Keep PC seperated from Console



  • VentingSylar
    VentingSylar Member Posts: 177

    I've played this game around 2100+ hours between Xbox and PC and ironically the one hacker I've come across was on Xbox, a Hillbilly with speed hacks.

  • VentingSylar
    VentingSylar Member Posts: 177

    So anybody saying to want to opt out of facing pc players because of hackers is honestly just chicken of facing PC nurses and Huntresses. I've never encountered a PC hacker.

  • Tiersis
    Tiersis Member Posts: 259

    See, that kinda gets to me as a PC player. Why can they opt of of crossplay if we can't opt out of SFW games? Let me have my PC advantage if I must suffer those trolls.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    @Peanits will the opt-outs be platform specific or will it be more all or nothing?

  • hanibel
    hanibel Member Posts: 164

    If you choose to opt out while everyone else is opted in queue time will skyrocket for the person opted out basically an hour wait time

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    because no killer would chose to play with swf's people won't be able to play the game with friends. Just get better, man.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Can't wait to see PC survivors looping Console killers.

    Wonder if you'll be able to tell the platform of people you get matched with? Everyone would just be dodging PC killers. 🤣

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    itd be fine if console actually had good optimization, so i hope that they at least try to improve on that before adding this

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    Optimisation is a non issue. For survivors it's practically the same. For killers PC killers are better optimized than console killers but they don't compete with each other. It's still Console killer vs Optimized Survivor.

    Controller players have no issues hugging walls

    A few killers being more accurate doesn't matter. PC survivors manage it.

    PC survivors are better players? Even if that's true, so what? You won't het matched with them anyway, they are adding skill based matchmaking.

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126
  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    You played 1200hrs & never faced a hacker on a platform, that doesnt have any hackers except those who hacked on PC to play on console?

    People brought their experience up to tell you, that these hackers are a pretty rare occurence. Right now the bigger issue are VPN users, which can also be done on consoles as well. But with the new hit validation, this wont be a thing anymore.

    You could also check it for yourself before opting out, but I guess as a console player you know that there are multiple hackers in every pc lobby. /s

    No one attacked you as a person, but if you post your opinion you also have to expect people to disagree with you.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Yeah good luck hitting a PC survivor who's frames ahead of you.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    That's because its harder to counter as killer on PS4, not because they're better. It would, as they said they wanted, "change the meta and playstyle by mixing differing platforms."

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    Oh, I see the issue. You have no idea what you are talking about.

    "Frames" or FPS is how many times the pictures (frames) are displayed in a second.

    It has nothing to do with in game distance or latency. You don't move faster with higher fps. You aren't harder to hit.

    @bhvr See this? The people opposed to crossplay aren't worth listening to.

  • tatterz
    tatterz Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2020

    Crossplay is a great idea.

    Console Survivors vs PC Killer is nothing really different. Console survivors will just have to learn to run tiles better instead of relying on 360s so much.

    A number of great PC survivors play on controller. Keyboard doesn't really have an advantage for survivor. This isn't a competitive shooter

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    1. smoother frames

    Console Survivors have 'smoother frames' than console killers.

    2. can manipulate their screen (stretch res does make a difference)

    They can cheat? Hardly anyone bothers with this. It's not fair on any system and will likely be handled by the devs soon anyway.

    3. it's much easier to run around objects with M&K than it is controller

    It's not. Movements like that don't require some precise aim or input.

    Also as survivor on console youd have to worry about

    1. killers who excel with M&K

    Not a problem. The killers are balanced on PC regardless. The only difference is they aren't as good as they are supposed to be for some controller users. You're now complaining you don't get to play against killers who are disadvantaged.

    frames, frames and more frames, you get the point.

    Bar Doctors shock, none of those are critical moments where a frame drop would hurt. Regardless, these are tied to server issues. All survivors get on occasion when doctor shocks someone or someone goes down. I'd imagine they are always trying to improve this. The higher tick rate servers they announced might help.

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    Never said I don't want it. No there are no hackers on console. Only pc.

    Reading is hard much.

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    People as in two people ?

