Advice for struggling red rank survivor

I keep getting to red ranks consistently now each season and as I have mentioned in some previous posts, I hate it. I'm not cut out for red ranks and I was hoping to get some advice from someone who can relate and not just the typical git gud. Some of the reasons I hate red ranks:

Survivors are super serious - it's doesn't seem to be about having fun (I had so much more fun in the lower ranks with people, but in red ranks, there's no time for's gen rush, gen rush, gen rush, gen rush...)

Survivors race to get the unhook. Whenever someone is hooked, I try to do my usual stealthy save, but 9 times out of 10, I get beat by another survivor that rushes in and get the save before me. It's like a race to see who can get the save first. Gotta get that pip.

Killers are nastier and I get that they deal with a lot of toxic red rank survivors and they have to assert themselves. But, where does that leave us solo non-toxic red rank survivors? I've had matches lately where the killer slugs everyone and then lets us bleed out almost the entire life bar and then hooks at the last second. I just had a match against a rank 2 killer that toyed with the last survivor and let him bleed out the entire life bar. I see this happen WAY more in red ranks than in lower ranks.

Being a stealth player in solo red ranks isn't enough. Most red rank killers are too smart.

I have a friend was earning hardly any BP in red ranks and finding it difficult to get challenges so he is deranking. He deranked all the way from purple (this was right after reset) to yellow. I wish I could do the same, but I don't want to suicide every match and screw over my teammates.

The bottom line is that I'm not having any fun in these red rank matches and that's what this game is supposed to be about at least for me. I hardly earn any BP, but that's not a big deal if I'm enjoying myself. Last season I got so sick of playing red ranks that I stopped and waited for rank reset. Of course, you start at 5 so I got back to red ranks fast.

Although I rarely pip in red ranks (highest for me is 3), I usually get the safety. It's like I need to do well enough to help my teammates, but at the same time not well enough to safety so I can depip.

Is there anyone out there that struggles with this same dilemma and can tell me what you did?


  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Playing killer really helps you play better as survivor, since you learn how to counter mindgames that killers usually use

    Thats how i became good at looping

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,248

    I can give some general advice as someone who is a rank 1 killer and rank 1 survivor.

    There's nothing wrong with wanting to play a specific style i.e. stealth, but leaning on it too heavily will put you at a disadvantage in games when you can't rely on it.

    To consistently succeed at red ranks against higher level killers, you're going to have to be able to hold up in a chase for at least 2 pallets. That's enough time for your team to reset, or do half a gen, etc. You don't need to be a god in a chase, but you need to be able to hang in there if need be to prevent a snowball.

    As for saves, don't be afraid to take advantage of hook timers. Many solo teams end up spinning their wheels and going nowhere because everyone leaves gens to go for saves. You can wait until halfway through a hook state and still cross most maps to save in time. I prefer to crank out a generator for 20 seconds or so after someone is hooked, then I make the call as to whether I need to save or not.

    Related to the last point, pay attention to your HUD and health of other survivors. You get a lot of information from it. It's easy to tell when the obsession is in a chase, for instance. If one is on a hook, and obsession claws start to wiggle, there's a good chance every other teammate is occupied and you need to rescue.

    Lastly, be aware of teammate hook states and gen placement. Your teammates will often do their best to 3 gen themselves. Try to prevent it. They'll often farm each other without realizing it. Don't be afraid to grab aggro from the killer if you haven't been hooked and 2 others are on death hook. Even if you go down immediately 4 alive is always better than dead teammates.

  • Kurrmiu
    Kurrmiu Member Posts: 23

    I've been playing the game for about half a year now and have been red rank (rank 1, solo only) since January.

    My suggestion would be to try to expand from the stealthy playstyle and you'll do okay. It is okay to stealth a bit but also learn to waste the killers time as much as possible by looping. This will keep the pressure off your other teammates too (they can sit on gens in the meantime). Always be doing something. All too often I would see players just crouching nearby when the killer is about to get a down. Unless you're willing to take hits so that the caught survivor can wiggle off or flashlight save, there is no point just waiting. Sit on those gens.

    Alternatively you could actively seek out the killer so he would chase you. If you're not yet great at chases then you'll probably derank quickly without being completely useless to your team

    If you find red ranks unfun, just depip to rank 5 before rank reset and you will be set back to rank 9. But soon enough you will be back to red ranks again, so I honestly don't know if it would be worth it. There's plenty of fun to be had at red ranks :)

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I always plateau at rank 4, because I effectively have to be playing at peak levels just to break even. Doing enough to get a pip at purple ranks just gets you a safety at red ranks. You basically can't make mistakes, and have to consistently work on every emblem, if you want to progress further.

    Consequently, I think getting to rank 3 is way more meaningful than rank 4.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I'm not sure what you're asking. It doesn't sound like you want advice on gameplay, you're saying that "I hate red ranks".

    You could always just derank! It's not hard at that level, and you wouldn't even need to play "poorly", just not focus on every emblem.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    I'm always rank 1 survivor and I don't take the game seriously at all. First thing is to quit worrying about your teammates. Focus on having fun yourself and don't worry if they are going to get pissed because you're not playing balls to the wall. I have fun trying different perks. Running the same ole meta perks is extremely boring. Switch it up and try different things. Also, a lot of people have trouble getting points because gens is the only thing they want to do. They don't search chests, cleanse totems etc. They just want to bang gens and leave. Not only is that boring but it doesn't get you a lot of points.

    Start trying flashlight saves. body blocking. run breakout and try to help that way. Basically just try new things and not worry if you're not good at it.

  • Cassandra_Alexandra
    Cassandra_Alexandra Member Posts: 254

    Thank you for taking the time to give me some helpful feedback. :)

  • Cassandra_Alexandra
    Cassandra_Alexandra Member Posts: 254

    Yeah getting to red rank is quick for me, but once I’m there I feel like I totally suck once I face a red rank killer. I will keep what you said in mind when I play. Thank you for the feedback.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    As a Rank 1 Killer and Survivor player, here's the default build you need as a Survivor to be competitive:

    1. Self Healing (Inner Strength/Self-Care) or an Aura Perk that can help you find healing (Blood Pact/Bond/Aftercare)
    2. An Exhaustion Perk that you can use well and reliably
    3. An Obsession Perk that you like (you need to guarantee an Obsession because otherwise the Killer tunnels since they don't fear Decisive)
    4. Iron Will or something to help with Unhooks (We'll Make It/Borrowed/Kindred)