A genuine question about the meta.



  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited May 2020

    Survivors complain killers run Nurses Calling,....

    Killers wouldnt run it, if survivors didnt run self care so much.

    One causes the other. YOu dont run self care because killers run Nurses, we run Nurses because of the way you guys play.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    But killers are forced to hse those perks you display because of that, and you probabaly get camped, slugged and tunneled because killers have to kill as fast as possible to have a chance because the entire team might be running meta.

    Survs, dictate the killer meta per killer. And killers just...try their best.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    I mostly play solo survivor and I can't rely on my teammates to be competent all the time.

  • BlacktheMew
    BlacktheMew Member Posts: 15

    I freaking love autodidact. So satisfying and helps against perks like thonat and sloppy.

  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    I've said it for years, survivor mains who run sweaty meta like this just want an easy win. They let the game do the work for them and then "ez" at the end. I dont use meta, typically I run a medic build, its way more fun to feel like you have a purpose in the game rather than 4 second chance perks, 360ing and pallet loops. Seriously. I don't even understand how people can play this way and find the game even remotely fun.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    I like running creative builds, then I go up against a crack billy or spirit with duration addons and switch back to the meta. I want to have fun, but if the killer wants to be op then I'll be op too.

  • BloodyHatchet
    BloodyHatchet Member Posts: 48

    Survivors pretty much always running meta perks? Not really for me. Maybe I run 1 or 2 in my builds like BT andaybe dead hard but other then that the build I've been running recently has been Spine Chill, BT, Lithe and Inner Strength. I'm a red rank survivor and recently my teammates haven't really been using too many Meta perks but that's just my experience.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    I tend to be big on the niche dance, lithe, fixated Houdini build. Bloody perkslot heavy for a one trick but atleast it's a fun one trick.

  • tragic__decay
    tragic__decay Member Posts: 4

    I always try and switch up my builds, I just get bored. Lately I’ve been running kindred, adrenaline (yes I know it’s meta), we’ll make it, and self-care. This way I have standard info on the killer for my unhooking/fast heals, and if I get injured in the process I can heal myself when able. Idk, that’s just me. I experiment a lot though with perks especially now that I have everyone’s unlocked.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    If I face a huntress at red ranks 5 games in a row I bet I'd see the same perks every game too. This can be applied to all killers.

    I only run two of those perks so I guess I'm ok. The only time I wouldn't run my build is when I'm doing a meme build or swf builds.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Agree. I'm probably one of the only people that's a fan of Dark Sense though,lol.

  • WokeNea
    WokeNea Member Posts: 34

    This is stupid I play both sides no one is fair if a killer runs noed and you ran meta you deserve to die but if killer runs noed every game it's not fair for either side because killers constantly get harrassed for not being able to play the way the bought the game for unlike survivors they have a pack we play solo

    That's how we feel to play killer survivors harrass the hell out of us with no regrets we just get mad seeing ds,dh,unbreakable,sb, and borrowed time every game no one is glad in the end if you survivor mains think that going against it rank up as killer and see for yourself with your "the killer forces me to run the perks" then you will be the one harrassed and feel the killer community's pain.

  • AestheticCharms
    AestheticCharms Member Posts: 136

    My Build used to be lithe, alert, dance with me, and prove thyself. I remember the day I decided to switch up my build. I was tunneled and camped so much, most killers when they don't see a obsession they just start to tunnel, so yes killers pretty much made me run this build. DH,DS,BT and adrenaline. It all started after we ran into a hillbilly who slugged us all game and his response was I like to ruin peoples fun and I'm just here to kill and torture. After that I said f*** this s**t .

  • AestheticCharms
    AestheticCharms Member Posts: 136

    That Build was inspired by monto. Lots builds I see are monto builds.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    The problem is that most of these perks are covered simply by playing with comms and being good at looping.

    Once you have information and evasion covered, all that's really left is to hit the gens as fast as possible and give yourself all the lives you can. So the gameplan is to not even worry about getting found or hit, just slap the gens knowing that even if someone is caught and hooked it won't really matter.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    I doubt you've played 1 quadrillion 5 trillion games.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318
  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    I use bond, object, detectives hunch and open handed. It's my most recent build and i really like it.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Oh jeez.

