People, are we good?

xEa Member Posts: 4,105

Whats wrong with people here i mean seriously?

When i saw the trailer i could not believe what we get. For the first time, we get a Killer from another Video game Franchise and it is possible the most beloved horror game next to Resident Evil. This is as big of a step for the game as Stranger Things or even Halloween Chapter.

And what are people doing?

Complaining that it is not a killer we already have (Trapper aka Jason) or a Killer that does not fit with the lore at all if you know the novel (Pennywise)

Please, for the love of god, chill and enjoy this great announcement.

Thank you


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    The only killer I wouldve been dissapointed with was Penny. Anyone else and I would be ecstatic.

    I think people are dissapointed due to how the developers phrased it however.

    Claiming it was a classic and had a bug effect on the genre, although true, was very misleading.

    Regardless I can't wait to try this in game when it finally releases to console.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    People complaining about Silent Hill... This franchise inspire the whole video game world and Stranger Thing is clearly inspired by Silent Hill, the alter world etc... We can't deny that Silent Hill is a big franchise.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    I think people complaining about the wishes of other people at the same level as people complaining about the Silent Hill chapter.

    Jason and Pennywise are both stated to be welcomed by the devs. And both are valid options to wish for especially on the anniversary! Don’t get me wrong, I am happy we got Silent Hill, but imagine we would have gotten Jason. You would be the one complaining then...

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I do like Silent Hill: the games, imaginary and even the films.

    I'm not sure it 'influenced the whole video game world'. Resident Evil was released three years before Silent Hill, and Resident Evil was influenced by the game Alone In The Dark, first released back in 1992.

    Even though I believe Silent Hill is a good fit in DBD, I don't believe people should just 'enjoy this great announcement'. If they're unhappy and don't like the prospect of the chapter, let them vent.

    I would be worried if people were discouraged from voicing their opinions and told to just be quiet and consume.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    You can't make everyone happy, but I can say that playing the PTB tonight I have seen a lot of people fawning over the new killer, map, & survivor. Remember the forums are only a small part of the community, and often the disgruntled are the loudest. Personally I'm ecstatic it's Pyramid Head, but if it had been any other character which I'd most certainly not have been as crazy over -- I'd have reacted with an "Alrighty then." Because it's done, and more killers will certainly come.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    Well, as I said somewhere, you are having "Hype time", but for me it's unknown killer, not a iconic killer. Just another DLC - nothing to care about more than 1 day. So yeah, I have right to be disappointed so I'm disappointed.

    I expected a lot of others killers, but this one I didn't and not in a good way. At first I was just like "Okay, somethings coming, w8 what? What's that?"

    So at the end of the day I am pretty HYPED UP but unluckily way more by the Trailer than by actual game content.

  • hagling
    hagling Member Posts: 279

    honestly it was bound to happen with the high amount of speculation and false leads.

    people not only wanted their fav killer, they wanted to be right.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Yea i get that but can we just for once appreciate what the devs are about to deliver? Thats a big thing for the game, way bigger then Jason or Pennywise ever could be. We just entered a completly different gaming universe as a whole chapter.

    You have the "right" to do so, and i have the "right" to tell you to calm down and appreciate what is coming next. No point in that "i have the right" thing...

    Have you seen the 2009 Friday movie? Compare this Jason with the Trapper. He is clearly and distinctive ment to be Jason. They never thought they will get the license so they installed the trapper 100%.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Many do appreciate it though.

    the thing is, why should anyone listen to you on this one when you pretty much admit that you would be the one complaining if it was Jason/Pennywise. Why shouldn’t we appreciate what the devs deliver if it’s something you don’t like but now everyone has to?

    to the whole Trapper=Jason. No. Enough. Trapper was inspired by Jason, but that does not mean we shouldn’t get Jason. See Hillbilly/Leatherface. This should have been the end of this discussion a long time ago.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    tWell not really. I'm sharing my opinion, you are trying critique Well not really. I'm sharing my opinion, you are trying to critique me because it's not the way you would like to. So no - you can't make me appreciate something what I do not like. Haven't heard about Freedom of speech?

  • Pixel_BoomBot
    Pixel_BoomBot Member Posts: 116

    If the killer is good and decent, I don't mind at all.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    You can't please everyone. I think Silent Hill is a great, appropriate addition though!

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    People telling others to shut up are just as obnoxious as people who let their disappointment cloud their judgement.