The Winners of the Cosmetic Contest

I like the legion skin but the claudette I find.... slightly lack luster. Amazing art and all but I think the claudette one is a bit too normal for me imo, (This is just personal taste, I always loved outragous skins even if it is pay to lose) I would rather something that stands out alot more, ah well. Im betting it will be the next bunny feng
What are your all thoughts?
I'm really happy the Legion skin won!
A bit bummed that the Kate Peace Dreamer skin didn't win, but eh. 1/2 of my favorites is still good!
I love the art of the Claudette skin. Even though it's not my favorite skin, I can see the appeal though. It's something entirely different. Claudette doesn't have a skin like this.
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Tbh I‘m really disappointed that the Yui one that they showed didn’t win.
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I'm not really impressed by either of the outfits. The Legion once looks OK, but it really reminds me too much of stitches from Hide or Die.
The Claudette one isn't impressive in the slightest. I saw the original post, and I just don't like it at all. It'd be alright without the hoodie. Just have the sports bra and beanie and I'd like it (but it won't happen). Right now though, this isn't even something I'd see Nea wearing.
Truthfully, I found Moth Marauder to be the best submission.
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The Legion one is good but the Claudette one is very weak, and boring. Good art, for sure, but a really basic design.
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Pay to lose? Pay to lose what?
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I think/hope they'll add some nice details to the Claudette skin. It's a cool concept but it definitely needs more
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I can’t wait to wear both of these. Congratulations to both of the winners.
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Also I don't like Claudette in a g string. I don't think that fits her personality at all.
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The concept for the Claudy skin is ok but it just needs more
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The only thing that bugs me about Claudette's is the exposed thong. Claudette's a nerd, real nerds don't wear thongs, only fake nerd girls do it. Still a nice cosmetic tho
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Legion skin is cool, don't really care for the Claudette outfit.
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when I say pay to lose I mean I like flashy bright skins that make it impossible to hide xD hence pay to lose
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I'm so happy the Legion skin won. Hopefully they actually implement the changing faces that were shown in the art as well.
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I'm SHOCKED the David Swimsuit didn't win. It was everywhere.
The Legion one got so much attention on the forums, my God.
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@Unicorn here
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Thank you, thank you, thank you 💜
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The legion skin is good but claudette nah pretty lame
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The devs have disappointed me twice in a row with these artwork contests.
Whoever is in charge of deciding the winners just seems to ignore the really unique skins.
This contest was even worse imo. Legion already has a skin that looks very similar.
There were so many better and unique skins that people submitted.
I guess the devs only judge skins that fall within a certain spectrum of acceptable concepts.
Don't think I will look at the submissions next time they do this. Because I now know all the good skins will be ignored.
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To be fair the Legion one is pretty cool if they keep the face changing idea.
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I'm much happier this time than I was last year. The Clown mascot outfit, I admit, was amazing when it was finally executed in game, but just from the submissions neither of last year's entries were impressive. The Legion one isn't my favorite but people were raving about it all over the place. And this wasn't my favorite of the Claudette entry, but I still like it a lot and I'm sure I'll use at least one of the pieces.
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Legion already has a skin that looks very similar. That was the first thing I noticed when I saw the submission.
But hey, this is BHVR we're talking about.
Ignore the safari hunter Deathslinger or wooden clock Wraith skin and choose the recycled skin instead.
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Looks similar yes, but doesn't have a face-changing animation, that's what makes this one more unique.
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They really should up the winners from 2 to 4 atleast
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What face changing animation? All I know is Legion already has a skin that looks very similar to that one. Hell, they're even the same relative color LOL.
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You'd have to look at the entry itself. The creator even made a video showcasing the animations. Happy when stabbing, mad when getting stunned, crazy when performing a mori. Looks a lot cooler then the way I'm describing it. I'll try to tag you in the entry if I can find it.
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I forgot I can no longer comment on it. But it's in the Design your own in game cosmetic page and it's on the second page. It's called "Legion - Frank, Never stop slashing" and had 9 pages of comments. Check it out.
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I have to agree, no offence to the artist but when the devs said that the entries would be judged on originality, I didn't expect a cosmetic that consisted of sweatpants and a hoodie to win.
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It's almost as if.... art is subjective!?
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Give me the Legion skin! It looks so good!
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Can't wait to go against Legion every game now..
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Highly agree. Hell I would argue that the Yui and Jane outfits they showed were way more original then this one.
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That was my exact thought when I saw this Claudette skin, lul
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Okay, so that outfit does come with different color schemes and a mask that has an animation effect.
So in other words, it's just like the other Legion skin but better lol.
Maybe I'm being unreasonable, but I would choose a skin that has a unique concept.
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Both outfits are fine to me, but of course everyone will have their favorites in the contest. If anything, I just think that having too colorful of clothing items on a survivor would make it easier for killer to see you if you're trying to be stealthy, so hopefully the version we get is also functional.
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Claudette with a whale tail (thong showing with pants) seems a bit out of character? Lol. I'm alright with the winners though.
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The skin is still unoriginal lol.
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I'm conflicted between being happy Legion's getting a really cool new mask and being sad that so many other, much more interesting (no offense intended to the Legion's artist - the work they put into that submission (a freaking trailer with music!?) is incredible) outfits lost.
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welp i might as well never enter another cosmetic contest for dbd again lxl
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Agreed. In what world is sweatpants and a tank top with a jacket "orginal"?
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Im highly dissapointed Claudette won with this because it just DOESN'T fit her at all
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i knew that legion skin would be the winner since the first time i saw it...
kinda sad it wasnt the Tooth Fairy Hag, ngl.
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So can we safely assume that if you don't have epic artistic ability you have no chance of winning? lol
Poor unartistic chumps.. for future contests can we communicate our concept to a better artist than ourselves to actually have a chance at these things lol
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They made Claudette look like a hood girl, doesn't fit Claudette's personality at all the Legion one is Alright but I did see a doctor Submission with various Outfits such as a nutcracker and I thought it was really good.
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They usually add more to the cosmetics as we've seen from the mr puddles and Feng min cosmetics but I am pumped up and happy the Legion one now I'll play them a hell of a lot more often
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It’s a fan submission, it’s not like it’s supposed to be canon to the character
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I like both Skins. Cant wait to see them ingame, hopefully the Claudette Skin will be able to be mixed with other Skins, because Claudette seems to have a big problem with mixing Skins so that it looks good (at least in my opinion).
I am only a little bit disappointed about the Legion Skin, it looks great and is a well-deserved winner. However, Legion has already a lot of awesome Skins (possibily the Killer with the best Skins), and seeing something like Plague as the Winner would have been great (like Plague has some nice Skins as well, but they look very similar IMO).
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I really wanted that Medusa looking Plague to win if you saw that one. Can't believe it wasn't even a finalist. Or the lifeguard David.
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He's a blendette main.
A bit disapointed for the survivor winner though, there were a lot of good designs my favorite was Pool Party Jeff, but they were a lot of good Yui skins too. At least it's not a Feng/Kate who won beside their incredible amount of submissions and plenty of Biker Kate recolors.
For legion, (not that I'm glad Spirit didn't won (yes I'm)) With the amount of work the artist put in trough, it didnt surprised me at all.
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The artwork is good, but they're not spectacular in terms of originality. The Clown elephant costume was. That was something eye-catching.
Any way, well done to winners. Must feel very cool to have your creation featured in your favourite game 👍