You're Overthinking!

Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

As a Fashion Designer. I say majority of you are overthinking the whole cosmetics contest. And it's getting a little out of hand. Yes, I agree that you are entitled to feel about it however you like. I'm only shedding some light.

Just because a cosmetics that you really liked didn't win, doesn't mean you go around crapping on the winners cosmetics. I find that distasteful. It's bad enough that as artist we are afraid to share our work because afraid of being judge.

Overall, I've read either

  1. I've seen this in real life a million times
  2. I don't see this character wearing this or making this.


  1. You may have see it a million times in real life but that doesn't stop it from being implemented in the game.
  2. We as a community have projected our own vision on how we may see the characters. That does not make it valid. You may see Claudette as this sweet innocent girl who just like flowers. However, there could be more to her that we have yet to find out about. And far as seeing a character making something that's ridiculous. They don't need to know how to make it.

I know in the lore it says "Claudette is not outgoing" that still doesn't take away that maybe claudette ordered this, tried it own, and never had the courage to wear it in public


She like hip hop music and we don't know

or or or

The possibility is endless. RELAX!

Fashion is an expression of art.

These designers won fair and square.

Maybe in the future the developers can pick the final four for each side and let the community vote on it. I personally like how it's being done now. They didn't have to do this again.

Thank you devs for this cosmetic contest. Hopefully next time, I participate and not get the deadline mixed up lol

Once, again congrats to these lovely winners. 😍🤑🤗


  • BlueFirebilly
    BlueFirebilly Member Posts: 257

    I couldn’t agree more, I love it when there is a skin that doesn’t show a certain part of a characters personality, it shows that they are human and they can be who the want, not just the one personality that is assigned to them

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    Yeah even some of those are ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with showing some skin or being covered fully. It's how you view things. I think people just need to stop sexualizing things and it wouldn't be a problem. A person should be able dress the way they want. Therefore the characters can too. It's not like any of the designs are explicit.

    The point of the contest is to submit and have fun. It shouldn't matter if you win or lose. Of course there are going to be people with great art skills. If you want to get better drawing, practice.

    I've seen artwork win that wasn't even all that skillful.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    It's really sad that just because it's the internet, people think it's fine to just attack other peoples ideas. The Claudette skin isn't something I'd use personally, but I actually think it's a good design. It's different and I like the idea of Claudette going full casual. So props to the designer for this!

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Yeah, that's what I want to do to the cosmetic as well.

  • walrusthemighty
    walrusthemighty Member Posts: 28

    But OP, what about the LORE! What about my precious LORE! LORE doesn't describe her in such an outgoing fashion! LORE! Wait, did I mention about the LORE?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    To be entirely honest, I don't like either of the winning designs. I ######### hate Claudettes, besides the fact she has enough cosmetics, and the Legion one looks a lot like the Joey skin.

    I would have rathered the Yui one and either the Huntress or the other Legion one they showed because they were original.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    As I said before, everyone is entitled to how they feel about the cosmetics. I was only shedding some light on why I found some of the reason to be ridiculous.

    At the end of the day the cosmetic is being made regardless if you like it or don't.

  • Aldofer
    Aldofer Member Posts: 458

    the other legion one is at the same level in my opinion they're both great, and susie has all the cool cosmetic already, i think frank need love follow by joey.

    Even tho his cosmetic resemble joey's (btw i think is intentional since it's in the theme of influence and group mentality gone wrong) frank is in need of a different skin since he don't have the best skin of the bunch (his skin is pretty lame expect 2-3), aslo i can see frank taking joey's style, but yea huntress one was super cool and the russian fashion is awesome.

    I agree for the survivor one, i can't stand claudette (even if she seems to be loved by the dev) and think yui design was better executed overall and fit the character better than the claudette one, jane romero one was super cool imo and should be used too.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I haven't read the threads complaining about contest winners (frankly I'm just not interested in seeing complaints about that sort of thing) so I don't know exactly what people have been saying, but...

    While I do think it's kind of crappy for people to trash on the creator for their work or whatever, I don't see what's so bad about people sharing their opinion. A bad opinion is still as valid is a good opinion (in my opinion) as long as there's some sort of reasoning behind it. I don't think people should be shamed for sharing their opinions.

    As I said though, I don't know what's been said about the winners in general so for all I know it is people attacking the creators themselves. In that case, yeah it's scummy. But I don't think it's scummy just for somebody to say they don't imagine a character wearing a certain thing or whatever.

  • CraftingSoup
    CraftingSoup Member Posts: 69

    Honestly, I like them. People should just quit crying and stop hating them because it's not the ones they wanted. Also, the Claudette one is nice.

  • Mason_Cheryl
    Mason_Cheryl Member Posts: 16

    I can see why people dislike the winner contest design, and I have to say I agree with them, not in the way that the design looks terrible, but it doesn't fit her lore. While I won't denied people vision of wanting to see a nerd character looks cool and sexy, but we have to accept that the criticism is valid (minus the non valid point or just hate for no reason)

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703


    Oh my goodness, the fire rages on. 😆

    If people don't like the skin, just tunnel it like people do with Bunny Fengs.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Yeah I would've liked other ones to win but the claudette skin is really good still.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    The cosmetic design contest was never to make cosmetics that fit with the characters lore.