    Stop with this whole, "It's the killers fault that I run the best perks in the game!" The only thing more tiring than the same second chance perks every game is listening to everyone claim, "Oh, I would love to run my Hope build, but the mean killers FORCE me to run these!"

    No, you run them because they're the best. Because they give the best chance to cover up mistakes, give extra chances, and generally patch up any holes in a survivor's game. Because they let you do objectives as fast as possible knowing that if you make it to the late game, you're invincible.

    Hell, the ONLY reason SWF groups with meta perks ever die is that they get so cocky about being untouchable and insist on always getting a 4-out.

    (My last game vs. a 2-2 red rank SWF I just got fed up and just carried any downs to the exit gate. They had an easy 4-out but got so cocky that they worked on the exit gate I was at, then had a guaranteed 3-out but insisted on fifteen different unsafe unhooks. Got so tired of the second chances and invulnerabilities that I just figured I'd let them all out. Then they complained that it wasn't easy enough. Go figure.)

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Same applies to many killers. I mean, lets see if you can guess exactly which killer I'm referencing with how common these builds are:

    Iron Maiden, Nurses Calling, BBQ, Whispers(or Pop)

    Bamboozle, BBQ, Spirit Fury, Enduring(or Tinkerer)

    Distressing, M&A, Overcharge, Unnerving Presence(or Lullaby)

    Stridor, Pop, BBQ, Rancor(or surveillance)

    Pop, Discordance, Thanatophobia, Dying Light(or surveillance)

    Those builds are pretty much static. Not even including the addons, which are practically the same each game too. You literally have 5 killers whose builds are so static that its boring to face them. Only 1 perk gets swapped out. At least other killers are mixing their builds up a bit. I mean, plague and thana isnt really common at all(even though I have seen plenty). I really hope the new perks do mix up the meta a tiny bit, altho im worried they simply replace one super strong perk with another super strong perk. Trail of Torment would essentially replace Tinkerer if killers use it, Huntress would replace Whispers or Iron Maiden with Deathbound and basically remove even more reasons to heal up, at least, untill calm spirit becomes the new meta. I mean, yeah they arent groundbreaking perks on their own, but I'm gonna start DC'ing once the Huntress Deathbound meta is fully implemented.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    Once I find a really good perk it's hard to shed. Dead Hard is the best worst perk ever, and also hard to shake. I now always bring Kindred and Iron Will, the rest I play around with.

    As for killer, I always bring Nurse's Calling and the rest are random.

  • Ris
    Ris Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2020

    I've been really enjoying changing things up now that I don't care about so much about rank.

    Don't get me wrong... I'm still interested in solo ranking up to 2, then 1 - but it's amazing what cultivating a healthy mindset does for this game and it's fun-factor. Sure, I could run the meta perks and prolly get to rank 1 rather soonish - but then I feel like it's all in the perks and I'd be too afraid of wanting to try different perks to outplay the killer... and where's the fun in that?

    For me, that's not true freedom in this game. That's more like being held hostage by an idea that the perks got you to that rank and not your own skill.

    So yeah, personally I've been having a lot of fun trying out new builds, for example the Archive challenges brought attention to Resilience and Spine Chill - so I've been running Spine Chill, Resilience, Lithe and Dance With Me recently, which is loooooooads of fun - and keeps the game fresh.

    Are there moments I wish I had BT or DS? Sure. But ooooh boy the feeling of accomplishment after getting everyone out alive without BT or DS is even more worth it.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    I almost always bring BBQ, but that's cause I'm working on getting all the Survivor teachables while getting all perks on Nea, and it's the best way to get a boat load of BPs. When I'm playing Hag and Doc I don't even use the tracking part of it because their powers give me enough info to begin with. Really the only time the tracking part of BBQ is really useful for me is when there's only two left and it tells me where to find the Blendette or if I need to stay near the hook lol

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I really like to try out different builds. It gets boring doing the same thing every game. I realized im not as reliant on some things as I thought. A lot of times youre playing the players, not the game anyway.

    Pop is a great example. In games where you demolish, you didnt need pop, you were going to win anyway. In games where you get demolished, pop made no difference you got outplayed somewhere, it only really matters in those games where it was close. Like you killed the last dude right before the last gen popped. Some killers it matters a little more, but not as many as youd think

  • Danielgdp3
    Danielgdp3 Member Posts: 452

    I run my build mainly on how the killers play so if I get tunneled a couple matches I put in decisive and borrowed time, if I face a slugger I put on unbreakable things like that.

