My console tier list (and explanations)

S: Doc is my main, and I think he's strong and he can use a lot of different perks and has add-ons that aren't just cooldown and recovery. Freddy's freddy. Spirit is strong, but I've only seen a few great spirits on Xbox.

A: Honestly A and B can be swapped depending on perks and add-on chooses as well as skill ceiling. I definitely think hag and Oni are 4 and 5.

B: Pyramid Head would be at the top of B imo. Nurse is low B because most nurses on stick are easy to dodge/juke. Yes there may be nurse mains on console but very few. Huntress is in the same boat.

C: killers that are left that weren't clown and legion. They are also very add-on dependant.

D: clown and legion of course.

I have 1k hours on console mostly as killer. I've played every killer a decent amount and I think this list is pretty accurate power level. Of course you have "mains" and builds that move power levels. As I said A and B are flexible. I'd like to hear any differences you guys may have, remember this is a console their list.


  • idekanamelol
    idekanamelol Member Posts: 33

    I really like this. People don’t realize that nurse isn’t as overpowered on console. Also doctor is the easiest killer ever on console. I’d like to see demogorgon up one though but it’s all opinion. Overall good list

  • ActulCasul
    ActulCasul Member Posts: 178

    Nurse borders on impossible vs competent survivors. Sure you can ######### on the lower red ranks, but against anyone competent is a different story. Sensitivity, frames, bugs and stick are just too problematic.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861
    edited May 2020

    Nurse is S Tier on Console and Wraith is definitely A-B Tier if you play him correctly. Maybe you just haven’t ran into them considering they require certain skill levels to play optimally. Here are some messages I get from survivors.

  • ActulCasul
    ActulCasul Member Posts: 178

    Nurse feels like s tier against plebs who vault and drop pallets and then u run into double ooo squads on coldwind or yamaoka and realize just how much distance is gained from a missed swing or one good juke

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Getting 4Ks as Legion doesn't prove that his power is really weak.

    I mean look at Scottjund and his 30 or something win streak as speed limiter Leatherface.Does that mean Leatherface is fine?No

    Legion and Clown are easily the weakest killers currently

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    I’m not saying your list is wrong, I’m saying with 5000 hours in the game and over 10,000 kills I disagree with most of the higher ranks you’ve chosen.

    to respond to your comment about double OoO and Yamaoka, every Killer that is higher tier will have more of a challenge on different maps/layouts as RNG is always going to be a factor no matter what killer or survivor is playing the game.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Nurse is B tier because no one uses her, if people put time into her she's still godly, especially with a higher stick sensitivity cap. Legion is highly underrated, a good Legion with Ruin and Thana will literally ruin your day, and he's easy enough to use on stick.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    I like how all the S tier killers drop my frames :)

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    edited May 2020

    I'm also a console player with 1k+ hours. I'm just gonna go tier by tier.

    S: Drop Freddy to A and Doctor to B.

    A: Move Hag and Billy up to S and Deathslinger to B.

    B: Bump Myers and Huntress to A tier.

    C: Pig and Wraith up to B, Bubba down to F.

    F: No complaints.

    Edit: Spelling is hard.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    As an Xbox Legion main, they could at least be B tier with the right player and build behind them. I would never consider them higher, because that is unrealistic. @Waffleyumboy seems to get this.

    Hag and Trapper could also be put higher. Their ability to trap the map is a really big help, especially in the right hands.

    Every killer who needs mindgames to get hits (Myers, Wraith, Pig, and Plague) should be B or lower, because mindgames are harder to pull off on console in general.

    The rest of the rationalization makes sense though. But it falls in the same category as any tier list: They will be influenced by the person who makes it, as well as the criteria they are being judged through. I assume you are judging through viability, as everyone seems to judge that. But then what is viability? A 4k? No list is good because any killer can get a 4k. A double pip? Legion gets those really, really easily, so they would be automatic S tier for that.

    This is more a tier list for yourself, and that is completely respectable.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I didn't think about mindgames on console. I'm guessing stick maneuverability is a limiting factor in using mindgame techniques such as blinking the red stain and moon walking? Console survivors are going to be in for a fun little surprise when cross-play arrives.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Yeah, that is an issue with console killers especially. It is why I'm kind of against PC/console crossplay because it will be a nightmare for console killers. Every trick survivors have are much, much easier on PC and many killers may not have the input precision to counter it.

    It is one of the reasons Nurse is way weaker on console. She cant turn as quickly as on PC. Same with Spirit and Wraith.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Billy is one of the few meta characters. Most Billies just rub against a survivor then use the saw. Or use the saw for transportation. Never for any skillful plays.

    A lot of Billies run Insidious or NOED too.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    How is survivor harder on stick? I've never played dbd on pc but on console survivor feels very intuitive and responsive, especially compared to killer. Just curious about your thoughts.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Ah ok. I personally haven't seen a good Billy in a while, mostly just scrubs looking for backrubs or amateur players who respect pallets too much and don't know how to play around windows. Personally I think Billy is among the top 5 hardest to master killers, especially on console. It's just another reason I love playing as him tbh, learning new things every day is fun imo.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Billy still has the best map pressure in the game. He's just less common now.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Some mechanics, like when Noob3 does a rapid 360, is actually impossible to do on console. There are also different commands for different actions. Skill checks also lag because of FPS and optimization issues. (sorry for the late reply, behavoir thought I was a spambot).

