I really need change my ps4 settings to private

What's with all the messages from people playing killer on ps4 asking if I wanna farm today?


  • BigBadPiggy
    BigBadPiggy Member Posts: 678

    They probably want to get as many bloodpoints as possible in each match so they can cap it at 1,000,000 so they can blow it all on the Spirit.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @HellDescent said:
    What's with all the messages from people playing killer on ps4 asking if I wanna farm today?

    Rank reset you get some weird people. I have had 4 man swf groups message me if i want to farm. If you are asking how is it possible they know who the killer is tap the ps button go to currently playing with and if the killer is not offline you can see who they are.

  • kisow244
    kisow244 Member Posts: 13

    Yeah, I wish I had set my settings to private earlier than I did. I consider myself a really good sport when I play, and still will get randomly flamed by both sides >.<