    Always got Spine Chill though perks don't get better than that.

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    It's nice until you get no mither, self care, inner strength, and for the people

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    I tried to find new off meta perks to run for my main build , my current build is "SC , adre , Sprint burst , resilience" sometime i will take botany instead of SC if i have a good enough medkit but since the addon update it doenst happen as often

    I wanted to try stakeout instead of adre but its way too much effort for way to small value , if it would recieve a buff to the progress it give from 1% to 2% maybe more , maybe i would consider it more but as of now its kinda bad

    I wanted to run autodidact that i find to be great perk but the perk doenst really go well with the rest of my build and with my playstyle as a all

    I don't really like spine chill has too be honest resilience alone does the job for the vault speed buff on its own , spine chill i think is kinda over the top and doenst change much outside of being a info perk what if you are decent enough you don't need

    I don't really like prove thyself as i feel like its kinda of a braindead genrush perk and i don't like perks who require other people to work

    I used to run Hope and loved it but end games perks are always kinda like "meh" i rather have a perk that helps get to the end game in the first place , not survive during it + with the end game collapse update it got kinda of a nerf

    I like lightweight and iron will but i feel like the power of those perks are like nice but not good enough to even equal a potential save with adre

    for the rest idk all the other survivor perk at leats for me kinda suck or are way too situational

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    Or any mix with Slippery Meat, which is basically a blocked perk slot, unless the rare instant it coincides with Evan!

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I like it too. Very underrated perk. Been using it since launch.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    What needs to change is the perk meta. But everytime a new genuinely strong or unique perk comes out that may shake the meta it instantly gets nerfed.

  • ToastyBois
    ToastyBois Member Posts: 26

    Recently for the memes I’ve been running no mither self care at rank 1, two times it’s been against someone w an ebony; only one to escape without even being hooked. Can confirm it’s op

  • Allivath_Chaos
    Allivath_Chaos Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2020

    I have never used the survivor meta build. It doesn't suit my play style and I feel that one, if not more, of the "meta perks" just encourage bad plays. I've managed to make it to red ranks using Kindred (great perk for map awareness but useless against undetectable sadly,) Spine chill (because undetectable is a thing,) Distortion (100% underrated perk. It gives me so much info such as if bitter murmors, BBQ, Nurses Calling, etc. Are in play,) and Urban Evasion just because I like playing stealthily.

  • CasualGamer21
    CasualGamer21 Member Posts: 25

    I use probably one meta perk.. Iron Will... If that's even meta.

    My build is:

    Inner Strength - I find it's a great counter to NOED or Hex Totems in general as it gives me a reason to do them. I also can take protection hits and easily heal up incase my teammate is on Death Hook.

    Iron Will - So when I'm injured I don't have to heal, it's also quite good at jungle gyms since killers can't hear where I'm going and are forced to rely on guesses or scratch marks.

    Resilience - So when I'm injured, I get faster vaults and can do gens or totems or even heal others faster

    We'll Make It/For The People - Both excellent team perks and my solo teammates definitely benefit and appreciate it.

    It's a fun build tbh, and in no way is toxic to the killer.. If they think it's toxic, then they're just as entitled as some whiney survivors.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    This is why I personally refuse to use teachable perks on survivors. I hate the fact that survivors ultimately are skins rather than having anything unique about them (outside pain noise volume) and it honestly would make the game a lot more boring for me if I just ran the same build no matter who I played. Admittedly, my most played survivor by far is Bill, who does have two of the "meta" perks on him, but I also am not allowed per my own rules to use an exhaustion perk on him since they're all teachables from other people. Gotta swap to someone else to use any of those, but then I lose BT/UB, which I do run on him. It's how I personally would've preferred survivors to be - distinct and unique, not skins. It also has given me a lot of appreciation for certain perks, especially when there's tome challenges I'm working on.

    Do I think everyone should be forced to do this with perks? Nah, not four years into the game's life. If that had been the design goal from day 1 I think it'd be healthier overall, but I digress. But I actually like that I cannot be "meta" with my builds while running this restriction of mine. Makes for a more enjoyable survivor experience for me.