Add a way to purchase exactly what perk you want.(i'm not talking about teachables)

I have level 50 on spirit.I have the teachables for bbq&chilli,pop,enduring yet i don't have any of these perks on my spirit because the bloodweb is bullshit.I know on mobile you can purchase exactly what perk you want.I would rather spent 200000 bloodpoint to get exactly what perk i need insted of wasting thousand of bloodpoint just to get the perk you want.Perks are an essential part of the game and you shoud not relay on luck to get them!
Mobile you can't until you start bejgn given multiple choices, and even then it's rng as to what shows up.
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This right here, Behaviour. There are probably 20 people who say nothing for every 1 of this guy who is frustrated about the Sisyphean perk grind, and they leave the game and never come back. (@Peanits @not_Queen etc.).
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I won't quit the game,i spent 50 euros on all the killers just because i love the game and i have grinded my way to rank 3 killer,this post was made for explaning that gaining perks shoud be a grind but atm in the game that grind is too much for just 1-2 perks