    There was a slew of pc hack threads not even a freaking weak ago. Let alone there is proof of hackers in pc games not only on dbd but many other online games.

    So herp Derp face me all you want I am allowed my opinion of pc cross over sorry a bunch of you got butt hurt over it.

    Not looking for a debate unless one of you geniuses can provide proof there are no hackers ?

    One google, forum and YouTube search says there are so if you want my proof there you go

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited May 2020

    So what you're saying is it has absolutely no impact on you whatsoever because you can opt out of it? As in it would be the exact same if they DIDN'T make this change? Huh.

  • djsponge10
    djsponge10 Member Posts: 349

    Can you guys PLEASE consider the option to opt out of PC only? Unless the team implements at least 60 FPS on console it’ll be completely unfair on more than a handful of games

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I agree that the aim doesn't matter, outside of Huntress/Nurse. However the game performs SIGNIFICANTLY better on PC than it does on console, and this is where the actual advantage lies. When someone can play the game as a constant 60 FPS or better while the other side can barely reach a stable 30 FPS, that's going to give them a massive edge.

    I for one will be turning off crossplay until the game is better optimized on console. There is no reason DBD shouldn't run at a smooth 60 FPS on Xbox One X or PS4 pro. Switch is... a different story, it would be nice to get 60 FPS there but that's a platform I don't see capable of such a thing. Xbox/PS though, definitely.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "You can't hug a wall nearly as good as a mouse player."

    You can actually do it better. Because I have a control stick with analog input I can push into the wall more effectively than someone using WASD digital input. Tell me, can you move at a 30 degree angle with WASD? Answer is no, you can't.

    "A mouse player can constantly keep visibility on killers from behind and quickly look straight again on a constant without bumping into things. Try that on console. And this is my most important issue."

    This is actually not hard at all. You just need a high sensitivity to turn quickly. But anyone that's been playing third person games on console will have no trouble looking in all directions while moving in one direction consistently. I myself do this all the time, I can even run loops while focused entirely on the killer without looking ahead, all because I can more effectively manipulate my movement with an analog stick.

    "Pc survivors and killers make less mistakes"

    This is dependent on the skill of the player not their input method. It's pretty clear you never faced an actual top tier survivor/killer on console. Granted there are a lot of bad players, it doesn't mean that PC makes you more/less prone to mistakes. That comes down to experience/skill not what type of controls you use.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Hackers are not limited to PC. If someone wants they can gain access to any queing system in the game because by nature they are not isolated and can be breached. This isn't something that can be stopped. If someone wants to ruin your game, your game shall be ruined. Though I'm not sure why you think PC specifically is bad because of this, if Microsoft and Sony didn't borderline illegally brick your console for any detectable changes then more people would be installing hacking software on their consoles as well. The only difference between console and PC communities is... Well, that.

    And no-one is getting "forced" to play with anyone. If you want longer que times, you will by all means be able to opt out. Though only killers will want to bother with that, unless the Devs actually give console players the option to play at low settings/60fps. I don't know why that's not in the game.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited May 2020

    In fairness I do seem to go against 1 or 2 a month, though it is not limited in any way to PC since it should be relatively easy to breach into non-crossplay games.

    Mostly it's people trying not to get caught, and the only reason I notice is because they, without a doubt, use perks that they couldn't have used or gain distance they couldn't have gained. I once had someone "dead hard" twice in a row in the same chase. It does make me wonder how many hackers the community just doesn't notice.

    Edit: I should clarify, this is something that started very, very recently and the software behind it will likely get detected soon, if it hasn't already

  • ironiron
    ironiron Member Posts: 101

    It only effects console survivor mains. Killers on either platform are not effected.

    Basically, survivors on console will start going against killers who can't be 360'd. That's it. Survivors on PC aren't advantaged over survivors on console, whereas killers on PC are advantaged over killers on console; but killers don't play against each other, so that's irrelevant.

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    Exactly. I've said this 1000 times.

    Console survivor babies just want to keep facing killers who suffer from frame rate issues.

