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Why are some People like this?

So i was playing Survivor with a friend of mine and we played against a clown who was softcamping. the survivors could always hear the terror radius untill they reach something beyond second stage.

So in the endgame chat i told him basicly:
"Try to camp a bit less. just a tipp. GG tho"

And he straightup says "I did not camp you Whoreson"

I mean. i try to be nice. becaus i don't know if he maybe is a rather new player or something. But reactions like this are really unnececary.


  • Plippy
    Plippy Member Posts: 187

    Some people just feel an odd need to be a dick when they know there's no risk of people smackin' 'em.

    Then again I've seen people be really abusive to the Killer for doing something completely legit and it can drive people up the wall so they lash out at others because they are used the criticism being abusive.

    I try to not do that but it's just the nature of people, I guess.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Well you are telling him what to do.
    Ofc he isnt pleased about that :wink:

    camping is a perfectly legit way to paly, he can camp 100% of the time and its ok btw

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    edited September 2018
    You cannot help yourself but ignore. Like, you telling people to not camp will not change how they play games. It's better to move on to a next game. No matter if you got camped and tunnelled as a survivor or SWF*cked by the survivors. 
  • Plippy
    Plippy Member Posts: 187

    Yeah, all you can really do is ignore people who are being abusive asshats.

    Whenever I play Killer and I see a SWF group with a enter the lobby? Wew, I brace myself no matter the outcome. :P

  • qpwoeiruty
    qpwoeiruty Member Posts: 98

    I dont understand the language, but if you are gonna start ######### by calling out a "softcamper" for camping, you really shouldn't be bitching that he started back at you...

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    The problem with text is no one knows in what context/tone you are speaking. To tell someone "camp a little less" even if you may have meant it as a tip to have gotten more kills/improve could easily come off as you being salty and complaining. Remember not everyone can read what is inside your head as you write. Only I can do that, and Thank You I do think I'm handsome.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Whoreson is totally unnecessary.
    Telling someone how they should play is also unnecessary though.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I wouldn't of approached him that way. If I feel the need to point out camping is bad, I tell them this way.

    • As killer, time is your most valuable asset
    • Every moment somebody is on a generator is time you are losing
    • Camp one person, you only take 1 person of gens
    • Hook then chase somebody else, you take 3 people off gens.
    • Of course, if everybody is at the hook, this doesn't apply.

    You put it to to them this way, the newer killers are usually more receptive.

  • DustPh0enix
    DustPh0enix Member Posts: 11

    Of course i know that people can't know if i have bad intetions behind that text. He could have ignored it or just told me to leave him alone or pretty much anything else. But why do some people instanty just start being angry and start talking bs. I mean this guy even won. and as far as i could see ther wasn't any teebaging or other stuff like that.

    I play killer pretty often. And i get pissed at Survivors all the time.
    Most oft the time i just point stuff out like
    "Im honestly not sure if your internet is bad or you are using a lagswitch"
    But i never call people ######### or stuff like that.
    It's okay to be salty or angry and stuff. And i report people too. But why personally attack them?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Tja <--- German word that fits as response to every important issue.

    It looks like that killer was triggered and you caused him to explode.
    I would also feel slightly upset, when survivors call me a camper, when I didn't camp.

  • Oblitiry
    Oblitiry Member Posts: 487
    Yeah that tends to happen when you make passive aggressive remarks towards someone. That's like kicking a dog and acting surprised that it bit you in retaliation. 
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    Boss said:

    Whoreson is totally unnecessary.
    Telling someone how they should play is also unnecessary though.

    Sorry but what does it mean? 
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    had a bad day? (you might want to add an english translation to this, since i doubt everyone here understands german ;) )

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    this game is full of entitled face camping trash killers who hate being called out
  • KaNGoL
    KaNGoL Member Posts: 20
    It happens. I wasplaying last night, and my mouse died on me and became unresponsive. So my killer was staring at a rock for the last 2 generators. 

    In the post game chat, I was greeted with, "Bad killer rage" spammed 8 times, then after I explained what happened, I was told not to buy a $5 mouse from Walmart.

    I can only assume that these people have it really bad, in their personal lives, so they become internet warriors to off-load their feelings of being inadequate. 
  • OXY
    OXY Member Posts: 68

    I don't know man.

    "Try to camp a bit less" Seems almost as if you're trying to tell him how to play which some may take as an insult.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    @DustPh0enix said:
    Of course i know that people can't know if i have bad intetions behind that text. He could have ignored it or just told me to leave him alone or pretty much anything else. But why do some people instanty just start being angry and start talking bs. I mean this guy even won. and as far as i could see ther wasn't any teebaging or other stuff like that.

    I play killer pretty often. And i get pissed at Survivors all the time.
    Most oft the time i just point stuff out like
    "Im honestly not sure if your internet is bad or you are using a lagswitch"
    But i never call people ######### or stuff like that.
    It's okay to be salty or angry and stuff. And i report people too. But why personally attack them?

