trapper: bloody traps
Wraith: bloody bell
Hillbilly: bloody chainsaw
Nurse: as I said earlier or maybe blood trials when blinking?
Micheal: another example of this not working.
Huntress: bloody hatchets.
Hag: bloody traps
Leatherface: also bloody chainsaw
Freddy: another example of this not working.
Pig: bloody rbt
Doctor: unless somehow the electricity becomes red, another reason it can't work.
Clown: bloody bottles or red gas.
Spirit: cant
Legion: another problem
Plague: bloody vomit (bits of blood in her vile vomit or veins on infected survivors) or fountains.
Ghostface: another issue.
Demo: bloody portals.
Oni: bloody kanabo.
Deathslinger: bloody spear and chain?
Probably not possible but a fun idea. Sorry if you read all of this.๐
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I have no idea, but I would love more flexibility with what we can and canโt customise. I really want to be able to change the colour of my perks etc. Itโs not like that has any affect on how a game will or wonโt go. So Iโm hoping it eventually gets implemented.
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A charm that looks like each level of prestige.
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I am hoping for a small BP-Bonus. Not much, but just a little bit to reward the Prestige. But in fact, I mostly expect Charms.
Just to show that a character is prestiged without the need of using the Bloody Cosmetics.
But overall, I am fine with everything, I prestige my Characters anyway, so it is not like I would do anything different just because of the Rewards.
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Prestige 1. 1% BP Bonus. 2, 2% 3, 3%?
It'd be nice to get 5, 10, 15% bonus.
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I'm hoping for prestige bloodwebs to be cheaper
Even a 5% discount per level of prestige would make a massive difference on characters that you often use and need to go through the bloodweb for addons or items
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I'm keeping my expectations low and say that it'll probably just be a boring charm...
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Oh, I hadn't thought of charms. I could definitely see that happening.
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Yes, something like 5/10/15. This is at least a little bit, but not that much that someone who never bothered about prestiging will need to prestige.
Or, as @Sonzaishinai mentioned, BP-Discounts in the Bloodwebs instead of BP-Increase. This wouild have the effect that only prestiged Characters will benefit from it.
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Whatever it is, it needs to let us keep all our perks when prestiging. If that isn't part of it, it's useless anyway, since prestiging is currently a waste of both BP and time. Wipe the offerings, items, and add-ons, sure. The perks -- especially on characters who you already have a full perk library with if you had the good sense to not prestige -- need to stay.
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Codes for 30% off various Steam games Matthew enjoys.
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It was always a known risk that not prestiging might mean missing out on something later on considering the prestige rewards have already changed once before.
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That's exactly what I was going to put. ๐
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I always thought that the characters teachable perk should automatically be available at whatever level Prestige you are at.
Regardless, it has been said before that prestiging is optional; I doubt there would be anything too gamebreaking. Extra charms & cosmetics would always be nice!
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Most likely very basic and cheap stuff. They still want to sell cosmetics so it ain't be special like legacy back then
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I'm pretty certain it's just a charm. So if you play Adam but have a P3 Meg then you can show it by wearing her p3 charm.
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Auric Cells like the mobile version
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Complete prestige 4 and ALL PERKS get unlocked for your character at max tier
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it'd be cool if they incrased the cap of points per match from 8k
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Its very likely it will be a new skin line and maybe a charm if i had to guess tbh. Im still very excited and i kinda hope they go into more detail tmw.
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They wont bring back legacy, as they're not changing how hard it is to prestige...
My only question is it retroactive.
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An useless charm ๐
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I'm hoping for some sort of bloodpoint increase.
I originally put the idea that for every devotion level you get you could increase your cap by 50K this would reward long standing players by allowing them to save points and level new content quicker to lessen the grind, they could tie it to prestige instead, every prestige level increases your cap by 15K or something, 45K for every P350 character would be pretty cool I guess, idk I just want a bigger cap to lessen the grind for veterans and stuff,
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I do not necessarily think 4 years is an acceptable time frame to keep holding everyone's feet to that fire without any meaningful updates. Any new system necessitates a modern approach that includes everyone.
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A BP system could possibly work.
Say instead of having to use BBQ or wglf to grind. You now have p3 a char which gains the same bonus.
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This or a discount on perks. It doesn't even take that long to get points, but it's a slog the entire time. Both of these could help it.
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Please Gabe Newell!
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For every prestige you have, Matt Cote will give you 1 kiss on the cheek
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i would like them functioning like a farming points thing, maybe getting more points that would be nice and easy to do we dont want more skins, maybe instead of extra 3% like 10% would be nice of getting rarer stuff, way more shards.
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We already get cosmetics for prestiging though. Personally I'd like a buff to bloodpoints when playing with a p3 character. I know peanits said that only works on paper but a man can dream
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While I get where youre coming from thats kind of a slap in the face to those of us who have been p3ing their characters. It would mean I wasted a CRAP TON of BPs. Like...a lot. 10s of millions worth. Which translates to an ungodly amount of time
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I like that idea too ๐
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This is why I think it is a waste of time and BP to prestige. And I get where YOU'RE coming from too, but from my perspective, any major change would need to be reasonably accessible by everyone and not just the narrow few people who have devoted the kind of time you described to prestiging. At the end of the day, it is a video game, not a life accomplishment.
How about this: I think it would be amazing if they enacted a global reset of every character level to 1, and just refunded every BP you've ever spent, so you'd have a massive bank of millions and millions of BP (if you have poured that much time and effort into it), and you would essentially get a "re-roll" by deciding how to reallocate all of it to account for the new prestige system.