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Hook campers

I played a dozen games today and out of those twelve games 10 of those were hook campers.. they need to be penalized for staring at you. They need to make it were the killer speed is reduce 10% for every 5 seconds camping and they don’t get that speed back just to teach those camping a lesson. Because I hate when my friends I play with get hooked or I get hooked and we can’t get them even when we screw up on generators. Or finish them they just stand there. So there is no way to accumulate points and rank up. Even when we escape we barley brake even and the guy being hooked camp de-ranks. How is that fun for anyone. Please creators make The killer penalized for hook camping please it’s not fair for the person hooked



  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @IMhereRUN We finish the gens if you weren’t reading. That’s not the problem. We do the trading and all that and still just come up even or one does de-rank. They shouldn’t be able to get blood lust and lose a 10% speed and never gain it back so the next time they play they know what the plenty is for camping

  • ayaya
    ayaya Member Posts: 163

    I just had a match where Huntress was on me for 3 gens, failed to get me to basement, on me for remaining 2 gens then face camped me during the EGC and later on downed me after the unhook and camped me lying on the ground. I don't think that people who que up just to play this way care about anything but to make someone mad. This is broken game mechanic that needs fixing and no penalty will discourage it

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @orion I finish gens when I am playing solo but with friends when we are all trying to rank up. So yeah it’s irritating. And don’t comment like finish gens I know I know

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @ayaya they need to be penalized like I said with speed decrease by 5% and no blood lust.. just so the survivors can unhook there teammate and finish escaping

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @LastShoe none of us this because it’s broken for console atm

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    If 1 of you brings in a flashlight and BT, the save is REALLY easy. Blind the face camper, unhook the player.

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @AvisDeene so one person has to suffer because the killer wants to just stand there and not move. So devs wants to just give killers all the forgiveness and not punish players who are just making it a horrible experience for everyone else.. no wonder they needed to make it free to play because no one is buying it. Because players like the killers that camp make players uninstall smh at Devs

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @Orion let me guess your a killer and camp figures you be against this

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @Carlosylu what system you play on?

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I dont underst and how so many of you see this so often and I almost never do. Its so rare

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Xbox, hope the tip helps. It's really easy to save people from face campers with a flashlight and BT

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @I_am_Negan thats what I am talking about you don’t get enough points to rank up so having the penalty will get you the points you need because it makes the killer have to go after you and you can get the points needed

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Dude, you kicked her ass and your team escaped, why are you mad? Did you want to hold m1 the whole game?

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @Carlosylu i play Xbox as well. I have used the flashlight multiple times hitting killer in the face and he never drops the survivor and keeps going like nothing happens. If you can help me with that. I would appreciate it

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @Dead_by_Gadfly idk luck of the draw I guess I am getting annoyed by it

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Nothing is going to happen with camping.

    It's just the way it is some don't want to challenge themselves they just want a easy win.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    What rank are you? Im on xbox too. And ddfine hook camping, maybe we view it differently

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @I_am_Negan they don’t win killing one survivor. That’s a complete lose for him and the one survivor. You don’t get any points from it. I am not a great killer I am probably one of the worst that is why I play survivor. But I don’t camp one person I try to make the game fun and challenge everyone and if I get a kill then I did something right. not just camp, because that is no fun and does nothing for anyone just annoys them

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    That is one thing I have to say I enjoy about the new killer. The cage power seems to be a random placement on the map. Thus making it more difficult to tunnel/camp the "hook". I'd love to see fast "hook" options for killers that randomize placement and eliminate the need to pick up and carry. That would go a long way to limit camping and allow the killer to keep pressure on the map as well as lower risk of the survivor wiggling free.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    This is timing, you need to finish blinding the killer when his animation ends from standing up. You cant stun him for the drop while hes in the middle of animation.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    True, but if all the survivors are feeding the camper it's a win for the killer that's just standing there doing nothing the whole match.

    I know I'm not the best killer either, but I play killer for fun I move around and hunt for my kills

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @Dead_by_Gadfly hook camping is where the killer hooks you and the stands directly in front of you and does nothing. My Xbox gt is VectorRises

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @I_am_Negan We don’t feed the killer if we know trying to distract him flashlights body blocking and still goes after the same person tunneling and hook them back and watches them we just keep going we don’t feed the killer all

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah i almost never see face camping anymore. My only guess is youre lower rank, youll see proxy camping in red ranks but theres usually a legit reason for it. But face camping is noob #########, thats yellow and green mostly.

