is my ghost face build any good?
Ruin, Sloppy Butcher, Iron grasp, Noed
It's not bad, but
Agitation > iron grasp.
Sloppy, but no nurse's calling? It's great on GF.
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thank you, ill make sure to change that.
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Why sloppy. You have an inbuilt exposure perk. I guess it's a good fall back.
I would suggest.
Haunted grounds. Iron Maiden. Devour Hope. Make your choice.
Make them fear the exposure. Make them one with the exposure. Make them fear your strike.
Or like. Totally meme it up. I dunno.
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In a word: No.
It seems somewhat alright to learn a killer, but if you're above rank 15, this probably won't cut it.
Ruin can be good, but being a stealth killer, you actually have to prioritise generator protection over chases quite a bit.
Iron Grasp is just a worse Agitation. The movement speed and TR increase are hidden unless you're trying to notice them.
Sloppy CAN be good if you're doing a more strike and fade approach, or especially if you're running A Nurse's Calling. Probably keep this one.
And do NOT get me started on NoED, especially since you have unlimited Exposed as a stalker.
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what perks would be a good build if you could choose
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Tbf, GF is the wonkiest when it comes to exposing people. So I can forgive Noed on him.
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Sloppy is a common perk on a ghostface, for a number of different builds. Since you will not always be in a good position to stalk a survivor before stabbing them. Sometimes you have to just get in close and take that easy hit. Since that is one of the things you have to learn while playing ghostface, know when to stalk and when to just go in for the stab. That and how to 99% your stalk, to have it go off when you need it. That and there is always corn maps of course, which can heavily screw over the ability to stalk. Which sloppy does slow down healing and help to make the survivors waste more time healing up. Allowing ghostface to do his thing, stalk or sneak up on someone for another stab. That and ghostface with out add on has 30 second cool down for their ability. It only takes 1.5 seconds of a survivor staring at you to break you out of your power.
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I'd suggest Sloppy, Pop, Nurses and maybe I'm all ears.
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Try nurse's calling.
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Well Ghost Face is well equipped to deal with totem cleansings: he can creep up on an unexpecting cleanser or use the opportunity to mark the target.
Sloppy is good for prolonging healing and providing Ghost Face with more of an opportunity to creep up on people.
Iron Grasp is neither here of there: It's one of those that perks that's more circumstantial instead of favouring a particular killer.
NOED with Ghost Face could surprise some survivors as his power allows him to instadown targets when fully stalked. This seems like an invalid perk for Ghost Face, the same as Myers.
His Night Shroud, giving the ability to stalk, mark and down survivors, can be ramped up.
I'm All Ears is a great Ghost Face base perk. If used correctly and combined with some opportunistic shroud activation, it can get good results.
Nurse's Call is another perk that can be very beneficial in taking survivors by surprised. When used with Night Shroud, it can result in some satisfying jump scares too.
Sloppy Butcher, as mentioned, will slow healing and when combined with Nurse's Call, is one of the key tactics in ambushing prone survivors.
Surveillance is a highly useful perk, but with Ghost Face it allows you maintain generator security while making potential opportunities to stalk survivors.
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I would trade Ruin for Corrupt or Pop, as new Ruin doesn't really work by itself. The others are solid though.
Iron Grasp should be traded for Agitation though, it does the same thing but faster.
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Swap Iron Grasp for A Nurse's Calling for sure.
Here's my Pig build that you can take inspiration from: Ruin, Surveillance, Nurse's and BBq.
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Since you are running ruin op, i take it you might be looking for something to deal with gens? Here is a build that has been proven to work on ghostface, if you want to focus more on gen control. Surge, pop, surveillance, bbq. Which here is a video of it being put to into action. So you can get an idea of what the build is like.
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So is sloppy meta? I guess I've never actually figured that out, and why. It's just an annoying perk that is unnecessary in any build without nurses. And i see it a lot without nurses.
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Whispers is good on him. At the start of the match you usually turn on your power. You start patrolling gens and if whispers is on there's probably someone there.
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Well on a ghostface, everything he does to kill or injure survivors is a mouse one attack. Stalk someone than go in for the stab? M1. Sneak in close to get a hit? M1. Which sloppy gives ghostface m1 attack an addition effect, which can help slow down the game, just a little bit, by making survivors waste more time on healing. That and a standard build will have him running whispers or nurse's [along side corrupt or pop and bbq], depending on which one they like more for tracking. Whispers lets you know they are in the general area and you can listen for them healing, to find them that way or nurse's if you want pin point information.
Basically no matter what a ghostface does, he will be applying sloppy to the survivors all the time and helping to slow down the game, just a little bit.
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Even if you instadown someone, sloppy is still going to effect how long they heal up after the unhook.
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Try these;
Ruin + surveillance + nurse's + sloppy or thana
Corrupt + thana or pop + nurse's + sloppy or thana
Pop or Corrupt + thana + nurse's + sloppy
BBQ or thrilling tremors + pop + nurse's + sloppy or thana
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But wouldn't that not work against a sweaty 4 man swf. Considering they know everything and heal really quickly.