This, hands down, has been the BEST Chapter so far!
Not only is the Killer someone I didn't expect, but it's also someone I LOVE TO PLAY! His power is monstrously powerful, but fun.
The new map also could possibly highlight the new graphical upgrades that DBD will be having in the near future. I love everything about it. It reminds me a lot of the old Silent Hill games just from the atmosphere and feel of it.
The new Menu Music is just.... As a musician myself I love this menu music to death. It reminds me a bit of Homecoming's Terminal Show, maybe that's why I love it so much
Not to mention Clown's power being buffed as well as the possible inclusion of other Video Game crossovers thanks to Pyramid Head being an Official Killer in the game.
I just... I love everything about this chapter.
It's definitely an instant buy.
Thank you so SO SO MUCH BHVR! Thank you for proving to me that you're worthy of our trust and faith as a community.
Here's to another year of wonderful horror!
I am right there with ya, friend! All this talk of Resident Evil, Fatal Frame and House of the Dead have me so hyped because now it's POSSIBLE!!! *SQUEE*
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I would say it's a pretty decent chapter. New killer and map looks pretty cool.
We'll have to see how things shake out though.
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I agree, looks like they are trying to sway the meta by bringing in perks and mechanics that counteract a lot of our current builds. It will be interesting to see how everything plays out, looking forward to the legendary skins as well!
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yeah, the main menu is very good. it really shows the theme of silent hill in DBD.
Good job, art team
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Hats off to you devs 👍
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When they revealed him, I went NUTS. I messaged EVERYONE, people that don't even know crap about DBD, being like "THEY PUT SILENT HILL IN MY GAME BISHES!" And the others got an "I TOLD YOU SOOOOOO!!!"
Thanks devs. You're amazing. I'd have been content with many other theories that had been floating around this chapter's release, but this one legitimately made my day.
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Well... surely? I mean, for some players yeah, especially for the people who had played the original game but not for me - and not for about half of community as you can see by the discussions. I haven't played that game, I did heard about it but never had really play this game.
For me it really is a huge disappointment, I mean it's 4th anniversaire and for me it feels like just another DLC, nothing more. Nothing to be really hyped about. Also I'm sorry because at some point hearing about it needs to be a little painful for the devs, but when I heard that it's gonna be an iconic killer I was sure that it will be a well known killer for a majority of people. As you can see pretty big amount of people hear about him for the first time, so as I said. For some peoples " Hype time " for others just a normal DLC.
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Do you love the ######### killer perks aswell?
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Sorry it's a disappointment for you.
But It sure definitely isn't one for me! :D
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I'm in love with the new map, there is so many references from Silent Hill 1 that makes me smile on my face <3
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Exactly, as I said many people will be happy about this and many will not, that's life. :D
It's just pretty ironic for me despite the fact that I didn't knew who the killer is I was more hyped by the cinematic trailer than by the new in game content. xD
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This is an amazing chapter for me! I can understand others may have been hoping for other franchises, but I think whatever franchise they use there will always be people who love it and people who'll hate it.
My hope is, as the game grows further, they'll be able to get as much of the licences and ideas as possible, so that everyone gets something they are really excited about.
However, it's great to see how much positivity there is for this chapter, amd for those who don't like it, I hope their ideal chapters (e.g.: Alien, Friday 13th, Hellraiser, etc.) get an opportunity to appear as well.
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I really love it!
Is the PS4 release Date already known? i am so damn hyped. :O
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For real! I saw the Seal of Metatron in the dev stream and got really excited too for what other easter eggs from the series are hiding. We console players will have to wait sadly :(.
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The map itself has a lot of references from SH1 <3 They even remasted the posters in holes!
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Boohoo I guess?
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I still can't believe we got a Silent Hill chapter. I really wished it but I never expected it. The new map is just amazing and the assets fit perfectly. Now I can finally play Pyramid Head lol.
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I don't feel the same TBH. The map is an indoor map which I'm not a huge fan of, I don't know anything about the linced chapter so I'm doing a full on research to find out, the perks are meh and mediocre at best and lastly there wasn't any mention for shirtless Myers, unbelievable. I do like lots of stuff tho but being the best chapter is debatable. Personal favorite is either the spirit's or the stranger things. Well, we'll see when I'll buy it either way, making it the second dlc I bought with money.
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100% agreed. Literally screamed when I saw it was Pyramid Head and the new map looks insane. I'm really happy we're actually getting iconic killers from video games instead of just movies.
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I'm a console pleb so no PTB for me, but I'm hyped for the new chapter. Pyramid Head, honestly, might counteract Shirtless Myers.
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Hopes for resident evil chapter....
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Good chapter, nothing too great. No cross play or matchmaking fixes. Cool killer, good fun power. Cool map, annoying walls and confusing verticality. Clown buff is meh, still a boring killer but at least more viable. Music composure is excellent I'll admit. Perks are disappointing. Survivor is meh, but we got a triple female run so that's nice. Good chapter, but many things left unsolved and the killer isn't anything so special that he goes past Oni or Nurse status. For the fans it's amazing as always, for others it can be great fun after looking past the PR.
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Boohoo not everyone likes the same thing you like. This is a thread for opinions and discussion, no need to belittle anyone.
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I hate it and won't be buying it. It's great that others are happy, but it just isn't for me.
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I for sure thought it was going to be candyman but i guess the devs were leading us on so we wouldnt know. I suggested years ago pyramid head would be a great addition. I just hope he is powerful. For once let us have a strong kill upon release and we can tone him down. I'm not a programmer but I find it's easier to tone something down than improve it. This killer has the potential to be a hard counter to DS.
Are we talking Mr X or Nemesis? If the later I request the old RE3 nemesis. I did not like the rebooted version.
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Silent Hilll and Dead by Daylight crossover, oh my god . . . Pyramid Head - oh my god - oh my f*@k1n god.
I could not be happier! omg I am SO STOKED! best chapter choice since Freddy. Thank you so much behaviour! XD XD XD XD XD
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I mean if you wanna complain and cry on a forum post thats thanking the devs for this chapter then obviously people aren't gonna care for you lol