    Console killers will still be facing people with a frame rate advantage over them. Nothing changes for them.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Just made a comment earlier that people ask for it,seem so hype when they are getting it,then complain a week later when they get destroyed by PC players or encounter a cheater. You can say there's not many cheaters on PC as compared to the actual player base,but cheating and hacking is almost non existent on PS4. I've played both for around the same amount of time. Didn't get serious until I got on PS4.

    PC has keyboard and mouse (which I personally always thought did give at least a slight edge),Xbox has their fancy customizable controllers (meh),and Switch has a controller...that's barely viable to play anything but the most basic game possible for any length of time,lol.

    I personally don't care much. I usually turn it off though. I have like two friends in real life,and they both have the same two consoles and don't play the game, despite me practically begging,haha. If people want it, whatever.

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169
    edited May 2020

    You keep defending your point for what? Everyone is telling you that you will not face a hacker if cross play comes to the game. I'm starting to think that you aren't scared of hackers, you're just scared of going against people that play with mice and keyboards for no reason..

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    This is from someone who recently switched from console to pc.

    M&K doesn't give as much benefits as people make it out to be, the only killers that drastically change are Billy, huntress and nurse, for some reason I don't put deathslinger here because well I feel like it's way easier to use with a controller than with M&K (I play FPS with M&K and DS is easier to use with controller).

    Benefits that PC has over Console (in my case PS4) steady FPS, easier to hit survivors trying to 360 you, AutoAim is less annoying, more friendly people, no FPS drop when you get Bloodlust.

    The only advantage Console has over PC, no VPNers.

    Up to people to decide what they want to do but I will gladly play against PC players on my ps4 since there isn't that much difference.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Can you see the killer you're going against NOW?


  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Then console killers will opt out.

    Console killer queue times are 10 seconds long on PS4, THEY'RE not the issue.

    PS4 survivor queue times are a ghastly 10 minutes long.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Well, yes, with some shenanigans.

    There's always some shenanigans. Hence me wondering if you'll be able to detect platforms somehow.

  • NuKeD
    NuKeD Member Posts: 227

    i hope there isn't a way to choose which platform to remove, so they're forced to leave it "on" because if they turn it off, they can't play with nobody else.

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    Why would console killers opt out?

    Nothing changes for them.

    They already face survivors who don't have issues with framerate.

  • crunchyotaku83
    crunchyotaku83 Member Posts: 19

    Quit whining n trying to ruin a good thing. If u cant beat pc players then git gud. I for one bet I can own any of player on Switch

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Okay,'re right about that lol

    I'm wondering if with the same way, you'll be able to tell if someone is cross platform as well.

    Okay...I'll give you that one. =]

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    What advantages does a PC DBD player have over console survivors? You are no more able to dodge Huntress or Nurse on KBM than you are with a controller. I have played both platforms extensively and I don't think either side will have an unfair advantage. If anything, you could argue that Console killers are at a disadvantage if they are playing Nurse or Huntress.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    I gotta agree with Peanits here. The move was needed. But the DC "stuff" that is ANOTHER story.

  • ironiron
    ironiron Member Posts: 101

    I don't know about the cheater thing, but, for a game like this, you really don't need to be worried about going against a mouse and keyboard player unless you're a console survivor. Only console survivors will feel a negative effect, and the only negative effect is that you'll not be able to 360 a PC player nearly as easily. That's really the only difference. Abusing frames and a killer's lack of control on controllers isn't exactly what the game is supposed to be about, anyway.

  • ironiron
    ironiron Member Posts: 101

    Console killers have no reason to opt out. Only console survivors, and one would only do so if they are reliant on the 360.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    There would be some major problems with console-PC crossplay.

    1. PC hackers

    2. Horrendous console frame-rate

    3. Hits would be more difficult to register. The devs say they're trying to fix hitboxes, but implementing cross-play would do the exact opposite.

    4. Nurse and Huntress players on PC would have beyond a significant advantage against those on console.

    5. Mouse sensitivity and controller sensitivity work differently. PC players can make very precise movements with their mouse (i.e. Huntress flick shots). Console players can't do this near as well (though it ks still possible) because of the analog stick dead-zone.