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I agree with all of this except Legion. Legion to me is an A as I can usually (although not always) get a 4k.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Bubba is bottom of A tier on console. He also finds his current position to be quite hurtful.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Better then Clown?Yeah,agree but the rest definetely a no from me

    Bubba has a instadown but can't really pressure multiple people at once like Legion.I would say that they are more or less on the same power level

    Demo has his portals that can help him traversing the map really fast on a very low cooldown and a bit with tracking.His Shred is an amazing zoning tool.Demo is waaaay better than legion

    Plague can infect all survivors and then use her 1 free corrupt purge to force all survivors to heal at the fountains.She's the kind of killer that can win her games easily by snowballing with her corrupt purge.

    Wraiths power is really good for hit and run tactics.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,721
    edited May 2020

    As a fellow console gamer the only ones I really disagree with are Billy and Doc and I would simply switch their places. Everyone else is debatable but is around where I'd place them more or less. If your list is going in order I'd have Spirit as the number one over Freddy.

    As far as Doc goes, I certainly agree he is strong but I don't think he is stronger then Billy or even close to S tier. They can both get pallets thrown early but Billy has more map pressure and an instadown that good Billy's will have no problem hitting. Doc has some better slowdown and can locate survivors easier but I don't those pro's make up for Billy's pressure and instadown.

    On some maps Doc will outshine Billy like indoor maps especially if Doc is using and impossible skillcheck build but all around, I think Billy is much stronger.

    Edit: I'd also put Bubba in D tier along with Legion and Clown.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    For me, Freddy and Doc should be A, and it should be Spirit, Hag, Oni and Billy in S (for console).

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Bubba insta-down only works if you let him do it. Run to pretty much any loop in the game and all he gets is a faster pallet break.

    Demo has 0 pressure. His portals don't help him that much because of how slow it is and the fact he needs to be on a portal to travel to another portal. Shred is easy to dodge. His tracking tool can be taken out, meaning you are forced to put them out of sight which negates tracking since the survivor won't be close enough.

    Plague also has no pressure. I've been finding that if you over-cleanse and force her to take Corrupt early you can seriously ######### her over by removing the only pressure tool she has. Everyone gets sick, taps a gen, cleanse, get sick again, cleanse, now you are all healthy and she has Corrupt. Just hide until it's gone and now there is nothing she can do. She also has to go out of her way for Corrupt, so if it's off in some random corner of the map then you don't even need to do that. Just stay broken until the end of the game and yeet out the door. She also gets 0 pressure from injured survivors since they can cleanse, where against a normal killer the survivors have to spend time healing.

    Wraith is 100% loopable and Spine Chill completely negates his power.

    Legion is loopable but he has the option to just say ######### it and use Frenzy to find a new target. I do this all the time if I feel like I've spent too much time on someone. Much more effective tracking than Demo, and map pressure because now the survivor is injured and must heal (unlike Plague where they can cleanse in 6 seconds and be healed). Not to mention the added time needed to mend. He is also shorter than both Bubba or Plague making it easier to mind game around certain tiles. Legion can traverse the map pretty quickly too.

    Legion is solid B tier. They are FAR from the worst killer in the game.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Similiar to stealth killers,legion has an easy time getting that first hit in.Problem is to actually down them.

    Good survivors know how to spread out,especially if they are aware that the killer is a legion.Add Sprint burst,balanced landing or lithe to the mix and you have an extremely hard time to connect your frenzy hits.

    Even if you get all injured at some point,good survivor will stay injured because they know healing is a waste of time.Having Dead Hard makes this an even more effective strategy.

    Also using his frenzy as a mobility tool means risking to miss out a chance to hit grouped up survivors with it.

    Legion really is way weaker than you might think in my opinion

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I run Thana and Blood Echo, both of which punish survivors for staying injured. It forces them to spend time healing, which then I can easily re-injure them with Frenzy. It's a massive time sink to heal against Legion and both of these perks force you to do that.

    Blood Echo counters all the Exhaustion perks. If they refuse to heal, this perk will be active pretty much all the time. I encountered maybe 2 DH's the last 5 games as Legion because of Blood Echo.

    Add in Ruin and now Thana is even stronger. Now they have to go find a totem AND heal to have a chance to do gens.

    And you only want to use Frenzy for mobility if you already know where survivors are. If I see them on a gen with BBQ, I get close until I'm sure I can reach with Frenzy, then use Frenzy to get there quicker and get free hits.

    Again I consistently 4k merciless with Legion. CONSISTENTLY. I've had like 3 survivors escape out the gate in my last 20 games (and a few more that got hatch but I could have played to avoid it if I so chose). I don't need to play scummy either, which is what Scott had to do to win every one of those Bubba speed limiter games. I can actually play super duper fair as Legion and still win convincingly. It's almost easy mode, comparable to playing Freddy.