    It's literally to design a cosmetic that you want to see on a character it's your one chance to actually make a cosmetic that will probably never be used by the developers because it doesn't fit the theme of the character.

    That's the whole problem about you guys over thinking it. if it had to fit the characters lore that would be one of the conditions of the contest but it wasn't your free to create something that you personally feel would look nice not something that you feel would match their story.

    If someone wants to draw a Scholar Min or a posh nobleman Jake they are free to do so so these go both against what characters are meant to be because it doesn't match up with the lore in fact it directly goes against what they personally chosen life.

    But the proposal of this contest is not to make lore accurate cosmetics it's to make cosmetics that you want to see on the character and it gives not only the community but the developers a chance to add something that usually wouldn't fit around the theme of that character

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054
    edited May 2020

    I'm happy to see the creators of their art won the contest, wonderful job. But the cosmetic skin itself for claud looks ugly.

  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270

    I think you summed it up best by saying "THIS IS NOT PROJECT RUNWAY / DBD NEXT TOP DESIGNER. IT'S DEAD BY DAYLIGHT."

    People want cosmetics that fit tonally with DBD, and characters. Simple as that. Less is more, and a lot of DBD cosmetics, BHVR or not, have been the complete opposite of this. That being said, I'm not trying to defend hating on the artists. I'm an artist too, I understand that feeling, and it's unfortunate, but feedback is feedback. I'd wish people were more polite in their responses, but to ignore their valid criticism completely over that is a bit unfair too.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    If we're being specific a lot of the ingame Skins break lore.

    Jake's Miner skin

    Sea monster traper

    Candle Wraith

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    I love the Claudette one. She's has a whole new attitude. Science by day, 90s hip hop by night! Let's go. She usually gets frumpy clothes, black, beige, brown. And the legion one is amazing too, all the different mask and the small attention to detail. Both fantastic.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Funny I believe David a MALE character is the only one to be shirtless in this game....

    Odd I believe Micheal Myers a MALE character is the only one to have no pants.....

    Highlighting "sexual" features is something people do all the time its just ignored when it happens to a male character but blown out of proportion when its a female character.

    Chill its just a game mate.

  • hanibel
    hanibel Member Posts: 164

    It should be the communitys choice to pick their favorite cosmetics not the devs

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    @MegaWaffle it seems you're more worked up about the thing than I am, maybe you should be the one to chill? I'm also positive you didn't even read my full post or you wouldn't have commented at me probably at all. Then again I'm guessing you're the type of person that responds with anger and resentment to anyone who has a different opinion than you because you feel like it threatens your own belief system, but again I bet you didn't even read my full post and if you did than my god is your reading comprehension poor.

  • NeaMainNON_TOXIC3
    NeaMainNON_TOXIC3 Member Posts: 260

    I like the skin, it's ok, bot something I would use on Claud. I'm just a little angry that they chose Claudette. She and Meg seem to always get new cosmetics almost once or twice a month. Just recently Claud got her lil cabin outfit. I just wish they chose a character who hasn't had an outfit in a while. Like Nea or Jeff or Adam!

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101

    I couldn't care less about the creators. I'm sure they're fine. I just personally think these don't contribute much. The legion one has some fresh ideas, and clearly had a lot of work put into it. Claudette's had work put into it too, of course, but I feel it's just like a bunch of the other cosmetics we already have. That, and claudette already has so many. This would've been a great opportunity to give a character with less cosmetics another option, and an outstanding or unique one at that. These are fine, but it feels like a wasted opportunity.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I'll agree I didn't read the full post and that's admittedly something I need to really start doing but you're making quite the assumption based off a single reply.

    I wrote that reply while straight faced, eating a bagel and drinking a coffee, as I am now.

    So while I do apologize for not reading your full response and agree I most likely wouldn't have typed what I did I also think you may want to consider not jumping to such a response yourself to a single post.

  • Bagginses420
    Bagginses420 Member Posts: 83

    For this specifically, not seeing it to be "fitting" I feel isn't about the urban concept, but the underwear. We don't have a problem with baggy sweats and a hoodie. A relaxed Claudette was smart and I personally think the artwork was great! Gave artist kudos when they posted it...

    We(those who loved her innocence) just don't agree that her g-string showing fits her character. I love Claudette's lore and greatly appreciated a female survivor who didn't have mostly sexualized cosmetics. There are enough flashy outfits for the other ladies. My Jane Romero Red Carpet Event concept( which obviously didn't win lol) had her mid-drift showing. So I'm not even entirely against revealing garments. We just have a certain appreciation to ones characteristics and lore. And G-strings weren't in the books for Claudette. Literally. Lol.

    I know it sounds so closed minded, but I just want to protect her purity. Just hers. And maybe Dwight's lol.