  • TTVfbYTigTW
    TTVfbYTigTW Member Posts: 85

    It's not the gap between kb/m and controller. It's the gap between a PC monitor/mechanical kb/astromonical dpi mouse vs. Switch with poor graphics, poor lighting, and poor controls. As someone who plays on every platform available (PC/XB/PS4/Switch/Mobile) - I speak from experience. The gap between PS4/XB/PC is smaller, I agree. However, it's much easier to aim as Huntress/Deathslinger and easier to blink as nurse on kb/m than controller. It's also easier to hug walls tightly when looping as survivor on kb/m, which can make all the difference.

    And finally - since XB/PS4/Switch all suffer from notable frame drops that remain unaddressed after all this time, that in and of itself should be reason enough. (If not to fix said issues, to at least see how they might interfere with gameplay). I've experienced 1 frame drop on PC in the past 3-4 months or so. One (went from 60 to 50 for about 2 seconds). Where as on PS4 Pro, for example, I usually get about 5 drops per game, on average (highest I had was 30).

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169
    1. hackers on PC isn't something to worry about. I've never seen one
    2. ---
    3. Idk if that's true, not going to talk about it
    4. Killers won't be affected because they won't face each other. If you were a good nurse or huntress on console, you'd also be a good one in PC
    5. again, killers won't verse each other.
  • TheOhioHutcH
    TheOhioHutcH Member Posts: 178

    Would be nice to be able to choose which platforms we want to cross play with just saying

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,950
    edited May 2020

    Unless you intend to make that a viable option? Many games wish to force Cross play on the population by making it increasingly unappetizing to disable it. I agree it's much smaller but still an advantage. I definitely can feel the difference between PC and PS4. It would be nice to just have the option of console only crossplay. On the other hand by the time this feature launches, I'll probably be playing dead by daylight on PS5 and there won't be any difference.

  • TTVfbYTigTW
    TTVfbYTigTW Member Posts: 85
    edited May 2020

    I play on PC/XB/PS4/Switch. The difference between Switch and the other 3 should be clear. It's an awful port, controls are shoddy (you need to tap like an arcade stick for certain loops, it's not smooth at all), poor graphics/lighting. Hell, even spotting a bear trap with no add ons is worthy of earning a medal.

    PS4 vs. XB - no issues


    PS4/XB vs. PC - I average about 5 frame drops per match on a PS4 Pro. I've had as high as 30 in a game. Which is crazy, because on high end, triple A games I play that are far more graphically intense - I never get frame drops. On PC - I've had one frame drop that lasted for 2 seconds (60 to 50) in the past 4 months.

    KB/M vs. Controller:

    • Much easier to dodge hatchets on kb/m. You can't make (as quickly) jab steps on a controller like you can on kb/m
    • easier to hug walls when you're looping on kb/m

    And just personally - I'd rather stick playing just PS4 and maybe Xbox. Playing on PC is like "OK, I'm having a good day. Do I want to ruin that by having some kid tell me to kill myself, or another college aged kid tell me about his amazing body and that it needs to be serviced, or some 20 viewer twitch streamer losing their marbles because one person brought in a brown'm just gonna go play animal crossing I think." Where as I seriously get this in postgame chat (never saying a word) in 30-50% of games played, I've received 10 messages in the past month on PS4, most of them just to say gg, friend request with the occasional meathead typing out nonsense." And lastly, there are far less (see username) on console vs. PC. I don't care to carry another streamer only for them to talk some serious $$$$ in their chat throughout the game (it's less about what's being said vs. being used for immature content)


  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Killers won't be versing each other, but PC Nurse players would mame quick work of console survivors.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    Pc runs way smoother while the pathetic excuse for the ps4 version has a seizure running through cornfields. This game is not optimized for cross play and the advantages of pc would be just way to huge.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I've met 0 in my 3k hours/6000 games on Xbox. And I've only met a lag switcher 3 times, twice was the same person (when p2p was a thing).

    5 in 1000 matches is actually a LOT.

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