    You could have just left and said nothing. He won, and your entitled ass told him how he should have played so that you could win more easily. I'd tell you to ######### off, too.

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346

    Some kids in this game see that as an insult to have anyone even mention the word "camp".

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    @Grey87 said:
    Some kids in this game see that as an insult to have anyone even mention the word "camp".

    Say you walked up to me, in person, after we just finished a friendly basketball game which i'd just won and told me 'Johnathan, you should maybe not cross over and dunk on me so much. I don't think its fair that you're better than me.'

    Know what i'd do? Laugh at you and tell you to git gud, and then make fun of you for being an entitled little fuckboy.

    And by the way? Calling someone else a 'kid' doesn't make you look like a big boy, it makes you look like..well, a kid.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Tbh I have only once told somone in playing against what they did wrong (they was p3 buy might have been a friend or siblings or bf/gf account and I explained if playing against huntress no straight lines and if gates are open and the killer sees yoy and smacks you while patrolling a hook (it helps against aulteristic players at the end) dont go fir the hook get out (he went for hook as I was chaging and I pulled him off and hooked onto new hook survivor hit thehatch)
  • Chiliz
    Chiliz Member Posts: 1

    Oh no! Someone please call the police. Dude has been called a son of a ######### on the Internet !

    You're cute, is it your first time playing a multiplayer game?

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Chiliz said:

    Oh no! Someone please call the police. Dude has been called a son of a ######### on the Internet !

    You're cute, is it your first time playing a multiplayer game?

    I once got called a sob 5 times in a cod ww2 match same guy headshot kills by me each time I got called a sob for it
  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    You instigated it. How would you react if the killer told you, "Try to gen rush a bit less. just a tipp. GG tho"

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346
    edited September 2018

    @BigBlackMori said:

    @Grey87 said:
    Some kids in this game see that as an insult to have anyone even mention the word "camp".

    Say you walked up to me, in person, after we just finished a friendly basketball game which i'd just won and told me 'Johnathan, you should maybe not cross over and dunk on me so much. I don't think its fair that you're better than me.'

    Know what i'd do? Laugh at you and tell you to git gud, and then make fun of you for being an entitled little fuckboy.

    And by the way? Calling someone else a 'kid' doesn't make you look like a big boy, it makes you look like..well, a kid.

    Awww, you're cute.
    Maybe you don't know, but here's a secret - kids actually play this game. Maybe I was reffering to them in specific and not trying to insult anyone by calling them a kid? Thought about that , or you just looked for a reason to try to insult me?

    See people? People like him are a 2nd type of people who will try to insult you (but without cursing) in game.
    They may not be kids , but are still childish.

    I never asked him what he's do IRL or in DbD. He can camp all he wants. But he (the mature guy that he is) thinks I try to say that "camping is for noobs" when I never said that.
    It just seems that people who main killer are so weak mentally and got bullied by "mean survivors" so much that they go and attack anyone who says anything negative about someone who camped as killer , or those who even mention the word "camp"
    He also forgot that people accuse some others of "camping" when they didn't even camp.
    I personally don't like being called a "camper" when I didn't camp , not when I did in fact "camp". Of course I wouldn't go insulting anyone for it , but some do , and that's what I referred to. Some people seem to not think and instead assume stuff that's incorrect. Shame.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Vankruze said:

    @iceman2kx said:
    You instigated it. How would you react if the killer told you, "Try to gen rush a bit less. just a tipp. GG tho"

    That's not instigating that's constructive criticism taken personally and then overreacted.

    It sounds like trolling, and given this community, I'm not surprised the Killer took it as such.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Just ignore.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Vankruze said:

    @Orion said:

    @Vankruze said:

    @iceman2kx said:
    You instigated it. How would you react if the killer told you, "Try to gen rush a bit less. just a tipp. GG tho"

    That's not instigating that's constructive criticism taken personally and then overreacted.

    It sounds like trolling, and given this community, I'm not surprised the Killer took it as such.

    It was rather polite for dbd survivors in post game chat if you ask me lol. I am a killer main maybe it's just me though but I wouldn't have taken offense to that at all. But then I've had some pretty horrendous crap vomited on to me post match.

    Even if you meant for it to be genuine advice, if the Killer perceives it to be trolling, that's what their reaction will reflect. You can't know intent from writing.

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    @Vankruze said:

    @iceman2kx said:
    You instigated it. How would you react if the killer told you, "Try to gen rush a bit less. just a tipp. GG tho"

    That's not instigating that's constructive criticism taken personally and then overreacted.

    The problem with your constructive criticism is it's not constructive criticism. You just didn't like the way this certain killer played. Is camping allowed? Yes, it is. He can camp all he wants. I understand as a survivor there are certain tactics killers use that may be frustrating, but you're telling him to do something because you didn't like it, not because it was against the rules. So in the context you used "camp less", it's absolutely instigating and I see why the killer took offense.

    There are people here telling you that you were wrong and you are still defensive about it. If you want to play killer and play "by the rules", you are more than welcome to. If other killers want to camp, then sorry about your bad luck.