Pyramid Head’s trenches aren’t even that good...

Seriously though, when I play survivor, I see all of my teammates avoiding his trenches like crazy, even if it means taking a hit in a chase. Being tormented does... nothing. Who cares if you get sent to a cage? I’ll gladly be sent so a cage, I don’t have to mash spacebar. Oh no! He’s gonna mini-mori me, who cares, I’m dead on hook anyways. It’s almost better to be sent to the cage, atleast you know he didn’t get BBQ or PGTW. The only downside is of course DS and BT, but whatever, you’re across the map anyways. As a survivor player, I genuinely think that being in the torment state should have a passive effect, whether it’s Mangled, Blindness, or something completely new.
The passive effect is that there's ######### on ur screen(also killer instinct when you step on the trenches).
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Because a good pyramid head won't send you to a cage until it's the best play available, as in instead of slugging you during a snowball. Torment makes you a little easier to track in a chase, it makes your screen slightly harder to see, and it makes you vulnerable to an instant hook/death. It's early days and the killer hasn't received the customary live changes, but right now it seems that getting tormented against a bad PH is great (they'll cage you) and against a good PH is bad (they won't give you the chance to remove it until it's too late).
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I think it should slow you when you get tormented that way it could be used for loops making it strong for loops such as jungle gyms.
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Torment literally does bare minimal to the Survivors, and the only benefit it gives Pyramid Head is a choice between hooking by hand or hooking at a distance.
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there is virtually no difference between being morid and death hooked, either way he must stop chase to do one or the other, giving you time to reach another pallet or window
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I think the reason people complain about the trenches is because they won't be able to use their precious DS when tormented.
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There are difference, just situational
For the player, you may get flashlight save if killer has to hook, or you may get a wiggle escape if a hook is far away ( I had many time survivors escape because hook spawn was too stupid)
For team mate, that 10sec bring u to death hook may give them a chance to finish their last gen.
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No difference to the survivor getting killed, perhaps. But PH saves so, so, so much time and negates so many perks and save opportunities just by killing you, or by sending you far away from the other person getting juggled. It is very strong. There are so many scenarios in which you just cannot hook someone because you don't have the time, and PH will never encounter that.
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Instinct is ok, but the UI isnt even that bad (as far as blocking the screen- I wish it looked better graphics wise).