I’m stuck thinking of a Legion build

BBQ Chilli - Because Blood points

Monitor & Abuse


i’m stuck thinking of a 4th.... I don’t run any temporary slow down perks like Ruin, Corrupt or any hex totem waste of a perk slot imo.

I’m thinking maybe Dark Devotion as a 4th? And maybe swapping out M&A for Infectious Fright once everyone’s injured it has snowball potential.

Any feedback will be appreciated 👍🏻


  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Corrupt Intervention?

    Thrilling Tremors?

    Maaaaaybe Ruin? Since it's a guaranteed that they scramble away from the gen as soon as they see you coming and they'll have to Mend before touching a gen.

    Or Discordance. =]

  • Waldbeere
    Waldbeere Member Posts: 168

    Thanatophobia is pretty good for Legion, because you are able to injure pretty fast

  • Gomolazoli
    Gomolazoli Member Posts: 336

    Monitor is trash. Once you smack someone an run away you drop the chase and lose the extra terror radius so that detection won’t work only for 24 meters. I’d say use nemesis instead and play with your food as the fourh perk, it makes you want to eat pallets (especially because it’s quicker to get out if frenzy with a stun) because you get extra 5% speed each time. Also if you’re in a good frenzy and everyone was relativelly close, as you smack the obsession and go for a guy running away you get the speedburst as you run, and sometimes that’s all you need to get an other cheeky breeky hit or an orher chain attack.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited May 2020

    enduring is always a good choice since you can go for a hit at a pallet and if they stun you in frenzy then you recover extremely fast and you don't get affected by frenzy fatigue.

    my legion runs enduring, spirit fury, bbq, and Hex:Ruin to make the most of the enduring stuns and because not respecting pallets as legion is effective with his power and this build. Ruin is pretty good on him if you just want to chase and apply frenzy without worrying to much about gens, sure it might get cleansed but i've had plenty of games where not a single gen gets done until it's cleansed since im constantly applying deepwounds.

    btw dont run anti terror radius perks or any terror radius perks for that matter since 32 meters is actually the perfect distance for his power to track survivors, so make the most of it with a build for either chasing survivors like mine or an injure build that uses perks to hinder injured survivors.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    Hmm, dark devotion isn't that good on legion bcs you can't use it with FF, only with normal hits. IF is good only on slugging killers aka Billy, Oni, Nurse, you can run it if you like, but isn't that good.

    My legion build is Spirit Fury, Enduring, Nurse's and bbq/thana. I really like running nurses and thana together, they will heal up bcs of thana and you can see them with nurses. SF&Enduring is a pretty nice combo for legion since you can end your power instantly. Even if survivors won't stun you when you are in FF (a lot of them do it though), you can block a pallet while you are ending FF, if they pull it down, you have SF, if they run, you can catch em up faster and you still have SF for the next pallet.

    In high ranks running nurses without thana isn't that good imo, survivors won't heal bcs they have no reason to, you can just hit them again with FF and that's it. With thana they will have to heal if they don't want the speed debuff. Legions Pin is nice if you have a lot of pressure, but since the survivors cant heal, they will just repair gens with the debuff and isn't that good with nurses.

    This is just a suggestion, you can run your build too, but i don't really see a good synergy with them

  • StutteringSpartan
    StutteringSpartan Member Posts: 254

    Do Frenzy hits make you lose stacks of Play With Your Food? Tbh I considered this perk but thought FF would make you lose a stack

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    not anymore, it used to since it was considered a basic attack that set a survivor to injured with deep wounds but they changed it so now it works like demogorgons pounce when it comes to interacting with perks.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    A legion build my friend recommend to me that i havent tried yet




    Discordance/bbq/thrilling tremors (its really up to you which one you want)

    sloppy to pair with thanata or surveillance to pair with ruin

    Add ons:

    Cold dirt and joeys mix tape/ stab wound study

  • MrCookie
    MrCookie Member Posts: 121

    BBQ - for points and info.