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    Even after all his nerfs, legion is not bottom tier. How can you out death slinger above huntress and how can you put them in different tiers? Deathslinger is a different version of huntress with a less dependable power.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I'm putting together a Stat based tier list... would like help

    Also my main is Pig... and is B tier...

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I do have to agree that the BBQ,Thana,Blood Echo and Ruin Combo seems like quite a decent build and i definetely will try this one out.

    I'm still quite interested in how well this build works against good survivors.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Wraith needs a lil more Love. He can be very strong, and has great mobility, Especially if you run the nemesis/pwyf combo. I would swap wraith w nurse. Sure there's a few good console nurses, but proly 80% suck as her, and won't even bother. The graphics, controls, and FR ruin nurse and huntress. 2 of the best PC killers are ######### on console.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It's pretty devastating. Use Smiley Face Pin not Legion Pin, because Legion Pin makes it so they can't heal and thus they do gens. I just go with power recovery and power duration usually.

  • BumBumOReily
    BumBumOReily Member Posts: 19

    @thesuicidefox anecdotal evidence is exactly that. anecdotal. I've consistently escaped vs. legion but my experience doesn't prove anything, so lets be objective.

    it's incredibly easy to spread out and make spreading the damage incredibly difficult to pointless to try. you hit me and leave? my teammates can just run early if they start to hear the tr and all you get is a healthy surv halfway across the map whilst you enjoy that lengthy stun. you decide to chase me still? cool. I get a sprint burst and now i don't have to mend.

    as far as blood echo goes, it definitely makes a difference but most decent survivors dont need the 2nd chance exhaustion perks give you to loop for a long time. it's also got a hefty cooldown of 60 secs at t3.

    thana is already a b-tier slowdown perk and on top of that is almost countered by resilience (a popular perk due to the vault build) at everyone injured and levels out at 3. a couple great skillchecks also completely negates any slowdown the perk would have given.

    personally, i just cant see legion being as high as you say. i'd give him mid c at best.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I escape plenty of Legions too, but that's because they play poorly. Other Legions who play them CORRECTLY are a lot harder to escape. And yes there is a correct way to play the game, that being the way that is most optimal/efficient/effective.

    Thana isn't a bad perk, and on Legion it's especially strong because of how easily they can keep you injured. Plus the whole point of the perk is to force survivor to spend time healing, so even if you hit greats you are still not doing gens for at least 16 seconds.

    If your teammates run early, my Ruin kicks in and negates any progress they made. I actually want them to run early. Plus I often use duration so good luck running soon enough and far enough to actually get away from Frenzy. Ruin adds more value to Thana because now it takes longer to make up the difference.

    The simple fact is that majority of Legions don't play the killer correctly. Play against a Legion that knows what they are doing with a solid build and it will be a much different game.

  • BumBumOReily
    BumBumOReily Member Posts: 19
    edited May 2020

    @thesuicidefox this is why i dont believe it's good to heal against legion. you get ruin value, no gen progression, and i'm injured within 10 seconds of seeing you again. not worth the time i lost to heal. more efficient to do gens injured and play smart.

    if my teammates were not by me when i get ff hit, there's no killer instinct. to boot, they're still gonna run early so if you want that hit you're gonna have to get lucky and guess where they are quick enough that you still have enough power left cos if not that's a good chase on me gone for nothing. very risky and add-on dependent.

    i like ruin on legion, but it's too situational. if it's still up that's really good but i'd rather not take a gamble with totem spots. pop seems better to me.

    my build is bbq, infectious fright, monitor and pop/corrupt intervention/thana.

  • Puffieball
    Puffieball Member Posts: 64

    I love your tier list. I play on console on PS4. My main killer I like to use when I am playing killer is the nurse then the demogorgon just cuase I love the stranger things show lol. It is true people don't realize she isn't as overpowered on consoles as on pc. I do still love using her though because of the challenges of using her lol.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    If you do gens while injured then you do then 16% slower from Thana and constantly exhausted from Blood Echo.

    Basically I put you in a catch 22. Either you waste time healing, or you take longer to do gens. If I come to the gen you were working on you lose progress and it's harder to make up for it. Plus you are injured, basically one shot all game.

    You force them to chose between 2 time sinks. Either way they are slowed down.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I'd swap Demo for Wraith. Other than that I'd agree about 98%. I'd probably move Legion up one and Myers down one,but that's just depending on map. Deathslinger I feel is completely worthless. Same with Nurse. But that's more a learning curve thing than a power thing. They can be deadly in the right hands.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    Legion is garbage tier, whether its on console or PC.

  • BumBumOReily
    BumBumOReily Member Posts: 19
    edited May 2020

    @thesuicidefox now we're just diverging off-topic. most killers could put somebody in that situation

    my point is all legion adds is that it's easier to put multiple people in that situation if the survs group up and let you. that's his entire power and it can't even down.

    once they split up, prevent snowballing pressure like all good teams do, the build suffers a lot and suddenly legion isn't adding anything at all. on top of that, you're also relying on 2 duration add-ons.

    meanwhile other killers can do so much more than attempt to funnel survivors into this incredibly situational position.