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @Dead_by_Gadfly I am a Rank eight about to hit seven I’m in the purple ranks I am seeing killers that are a higher rank than me still hook camping either these guys are farming with people to get that far or they just suck because even when I play against lower ranks they don’t do that it’s only the higher ones I’ve been seeing

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Look I’m all against camping as the next guy even playing killer but it is a strategy like any other and has no plans to be changed so please we don’t need a million of these ban campers posts on the forum

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Maybe its your region? Im in east us. You?

    Ive been playing all yesterday and today, havent seen a single one

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @Dead_by_Gadfly i am NW I live in California. And my all my friends live near me. so are dedicated server is in northern Cali and we live Southern California so we get 30ms and below but when we find a match we get players from East and overseas cause all of a sudden it jumps to 80ms and up and it’s annoying

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @RizeAki I am not saying banning Killers I am just penalizing them.

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @Warlock_2020 you play on pc we don’t have the new killer yet so can’t say much.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Idk then man. I finally just saw ond, but it was a rank 20 and we had 4 gens done before they got their first hook. I wouldnt even blame a r1 for camping in that situation. You said youre playing with your friends, are you guys getting gens done stupid quick?

  • ayaya
    ayaya Member Posts: 163

    Because if I had more matches like that I would be probably sitting at rank 17. It's impossible to pip with evader only and those points for killer dieversion are not enough for lightbringer. Besides it's making me mad that there's nothing much I can do and I can get abused just like that because somebody doesn't like me.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    They are beginners playing at low ranks. Camping is fine it's a strategy just like gen rushing. But in red ranks camping killers are one game in 25 perhaps.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209
  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Ugh, another one of these. Have your team do the gens while your being camped. Someone has to be the sacrifice. Don't be salty because it was you. If the rest of your team did the gens and escaped, that's still a win, and a L for the killer. If they just kept feeding the killer, well, that's there own stupidity then...

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    Oh look. Another post about something that is already been dealt with as much as it could be. Yawn.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I get that, that was my point. Looking at these forums youd swear every killer was a first hook face camper

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    If youre getting face camped to death that often then you need to get better at chase and not getting caught right at tge beginning of the match

  • platypusfriend
    platypusfriend Member Posts: 1

    Hey all,

    Xbox One player here. I'm also a former video game developer (client and server code) for Disney.

    On Xbox One, killers face-camping the hooks is a game-breaking issue for new players-- I don't play survivor anymore because of it. Again, I'm only talking about Xbox One.

    Example: I bought the game for a friend, on the Xbox Live Store. He agrees to play with me. We party up with voice chat, and are excited to play together even though we're in different states. We don't have a single game where he doesn't get downed and face-camped. It ruined his opinion of the game.

    To be clear, I am NOT talking about legitimately chasing or searching for another survivor who insists on pressing a rescue attempt-- I'm talking about killers who do nothing but stand at or stay immediately near the hook until a survivor dies.

    // DEVS:

    I know you're watching. You already punish survivors for camping, with crows and noise notifications. Please accept the pleas of new players, experienced players, and industry veterans on Xbox One and punish killers for camping.

    Experienced players may know ways to counter the hook camping "strategy", but inexperienced players do not.

    If you choose not to punish killers for hook camping, please add a hook camping section to Survivor Training.

    I've presented the problem-- Thank you for listening. Now please let me offer some potential punishments, as a solution:

    • Increase killer sensitivity to flashlights within 16 meters of a hooked survivor.
    • 10 seconds after a survivor is hooked by the killer, any survivor may perform a decisive-strike-like or pallet-like stun on the killer within 16 meters of the hook.
    • Immediately after the killer hooks a survivor, some sort of "killer reward item" spawns 48 meters away from the hook, but it despawns after 20 seconds. This could even be a bonus "fifth perk" that lasts for 45 seconds.
    • 10 seconds after hooking a survivor, the hooked survivor begins to emit a blinding light that only the killer can see.

  • Bundesgraenzschutz
    Bundesgraenzschutz Member Posts: 22
    edited May 2020

    And every Survivor would exploid it. Facecamping is a legit steategy that punish the Killer. You get no points in other categorys you even lose Points when you're near a hooked Survivor.

    I play both sides on the PS4, as a Killer Sometimes i'll Proxy-Camp when i'm sure that another Surv ist nearby (tried to Bodyblock me, foodsteps, clickys etc.) . So, i should be punished for someones stupidity? In the few Matches as Survivor when i was facecamped (Solo Surv btw) i'm signaling my mates that the Killer is Camping, and buy them as much time as possible, so they can Rush Gens.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @VectorRises Still waiting for you to address the argument, just FYI.

  • VectorRises
    VectorRises Member Posts: 68

    @ThisGuuy83 then don’t answer to the post... cause it sounds like your the killer who camps

This discussion has been closed.