    Discordance - great synergy with killer power and punishes SWF

    Ruin\PGTW - I prefer ruin because if survivors don't find and you constantly injure them then you will A LOT of time on your hands.

    4th is up to you. If you expect genrush or a hard game then NoED because injured survivors usually don't do totems.

    You do lose Play with your food stacks. You don't lose Save the best for last stacks.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I think "Discordance" is what you're looking for. It not only gives you detremental early game information it also keeps people from rushing mid and lategame.

    For the memes you can also take "Enduring" and just never respect pallets at all.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    my bad i thought it was stbfl, yea play with your food you lose stakes from any attack no matter the killer.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I suggest BBQ or discordance, dying light, Thana and pop. It's insanely strong and the gems go soooooooo slooooooooooooooow

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    A Legion build I use and do really well with is...

    Discordance: This helps you utilise Legions power more. As you can find a group of survivors easier. It’s rare for every survivor to split up and work on different gens, so this can create some great momentum right off the bat.

    Pop Goes the Weasel: This is a great perk on every killer and one I’ll never stop using. But it’s especially effective on slower killers like Legion. It can really help you stop gens from being completed and if the survivors 3-gen they are screwed. As we all know there’s no hiding from Legion.

    Thanatophobia: This perk works whist using Frenzy so it can be great on Legion. It gives you another way of slowing down gen and healing progression and gives the survivors an actual incentive to heal. It also has great synergy with Discordance as you’ll find groups of survivors easier and get more stacks.

    A Nurse’s Calling: As more survivors will be healing and taking longer to do so. This perk will give you the opportunity to get some surprise downs. I can’t even list how many times I’ve been able to down a survivor because they’re sat inside of a bush healing. The fact that Legion has a pretty small terror radius also allows you to get close enough to close the gap if they try to run.

    Lastly, I would just recommend trying out different play styles. As everybody says something different. The perks I listed above are just what I find most effective when I play. I sometimes switch out Thanatophobia for Monitor & Abuse as this helps with sneaking up on survivors more and being able to down them without having to use Frenzy.

  • djsponge10
    djsponge10 Member Posts: 349

    I played legion 50 times and got a 4K every game using 2 yellow add ons except 4 games that were 3k’s I used ruin surveillance make your choice and BBQ it works. Do it. People find your ruin about when 2 or 3 Gens are done. About a third of the games I won with all 5 Gens still incomplete. Do this build it is one of his best builds

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,100
    edited May 2020

    I like a more agressive Legion, rather than Gen controll Legion, so I'm using:

    BBQ - Bonus bloodpoints, also you can start chases very soon right after you hook a Survivor.

    Bamboozle - I'm a big fan of the increased vault speed, also this removes the Survivors' "counter play" of just going back throught the window right after you vault it.

    Enduring - Extremely good pick for Legion, since most Survivors are dumb and just camp pallets against a Legion in Feral Frenzy, so this punishes those Survivors. Also it reduces your fatigue if you get stunned.

    Spirit Fury - Combines well with Enduring, also can make some Survivors dc if you manage to dedicate them with Feral Frenzy through the pallet and then Spirit Fury for a quick down.

    EDIT: Also for addons I'm using the Cold Dirt and Joey's Mix Tape, because I hate to get Decisive striked every time I end Feral Frenzy...

  • Gomolazoli
    Gomolazoli Member Posts: 336

    You lose them but don‘t waste them. It’s still a hit over all.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144
  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Been a p3 legion since day he came out.

    I run monitor, bbq, spirit fury, and enduring, hardly ever change it tbh

  • blasto
    blasto Member Posts: 41

    I run monitor, ruin, discordance, and spirit fury

  • VSLl
    VSLl Member Posts: 315

    The Legion does not have a small terror, it is standard. 32 meters.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Recently I've been running Enduring, Brutal Strength, I'm All Ears, and Thanaphobia. Sometimes my early game ends up being weak because I guess badly at which gen the survivors started at, but this build makes Legion ridiculously hard to loop for very long after they've gotten the initial injury with Frenzy.